Saturday, March 15, 2025

Free intuitive improvisation in the tonescale of Raga Kirwani on 432Hz guitar – John Kremer

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The Gomez 004 CE Thin Line is a semi-acoustic classical guitar. It has a build-in element which works on batteries, so you can play it electric via your guitar amplifier. In this video the guitar goes thru the Behringer DR400 digital reverb pedal and the Boss SL-2 Slicer. On the DR400 I have selected a plate reverb and the SL-2 creates the rhythmic patterns that you hear during the performance.

This performance is an intuïtive meditative improvisation on the tonescale of Raga Kirwani, which is a evening/night raga, which means it is best be listened to during these times. When I improvise on a tonescale of a certain raga I don’t follow the striked rules of a raga, but I just let the melodies and frases come the way they come to me by heart and from my essence. Therefore forgive me when it’s not exactly Kirwani like it should be played by the rules, because it’s pure intuitive improvisation. Hope you will like it anyway.

The guitar is tuned in an open 432 Hz tuning and the basic tone is D. The basic tone is what they call in Indian classical music the SA tone, which you can compare to the C tone in Western music. The difference is that in Indian classical music the SA isn’t a fixed note. You can choose any note you like for the SA, depending on your range from your instrument or your voice for singers.

By tuning the strings of a guitar into an open D it is more of less possible to play a guitar like a sitar. The 4 thickest strings are only used for the drone tone in D (D-A-D-A) and the 2 thinnest strings are used for the solo parts (A-D). On a sitar is only one string used for the melodies. Because the guitar has not such a long neck comparing to the sitar we have to use 2 strings on the guitar for melodies to get the full range of 2 octaves that is normally used in Indian classical music. It would be also possible to change the thickest strings into thin strings for the drone tone, tuned into D – A. That would even give the guitar more sitarlike sound, because the rhythm strings on a sitar have a high pitch. But I like the sound of the deeper strings for the rhythm. It adds a little bit more body to the sound of the music.

The 432 Hertz tuning was the original standard tuning in the beginning of the past century, before they desited to change the standard tuning to 440 Hertz. 432 Hertz is much more healthier and more meditative, if you ask many people who know something about the healing vibes of music. In Far Eastern countries they also use this kind of tuning.

Hope you like the improvisation that I made for you and you will enjoy this short guitar meditative concert to relax. Namasté 🙂

Performed, composed, recorded and produced on the 1st of February 2025 by John Kremer.
℗ and © 1 February 2025 John Kremer. All rights reserved.

Thumbnail photo: © 1 februari 2025 John Kremer

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#Free #intuitive #improvisation #tonescale #Raga #Kirwani #432Hz #guitar #John #Kremer

Originally posted by UCfrcINbIzLx-WigP_72puNQ at

22 thoughts on “Free intuitive improvisation in the tonescale of Raga Kirwani on 432Hz guitar – John Kremer

  • Amazing instrumental composition and interpretation. Sounds really fantastic. So relaxing and soothing. Perfect for meditation and relaxation. Awesome performance and recording. Great sounds. Stunning sharing like always. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a blessed evening. Like 117 ????

  • Awesome stage video and great performance with deep emotions. I listen sweetly and listen carefully.

  • Beautiful music, wonderful guitar playing!! Excellent performance!! Thanks for sharing. BLESSINGS!!❤❤

    Free intuitive improvisation in the tonescale of Raga Kirwani on 432Hz guitar – John Kremer – thumbs up 🙂

  • Trimakasih sudah berbagi video yang bagus dan musik yang merdu, salam sehat dan sukses selalu❤❤❤

    반갑습니다 ????안녕하세요 ❤방문 감사 드립니다 ❤????멋진 무대 영상 과 감성깊은 휼륭한 연주 감미롭게 들으면서 귀 기울여 봅니다 큰 박수와 즐겁게 경청하고 물러납니다 편안하고 행복한 시간 보내세요 응원합니다 ❤❤❤❤❤

  • Great music I liked it Hello friend Thank you for sharing our content Greetings to you ????❤❤❤❤

  • 친구님 반갑습니다 오랫만에 유튜브에 들어오니 반가운 친구님이 다녀가셨네요 행복한 마음담아 오늘도 너무너무 아름다운 시간으로 함께할수 있음에 감사드리고 응원합니다 감사합니다 ❤❤❤????????????????

  • Trimakasih sudah berbagi video yang bagus dan musik yang merdu, salam sehat dan sukses selalu❤❤❤

    Today too I am having a good time listening to your music ????!!

  • Trimakasih sudah berbagi video yang bagus dan musik yang merdu, salam sehat dan sukses selalu❤❤❤

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