Wednesday, March 12, 2025


  • Wow…. Incredible lesson very manageable tune… great explanation and tab! Thank you so much for these killer lessons of some of the most iconic tunes in music.

  • In the early 70s there was a music store in the Dedham Mall called Wurlitzer's and there was a guy that worked there who was a grwat guitar player. And he sat at the cash register with his 68 cherry red ES 335 all day long. 7:08 And one afternoon of many we spent talking with him he was figuring out this song. Took him a bit and then he taught it to me. Fast forward a few years and i formed a band with some elder guys I met ,during one of our weekend rehearsals who stops by but Pierre , from Wurlitzer's apparently he was in a band with the lead player's elder brother I had never seen him out side of the store. And he became part of our ensemble. I really looked up to him even though I was a bass player but that was better because I got to accompany the best guitarist that i have ever played with. Thanks for keeping one of the prettiest songs alive.

  • I am in awe of anyone that can place this as good as Greg Lake. Just awesome….perfect!

  • This is an awesome post. You are an exceptionally gifted teacher and artist. Many thanks for sharing this lesson with us; and best wishes

  • finally, someone teaches the double bend correctly. Greg actually showed this to me after one of his concerts. Awesome , awesome lesson.
    one little teenie tiny critique, I don't think the very first note (low E string) is a harmonic like it is in "Roundabout". It's just open E, then the rest is harmonics. Sorry to be so picky because this is one of the best lessons out there. thanks so much

  • I wasn't real familiar with this song until I heard the cover by dokken on their live album in 1995 one live night now I really love this song

  • Do you ever get nervous when you make these videos or playing guitar in front of anyone? Thanks, Tim

  • If you compare reggaeton, hip hop, rap and other sounds????, you can realize the music nowadays is an involution. ????

  • Super thanks for this, man! I wish you were my guitar teacher!
    All the best from Manila PH! ????

  • Great job I’ve been trying to learn a song I’m a beginner I’m an old man. I got slow fingers but I’d love to be able to perform this song live one day it’s in my bucket list. Thank you you’re you and then there’s a young lady this teaching this song also on her YouTube and you both have done an outstanding job. I will be following along and practicing and thank you. Happy new year.

  • Great lesson and important takeaway in "don't worry about the little anomalies, just play the song" — which is of course what he did and it mutated over time (thanks for showing the evolution in detail).

  • Brilliant! Spot on rendition and superb teaching style. This is the first lesson of yours that I've stumbled upon. I will definitely be searching out more from you. Thank you Howard!

  • Hi Howard, just saw a beautiful acoustic solo from Greg Lake interview Q104.3, part 2. Maybe something too add? Love the teaching, greetings from Belgium

  • I find this song very difficult currently even taking it apart in sections? Don’t understand why? ????


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