Friday, February 28, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Gadget, Gadget, Gadget! | Joey’s Sad Boy Pedalboard

I pared down my pedalboard for the last round of touring we did. I’m in constant battle with having my pedalboard be easy to use and quick to change sounds. I love using a switcher for that reason but what often comes with the switcher (this is more a me thing than a switcher thing) is that I always get carried away with the programming and before I know it, I’m having the pedalboard make decisions instead of me. This board is yet another attempt to sneak back some spontaneity!

As always, it has not remained the same and I have new dreams/desires for the next pedalboard iteration. BUT, first, I have ventured into the mysterious universe of amp-building — say whaaaa?! Having fun over here in Gadget, Gadget, Gadget land. Also, if you didn’t know, Anna and I have a baby coming in the next few weeks, so while I won’t be preparing a pedalboard for tour anytime soon, I surely will be tinkering with amps in the basement ????.

#Gadget #Gadget #Gadget #Joeys #Sad #Boy #Pedalboard

Originally posted by UCRBDSrP2R2ue9htZCyTAgGQ at

34 thoughts on “Gadget, Gadget, Gadget! | Joey’s Sad Boy Pedalboard

  • Hi Joey, sounds great like always. I’m curious to find out why you switched from the Suhr Discovery to the
    El Capistan?

  • Love the videos and the music!!! Two pedals to check out…. Tulpa fx Tsathoggua…. Super killer tweaked Clark super gainster… the dude that makes them is a peach of a fellow….. all hand built and sound AMAZIMG! and like v1-4 original OCD pedals… I know… I know…. Im predicting they’re making a comeback… I play primarily lapsteel… I have an old rick B8 and a supro jet airliner from the 50’s… it’s hard to find pedals that jive….the OCD jives…. I know… I know… it’s sad… but it’s true…. So ????????‍♂️ ✌????

  • A hammond video in the living room would be cool !! Does Joey play the hammond too ? would love to see a bit of that ;D !! also really great downsizing the pedalboard and stuff sometimes, go take a look at Uncle Larry's intros , just guitar and amp usually, if yall dont watch already ;D Wish yall the best !!

  • Hello Joey. I am a stuff at a guitarshop at japan. I was very impressed with the line out sound of this pedalboard. I would like to use it as a reference, so could you please tell me the signal chain?

  • But where did you get those socks? That has to add at least 3 dB to the gain right? Sending love to help you recover! You always sound amazing!!!

  • So much love to you Joey, Anna, and the whole gang. You’re each a gift to the world ❤

  • Sounds great Joey – great to see you using the Troubadour…the whole setup sounds really nice.

  • I thought this was going to be a Sad Boi pedal board (which is a pop-punk adjacent genre) and got excited. Turns out this is more of a Nashville Blues Lawyer sound (odds are you probably brew or have brewed your own beer at some point). Disappointed in that regards but enjoyed anyways. Great tones.

  • The best part of this is how much like Joey's tone it sounds without an amp. Awesome! Makes me want to test the new Simplifier. Any comment on how you monitor this rig Joe?

  • Joey, your rig sounds GREAT through the Simplifier Mkii!! Curious about how you feel it stacks up against other direct solutions you've used (Two Notes and the like)?

  • Joesph , love the small board. Did you find as the rooms you played in got bigger, your rig did too.

  • Ever try a swart space tone tremolo? That can get pretty nasty tweed sounds. Little guy at 5 watts !! Cool new board, hopefully see ya back in calgary soon
    Cheers ????

  • How the hell did I not know that the Landreth’s have a YouTube channel and how is this the first time that a video from their channel pops up on my feed?!?

  • Love the socks. Love the board. Love me some tweed tones.
    Mostly I'm just happy for you and Anna and Joanie with the new baby on the way. Love ya.

  • Maybe the next Joey pedalboard will be something like an FM9. Simplification without the compromise. I think, maybe?


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