Sunday, March 16, 2025
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Gear Of The Year 2024 – My TOP 5 Favorite Pedals, But It’s Actually a TOP 10

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It’s that of year again! Time to dive into my favorite effects pedals of 2024. And I’ve really tried to be concise this year and have boiled it all down to 5 favorites… sorta… because if there’s something I hate then it’s hurting a pedal’s feelings. So I’m gonna throw 5 quick honorable mentions in there for good measure so I can feel better about it all. So let’s call this the Top 10 Favorite Effects Pedals of 2024 that actually wanted to be a Top 5, or something like that. No matter what, I hope you enjoy it. Catch you all in 2025!

Gear used:
Baum Wingman
Balaguer Ambient Espada
Red Panda Radius –
Death By Audio Octave Clang –
Collision Devices Crushturnal –
Diamond Vibrato –
Beautiful Noise Effects Endless Sleeper II –
Intensive Care Audio Life Support –
EarthQuaker Devices Time Shadows II –
Keeley Electronics Octa Psi –
Source Audio Artifakt –
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star Stereo –
Boss IR-200

Intro 00:00
Red Panda Radius 00:56
Death By Audio Octave Clang 01:45
Collision Devices Crushturnal 02:30
Diamond Vibrato 03:27
Beautiful Noise Effects Endless Sleeper II 04:18
Intensive Care Audio Life Support 05:34
EarthQuaker Devices Time Shadows II 08:08
Keeley Electronics Octa Psi 09:59
Source Audio Artifakt 11:52
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star Stereo 14:09
Outro 18:18

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#Gear #Year #TOP #Favorite #Pedals #TOP

Originally posted by UCrADz_xaUaiNg6lLxdhAYbg at

41 thoughts on “Gear Of The Year 2024 – My TOP 5 Favorite Pedals, But It’s Actually a TOP 10

  • I just orderd a Dark Star! I am guessing its like the Terminator 2 release 🙂 or Aliens of creative reverb 🙂

  • As a bassist who follows your channel, I can say that a lot of the pedals you demo aren't just for guitar. Your video on the Artifakt pushed me to buy one, and I LOVE it. It's even great for things as "basic" as a really nice tape preamp overdrive. There's so much in there to explore (especially with the editor), the new pedal format is awesome, and the filter alone is worth the price of admission. Definitely my favorite pedal for 2024, and I feel I've only just scratched the surface.

  • I'm not sure I can tell you how much the Octa Psi video you made inspired confidence. The pedal is a lot to consider so I hoped people would get it. Thanks to your great sounding demo, I knew people could see what it had to offer. Thanks Stefan and TPZ!

  • No new pedals this year (its been a tough one), but I'd definitely say that the Life Support (sounds exactly like what I've been looking for), Artifact (all of that in one?!), and Dark Star v3 in stereo…top the wishlist for me. (Though I wish the new Dark Star form factor was more compact…).

    Matthews Effects The Technician (dig the layout) and Swamp Witch Pedals' Season of the Witch v2 also look really fun, as well as the Chase Bliss Onward. Discomfort Designs' Phantom Limb (microlooper/delay) also looks amazing.

    In some parallel universe, I've bought all of them.

  • Such an honour to be included in this list! Thank you! And also thank you for creating these incredible demos and always bringing unique and inspiring playing! Happy new year ✌️

  • Im right there with you that distortion and overdives don't excite me as much as other effects. BUT, that is a killer drive pedal. I'm sold. I just wish the shop shipped more to the states. It wasn't as easy finding one over here. Awesome picks!

  • i love the pedal zone man and his pedal reviews so damn much. You are the best demo channel, always bringing beauty to our ears + high quality reviews. None of that spamming the same blues lick 10 bazillion times and showing like 5% of the pedals capabilities. Actually amazing content that needs to be protected at all costs

  • Recently got a Meris Mercury X and I told myself no more reverb pedals. ????The Dark Star Stereo sounds great. Your demos of all the pedals sound fantastic. You’re a great hype man and if I were a pedal maker I’d be honored to have you showcase what the pedal can do. Looking forward to what new pedals you demo in 2025. ????

  • Fissegodt min kneppemann. Thats all the danish i know. As a fellow syntheziser guy that plays guitar. What bands do you like, and what synthesizer texture do you like? Love brian eno, aphex twin, efterklang, Suzanne Chania etc. Love what you do. Knepp igjen på de bøssepedaler mann.

  • Great choices Stefan! When does my package get delivered with all 5 effects? ????Happy New Year! ????????

  • My favorite this year was the Artifakt. What an amazing modulator. With one pedal, they have outclassed both the Red Panda Bitmap and Meris Ottobit. It's a must-have.

  • Always found the Darkstar to be a bit too trebly for my taste, but absolutely love, and miss, my old Procession reverb by OBNE…maybe one day we can get an expanded version of that one as well. ????

  • Your riffs are super inspiring and when I eventually work out what’s causing issues on my pedal board I can’t wait to have a blast

  • I'ven't been able to play a lot this year, and did not have much time to see what have been released in gear, or so little (I knew the crushturnal and the time shadows II). Well, I wanna get every pedal 😀 I have to dig into your tests. Thanks.

  • I had to look up The Pedal Zones year end pedal video as I always look forward to it, and I must have missed it on my notifications. It is always amazing to see what tones Stefan pulls out of these amazing pedals. My two favorites were the OBN Darkstar and the Earthquaker Time Shadows. Cannot wait to see what amazing sounds 2025 will bring us. Thanks for being the most inspiring pedal platform on Youtube. Happy New years!!

  • Just wanted to leave a comment to say that I honestly adore this channel and the various pedal demonstrations that you do. Not only that but the real tangible explanations of what the pedals actually do to the signal as well as playing their sounds.

    I totally understand your point about the whole social media thing at the end, and I did notice that you looked a bit down during the video ☹️ Don't give up dude, your pedal reviews are the best I've seen on the whole of YouTube and I really mean that. Plus your passion for the subject and knowledge really seems to be second to none and really shines through on your videos.

    Please keep doing what your doing, and if you create music of your own (sorry for my ignorance) then please let me know. I'd love to hear it!

  • Thank you Stephan! Yet another great year end round up. Of course now I have to go back and rewatch some of your 2024 videos! Can’t wait for Samhain ????

  • What about the Hologram Chroma Console? Was that a 2024 release?
    I can’t get over how amazing it is!

  • I love this. So excited to watch this. I really like the explanations of why each pedal is so special, then followed by great playing. I’m not into “just playing and no talking.”
    You do such a good job of announcing each pedal and celebrating why they are great. ????


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