Saturday, February 22, 2025

Gibson Fires Randall Smith of Mesa Boogie

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#Gibson #Fires #Randall #Smith #Mesa #Boogie

Originally posted by UC8lNlpYl6_rOMWEMErCsiRg at

49 thoughts on “Gibson Fires Randall Smith of Mesa Boogie

  • Don't sell your Pre Gibson Mesas. Gibson are making my collection more valuable with each mistake. Great for my collection terrible for the legacy of what was a great brand.

  • Gibson has been churning out some really sub-par garbage in recent years, and this was for years prior to buying out Mesa Boogie. They think they can bank on brand legacy mostly and pay zero attention to quality control, and it will bite them square on their collective asses. I can't even begin to imagine how shitty Gibson-owned MB amps are going to sound.

  • I've owned (still own a couple) several Mesa Boogies. The later models have had reliability issues and my MkV was simply awful. Having said that, I haven't used an amp live in quite some time. Don't get me wrong, I love an amp onstage, but those days are almost over.

  • My suspicions it is effective managers who screwing up all the fun of life and the professionals out of business.

  • My understanding of Randall's "vision" is that he stole Soldano's circuits. I could be wrong but that's been talked about quite a bit.

  • Gibson guitars have been overrated and overpriced for too long. You can get a Heritage, a better guitar for a better price, and not support a company that has consistently shown a cynical contempt for its customers for decades. No one needs to give any money to Gibson anymore. If Gibson's bottom line were affected by a lack of sales for long enough, they would likely wake up and have more regard for their customer base. Funny how much power people have over companies/corporations by simply withholding their money from them. I knew beyond all doubt that Gibson would destroy Mesa when I heard Randall Smith had sold Mesa to Gibson. There wasn't any doubt, at all. None. I've bought a lot of high end guitars over the last four decades. I've never bought a Gibson. If I wanted a Les Paul, I would buy Heritage, or one of the absolutely killer Chinese clones.

  • I've owned 3 Mesa amplifiers and they all amazing, but trying to source the new mk 7 is just ridiculous, UK has real problems with availability ???? and the price of the les Paul standard is absolutely ridiculous stupid not even with locking tuners??? People are becoming wise and buying other single cut guitars at way less than half the cost of a LP and fully loaded with better workmanship, greed greed greed ….

  • These companies are all run by a board that wants returns. Not quality or creativity! Buy from the small companies making good stuff by hand

  • I’m gonna keep buying Gibson and Mesa because I love their products . Who cares about the assholes behind the scenes at some of these companies . If the product is quality and I like it , I’ll buy it . There’s way too much bulcrap going on behind the scenes at every company on earth most likely if it was really looked into . We as consumers cannot worry about all that . All it does is keeps us away from the stuff we like .. nothing will change in a boycott unless everybody stops buying and that will never happen . Just my opinion I’ve learned ober my 44 years of life

  • Mesa boogie amps service wise are a pain I. The ass to work on and over engineered. Tone is not that good either. Randall is a old man and wanted to cash out. I personally know this because I know people that work for Boogie so please stop spreading false information. Mesa was dead when Randy sold it. The day that the company was sold or just beforehand there was a memo that went out to all employees to let them know what was going to happen and quite a few of them lost their jobs.

    Anyways have a good day

  • Here's me hoping Randall Smith can continue his legacy the way Steven Fryette is able to continue his after VHT. Could be looked at as an opportunity, especially for BAD…

  • Back in the day I bought Sunn because of it's sound and reputation, then CBS bought it and it is no longer. They purchased SWR and now it is no longer. They can make guitars ( pre CBS are the best) but I don't think they have what it takes for making prestige quality amplifiers. I was looking at making Mesa Boogie as my next amp, oh well, I guess I will look at Gallien Krueger !!!

  • There’s no reason to buy a new Gibson. Heritage and Collings make essentially the same or better guitars at comparable or lower prices.

  • I’ve always wanted an LP Standard. I’ve had three Studios in the past and love them. I have finally been in a position to finally purchase my Standard. But, I bought it used. There are plenty of great deals on used Gibsons. Like many people I feel that Gibson and Marshall have lost their roots. Then Mesa came along and gave us something great. Now Gibson is destroying Mesa. Never again. I love and will keep my Standard. But like many I feel ripped off.

  • Mesa Boogie has never been anything special tone wise in my opinion. I have never heard one that I actually liked.

  • I won't buy a mesa newer than 2005 or a cab newer than 2001 and Gibson has destroyed the name of Gibson, so thats a no-brainer that theyll destroy Mesa

  • Admire your passion-yeah I own a Fender I can afford but Gibsons are always just out of reach. Bob Carver-a wonderful design engineer was fired by the board after he sold Carver Amps-now Carver Corp-I think. I still have some!

  • Given the history of Randall in the business against smaller amp builders I'm not too sad with this one tbh.

  • To the best of my ability, I strive to live out my Christian (Biblical) World View to affect and effect all that I say and do. Whether it be a one-on-one scenario, or a large corporate setting, there are 2 positions that we can take when it comes to money and to people; We can LOVE money and USE people, or we can love PEOPLE and USE money. Sadly, as our world becomes more "SELF-FOCUSED", we will use (and ABUSE!) people to achieve our TEMPORAL goals and in order to satisfy our lust for power, fame, advancements and notoriety.

    From the bedroom to the boardroom, we are seeing this on an increasingly greater basis, and the example you've provided of a company that was once focused on PEOPLE and PRODUCT (i.e. Quality and Innovation) and how its original Mission Statement and purposes have been subordinated to GREED and the "QUICK BUCK", is all too symptomatic of our culture today..

    (Fwiw, I own a '74 Les Paul Custom [purchased in March of '74, and for less than $560 otd at the Guitar Center in Hollywood] but would never again consider purchasing a Gibson, apart from a "Steal of a Deal" on some of their older used guitars…)

  • They got what they wanted and failed to appreciate where their bread came from in the first place. This is the Music industrys low point for appreciation of passionate pioneers. Makes me want to revisit Nikola Teslas story. Thanks for this video…it's an eye opener.

  • I loved the sound of Mesa Boogie amplifiers for a long time, ever since I first heard Linkin Park use a Dual Rectifier on their album Meteora. I finally got a Badlander after many years of pining for a Mesa Boogie amp, and while it sounded great, it crapped out on me after only 2 years. Where I live, there’s only one Mesa Boogie amp tech in the whole state, and he wanted to charge me up the ass to get it fixed. I ended up selling the broken amp to a friend that wanted to deal with that headache. I bought a Randall amp with the money instead. Fuck Gibson’s Mesa Boogie, and fuck Gibson. They’ve tarnished my opinion of Mesa Boogie, and killed my love of the sound of their amps.

  • I’m sorry, but Gibson is just SO over rated it isn’t funny.
    Their guitars are NOT all that good. Objectively, they are moderate at best. People just look for the name without actually comparing them to virtually anything else.

  • Fender sucks. I sent 3 2023 Aerodynes back to Sweetwater. I haven't done business with Sweetwater since they sent me unfinished guitars. Japan made is a myth. I assume Fender Japan is in Japan. I am done with Fender and Sweetwater. Gibson is just a part of music history. I don't consider Gibson as a part of the future. Epiphone is also Gibson. Given there are much better guitars on the market than Gibson, the fact you see so many artists with Gibson and Epiphone is suspicious. I know these artists can get better than Gibson. So this marketing makes their guitars more expensive. They pass their costs to the customer, just like Fender, who spends their money on advertising versus building quality instruments.

  • I have a 89 mark 3 stack . Traveled the US with it back in the day playing gigs bouncing around in the back of a uhaul. Used to fire it up in a freezing practice place in winter when we were struggling musicians while waiting for the room temp to rise in the place. Its even been in an apartment fire but in the bedroom with the door closed so i got lucky and it was saved from the flames but sat in a wet drenched apartment for a day before i could get it out of there . The only thing i ever had to fix on the amp was the master volume pot has failed twice on the amp in its life time . And changed the tubes when it was time. All my marshalls have had way more problems through out the same life span . I love this amp and its tones and will keep it till i die. And with a lot of mesa / boogies the older it gets the more valuable it becomes so its a double win for me . Another note back in the day you could call mesa service and talk to a tech directly if you had a question, get his name and extension and work with that guy for years if you had any questions . I used to wonder why all the big bands that had marshall amps always had back ups. They were always failing . Angus young has a guy that goes on tour with him and all he does is fix his marshall amps as they fail or break down on tour . I would never deal with that year after year i would just buy a boogie !!!!

  • This is the sad state of capitalism today. The engine of innovation is stifled by a system of greed and monstrous power. The checks & balances needed to foster the innovator, which are supposed to be in place by our beloved behemoth government, now work against us.

  • Yeah I moved on from Gibson a couple of years ago and started playing Heritage guitars. My H-150 is better than any Les Paul I have ever owned.

  • GIbson -as a company – is a blood-sucking mess. And Fender, did in the past the same mistakes that Gibson is doing nowadays: remember when Fender buyed SWR amps just to kill the brand? Disgusting…

  • I love Gibson products as well. I now buy China versions and make them play better than actual Gibson guitars. Are the the same? No… but when I am done they look almost as great and for sure play better. There are a LOT of things Gibson fails at and here are a few…. not having Heeless necks, No Poly finishes, LP not having a 24 fret option, vibro guitars with no spring stabilizer, no Tone Vise locking nut, super shit action height, no strap locks and allowing people who are dealers to sell their products which do not know ANYTHING about the product other than it is a guitar they want to get commission on. China at least I know what I get… a guitar made with good wood put together well with cheap labor soft metal parts and will likely need setup and a fret leveling. What they are doing is buying 1 Gibson, take it apart put it into a CAD and pump out the exact parts then pay as little as they can to have them assembled and sell them as cheaply as possible. Someday that door will shut because of laws and big companies but for now I buy as many as I can fix them and add to my collection. Oh, and anyone who disagrees about Poly finishes being better…. come talk to me in 10 years when Nitro shrunk and mine did not and still looks great! No difference in tone to argue that is stupid. The only difference is one shrinks forever and cracks while possibly being a health risk, the other cures solid less risk for health and stays great looking until it gets scratched or chipped. Even then usually it can be repaired unlike Nitro. I have a real LP and lots of fakes. Love them all and which is better…. I can tell you for sure when I am done modding the China ones you will not be able say either. BTW even my Gibson is modded the bridge pickup is hotter and some other things as well. We ALL CHANGED SPEAKERS in the 4x12s and pre-amped our tones into the tube heads. We ALL modded our guitars as well. Those of us who know what we are doing wound up with VERY desirable gear. You can think it sounds great but the true test is bring it to practice and then see if it sucks when your buddies turn on their shit. If you don't have the best tone in the room start taking notes from those that beat yours and asking questions relevant to modifications. I bet they modded their gear as well. If they did not you likely all suck and should meet someone like me. My tone will ROAST anything you throw at it or at least still sound great when played with another great tone. I know I have done this for a looooong time. So Gibson could and should make a more up to date version of LP and other guitars but they do not. They also should not be more $$ than a used 10 year old car. Seriously, 10,000 for a guitar??? No way unless it is maybe a 1 off by a single builder who only makes so many a year and has awesome results an you want one. If I spent $5000 on something I do not need to change shit! Seriously why would I buy that and then start tearing it apart fixing it if it commands that high a price? You should not have to do ANYTHING at a price over $1000 a guitar. Seriously, it s a couple hundred electronics and wood no matter what for the raw materials. You cannot tell me one is $10,000 or more better the way they are put together. That is non–sensical. Like I said though, Gibson does make a fine guitar still but it cracks, breaks and needs modified to get it working correctly. So how much are we paying for it and why? Now throw in it is not Exactly what you want.

  • Funny how Gibson said nothing would change with Mesa, then things changed. All the Mesa Fan Boys who swore nothing was going to change look like fools now. Everything Gibson touches turns to Sh………

  • I'm no longer a fan of Mesa. I discovered that the boutique Marshall amp circuits are the tone I seek. But I still respect Mesa Boogie. Sorry to hear they sold to Gibson. That was a mistake. But I'd imagine their amps aren't selling anything like they used to, given the boutique quality today. I hope Randall goes on to succeed again with someone else.

  • Gibson and Fender have forgotten more about what made them great than they remember. I'm done with both.


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