Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Gibson SJ 200 vs Epiphone EJ 200 – Does $5249 Sound Better Than $459? – Acoustic Guitar Comparison

Your initial answer or thought is probably, “yes, of course it does!” But many will disagree with that sentiment altogether. A higher priced instrument doesn’t necessarily translate to “better sounding”, and sometimes the affect the price has on any object is purely psychological. Both instruments in this case are winners in our book, but Chris does have some salient points when comparing these guitars. Take a look and listen to these fine instruments and let us know what you think in the comments below. Play A Note, Change Your Life!
#gibson #sj200 #epiphone #ej200 #guitarcomparison

Gibson SJ 200 Standard → https://www.alamomusic.com/gibson-acoustic-sj-200-standard-2019-vintage-sunburst/

Epiphone EJ 200 SCE → https://www.alamomusic.com/epiphone-ej-200sce-a-e-solid-top-black/
∘ Guitar Buyers Guide → https://www.alamomusic.com/discover-musicdont-get-a-good-deal-on-the-wrong-guitar-guitar-buyers-guide/

∘ Interested in a different guitar? Talk to an expert here → https://www.alamomusic.com/find-your-guitar/

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#Gibson #Epiphone #Sound #Acoustic #Guitar #Comparison

Originally posted by UCIB3DqQuXKmM7DzEMppafDA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1-jf5oYuJA

33 thoughts on “Gibson SJ 200 vs Epiphone EJ 200 – Does $5249 Sound Better Than $459? – Acoustic Guitar Comparison

  • I went into the acoustic guitat sound room of an authorized retailer with my luthier friend and we compared the sound of various guitars of all price ranges particularly Yamaha and Taylor. Then my luthier friend who is quite experienced picked up the Epiphone EJ200. The other guitars couldn't even come close. The tone, the volume-amazing. I tried it and was blown away and I usually play Martin's. This is a Phenomenal instrument. It was about $750 CDN, 2 years ago and I bought it on the spot. Play it every day.
    I acknowledge that the Gibson sounds more full on your video, but the the EJ200 sings, plus when you plug it in, you can EQ it beautifully. Love the upper reach to high frets. I did have to upgrade the bridge pins, secure the output jack and like Greg Lake with his beloved Gibson SJ 200 I put a strap-lock on the heel with a D'Addario CinchFit on the body where the guitar cable goes in. Buy the guitar, you will not regret it. Nice video BTW!

  • you make up that difference with a good set of strings. I would love to buy American but the American guitar industry needs to look in the mirror.

  • I just acquired an Epiphone EJ-200 and am quite impressed especially at this price point. Mine is a year or so old and the previous owner upgraded the nut, bridge and pins. It sounds quite good acoustically and plays great, where it really shines is plugged in. I’m running it through my LR Baggs Venue DI into a Fishman Loudbox Mini. With minimal effort I was able to get great acoustic tones. Would I love to have a Gibson J-200 yes please but my Epiphone is a fine place holder until I win the lottery.

  • I think the Epiphone sounded pretty damn good! But man , the case being included is just to much to pass on……. Jamey Johnson plays the Epiphone though. What am I to do?

  • I own the EJ 200ce. it is a great guitar. I've played the Gibson J200, it's better. For a $5,000 difference I'll keep my Epiphone and wait until I hit the Lottery

  • Totally true what he said. Ive had both. The epi is thick and heavy and thats` its sound.

  • For that difference in price I expecte the gibson to sound totally different. But I was disappointed. Unless you at least 50% Eric Clapton level, don't even consider buying the Gibson.

  • Epi sounds great for the price. I could never see myself buying a guitar that’s expensive like that.

  • They both sound good. Gibson sounds like $5k and Epiphone sound like $500.

    No comparison needed here. They both sound great for their price!

  • Very average player and pretty obvious limited skills,will always produce a limited result. .

  • i played the epiphone j200 ec today at guitar center. it sounded ok, a little thin. it was really hard to play. action at the 12th fret had to have been 1/2" if not more. beautiful looking at least

  • Gibson definitely sounds a lot better but not at that premium price. In that sense Epiphone is much more better sounding and economical.

  • I've said it before, i have 13 Gibson guitars and i get great pricing. I would but epi all day long if i had to pay retail. They are fantastic and none of my Gibson's are $4000 better than an epi. They are better, don't let people kidd you. Ex: my '60s' standard SG crushes the epi and i got it for approx $300 more than a brand new epi custom sg.
    Epi might be the best value on the market today

  • I have a 30 year old EJ-200… sounds great. I do prefer my Taylor 324CE 2023… but $5K for the Gibson? yeah it sounds a bit clearer… but not $5k worth…

  • wow, this isn't even close even with the YouTube compression figuring in. The Gibson sounds so alive and dimensional comparing to the epiphany.

  • I want to upgrade my acoustic with an epiphone. I just bought a Gibson sg and I don’t want a 5k acoustic. Love the crowns on the fret board

  • To be fair I thought the Epiphone stood up well and sounded awesome. It also resonated as good as most

  • Not really a fair comparison as they are not the same guitar. The Gibson is a whole body and the Epi is a cutaway.

  • If I had 5000 and more to spend on a guitar I'd find a luthier in France or Spain where I Live.
    Tones are not comparable. Now the Epi is enough for me.

  • I won't say that there is no difference but I have the idea that you strum less hard on the Epiphone than on the Gibson .
    Further : I recently bought an Epiphone ej200ce , made in China with Fishmann pickup and electronica. Now , there stood 4 the same guitars ( didn't wanted to know were they made while I knew they build them in several countrys ) .
    So I tried them all and there were big differences between the sound of them . Just like you said , from the other 3 the sound came more from the strings but the Chinese one had a beautiful deep sound with beautiful low tone . Also I was glad with the Fishmann electronics and PU because thats terrific stuff to amplifie an acoustic guitar.
    So I ask myself : those guitars which are build in Korea , Indonesie ( the one you had ) and now China . Is this coincidence that the China made sounded so much better?
    I don't know what they do in China but the sound of that guitar was so much better then the other ones …………
    So , that huge price gap between the Gibson and my Epiphone is for me unacceptable .
    Marketing and name does a lot ………….

  • I own an EJ and I use it all the time to do my campfire strumming or to take out to play elsewhere. If I owned the SJ I wouldn’t take it outside my music room.

  • compare the Epiphone EJ200 to the Gibson J200 is no fair comparison, the EJ200ce is no solid body…the Epiphone J-200 has solid body as the J-200 Gibson, the EJ-200 is around the 1000,00 Euro price point.


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