Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Glarry GP Pro Bass Review [with Improved Neck]

Glarry GP Pro Electric Bass Guitar Without Pickguard: https://bit.ly/3E5axEZ

Bass demo of the new Glarry GP Electric Bass Guitar Without Pickguard. While the name of the bass can be improved, I must say this new GP is quite a step up from the original GP. Enjoy!

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Glarry GP Electric Bass Guitar Without Pickguard
Way Huge Pork & Pickle
Tech 21 Sansamp 3-Channel Programmable Bass Driver DI
MXR M87 Bass Compressor

#GlarryBass #Glarry #PBass

00:00 Intro
00:05 Sound Samples
1:33 Sound Samples 2
2:30 Review
05:24 Final Thoughts

#Glarry #Pro #Bass #Review #Improved #Neck

Originally posted by UC87a3QDWF6Q3uLBZk8VEwog at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEo00pId13Y

18 thoughts on “Glarry GP Pro Bass Review [with Improved Neck]

  • this is now 2 years old; did they update the other bass guitars with these new features/Contruction?

  • Thanks for this. I have two of the GJazz basses w/ rosewood boards, and have wanted something w/ a maple board. Knowing the neck is different and it being a P style, I might give it a try.

  • To those of you beginning to play bass.
    Stay as far away from Glarry basses as you can. Get a Squier Classic vibe.

  • pretty stoked about the transparent blue, gorgeous …getting it, next paycheck. thanks for the review

  • I'm a Player that uses Pedals, so, while I will get New Electronics, (500k Pots..) I've Allready aquired New Pickups, as I was Embarassed playing live at a Jam!! So, as per output, my Zoom b3 or my Boss 50b pedals will more that Compensate

  • I'm becoming a bassist soon and I'm taking into the world of bass guitars, also, we need to get this man more views

  • Thank you so much for your honest opinion, the bass looks and sounds really nice. I also agree about the weak output sound on their pickups too. I own a Glarry 30 inch (short scale) GP bass which looks similar to a Squier Bronco bass & Fender Musicmaster bass, the output sound on the Glarry is very weak which forces me to turn the volume to the maximum and on my bass amp from 2 or 3 0'clock. Again thank you for your presentation, cheers.

  • It has a similar look to the Fender Aerodyne, but of course, that's where it ends. This is not a bad looking bass at all and sounds quite good, especially for the low price point. When Glarry sent you this bass to review, did they set it up for you first? What I like about Glarry and even Harley Benton, is that they can produce a less expensive instrument for beginners and make them with a degree of quality and good appearance.

  • Hi! I hope you read this. I really love your covers and I think your videos are very clear and entertaining. I was hoping that you could tell me which bass songs from mcr, the offspring, Green Day and fall out boy are easy to learn? My mother just gave me a bass and I am still trying to choose my first song. Thank you!

  • I know on their "nicer end" six string guitars they have Wilkinson pick ups on them. So if you don't want to throw a lot of money into one of these you could throw some of those in there. This bass is the perfect price point for mods.


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