Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Got A Ukulele Reviews – Bohemian Electric Soprano

Got A Ukulele reviews and buyers guides looks at the electric soprano oil can ukulele from Bohemian Guitars. Read the full review at Help support Got A Ukulele!
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#Ukulele #Reviews #Bohemian #Electric #Soprano

Originally posted by UCDBZqnt_ynx8y6_kb0fIm-w at

37 thoughts on “Got A Ukulele Reviews – Bohemian Electric Soprano

  • The sound is not good. I was thinking buy one, but I had saw your video and I had decide not buy. Thanks Barry. I am thinking to buy a Ukelele Barítono Electroacústico cheaper but whit good sound. Do you know anything. Muchas gracias desde España (Spain).

  • Position mark at the third fret, and the cool design in general….is the only two positive things I can see in this. But a ukulele where you MUST use an amp sucks…But thanks a lot for the review anyway!

  • Sorry mate, I know this is supposed to be a serious review, but that intonation made me literally piss my sides!

  • That was painful. Thank you for your time and sacrifice ????. I always learn something new by watching your vids.

  • LOL 🙂 Your face was priceless 🙂 only topped by reaching out to Heaven, with the most suffering plea to the Great Creator: "Oh.. Lord" 🙂 I have ever heard in my life ???? . The worst is that it can't even be used to store fuel for emergencies and to bridge shortages, because of all the holes in the can ???? . This video should be viral by now.

  • I was just about to buy this ukulele to add to my collection. thank goodness I saw this because that would of been $300 AUD down the drain! Thanks for saving my wallet

  • Oh dear, only just came across this review, my ears struggled to tolerate the demo, truly a worse sound than a kazoo even! Aaaaargh! Bless you Barrie! ???? x

  • I do have to admit I did get a preowned one.. but I dont regret getting one as it looks very very cool and feels cool.. I think the only mistake made is not making it a tenor size straight away .. soprano is too small..

  • It always strikes me as weird that someone would buy a ramkie or a cigar box guitar. Making your own is half the satisfaction of playing one.

  • Thank you for your review! I saw these on Gear4Music and, having lived in RSA, wanted one for playing with my students. Being a music teacher and long time guitar player, I would have thought your exact thoughts on trying to make it work, so you basically saved me a good chunk of money. I like the design, though.

  • Aw, don't cry. And certainly we should ensure your windows have bars!

    Thanks for the honest review. I don't think I'll have any trouble remembering your opinion of this one! LOL

    Thanks for taking one for the community, as obviously painful as it was!

  • Thanks for your review, I like the concept but what do you mean that the concept is appropriation?

  • This Uke should be reviewed by a Interior Decorator…..This is the kind of thing affluent poverty posers use as wall decorations….

  • Thanks for the review – I really wanted one of these, until I saw this. I have decided I'm going to try and build my own instead.

  • I was really gonna go buy this after the lockdown, This review has changed that, Reccomened any steel string ukes?

  • I dabbled on one of these in a shop today for a bit. It sounded pretty neat but i didn't really test the intonation. I told myself i'd visit again and maybe buy it then but then i read and watched your reviews. I also looked up more videos. In those the ukuleles sound fine i think. Do you think that, based on those videos and playing one in a shop, the product might be worth it?

  • Be careful what you buy! This uke is clearly horrible! It sounds like something that a non experienced luthier would build, but your face was hilarious when you were playing. I cringed as well when it was being played.

  • I think it might actually be more fun watching you review a crap ukulele than a beautiful one.. That's a great review

  • Ok so its a load of crap . But it was entertaining and made me laugh . Well done ,I wont be buying one 😉

  • That's a terrible uke, but the expression on your face makes this a pretty solid comedy. Thank you for white knuckle-grimacing your way through the review. Are those tears in your eyes @9:30 or so? And I love that near @10:00 you're holding it at an angle and the saddle is suddenly straight. Everything else is crooked, but the saddle is straight to the camera. LOL.


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