Tuesday, March 4, 2025

36 thoughts on “Gretsch Bass Review and Demo

  • Is it a true humbucker pick up? I know the newer version with 2 pickups is actually two single coil instead of 2 humbucker

  • Great demo, Dave, thanks! I have one of these and I can't for the life of me find the serial number. It's not on the front or back of the headstock. Can anybody help me? I've even looked under the pickguard and in the electronics cavity.

  • Happy to see your review. A practical look from a guy I consider to be honest and talented. Keep up the reviews. Keep em short too????

  • Hi Dave, The newest one has double pickups. Would you recommend it over the Squire Mustang which I was thinking of buying. The Gretch is even cheaper than the Squire and it appears to be great.

  • Hey Dave, My Brother, Frank In LA, CA. Just Bought One Of These Gretsch Bass Guitars Online & He Loves It Alot!! I'm Thinking Of Getting Me One Too!! – Big Will 🙂

    – Big Will / The New Blues Universe

  • I completely love the one I've got! Been playing it for many many years and its just the greatest bass I've ever played. Nothing matches the feel of goodness that it's got.

  • I've got one of these.  Dave is spot on: as a guitar player, it's easy for me to play and that helps me sound good because I'm a terrible bassist.  Bonus: it fits into a standard guitar gig bag.  The one I have came stock with a TV Jones humbucker.  Great little bass!

  • Great video! An incident at school put me in a tough spot. Long story short the neck on the bass is completely useless and I now need to replace it. What do you or anyone esle reccomend as a good quality low cost replacement neck for my electromatic?

  • Hey Dave. I bought one of these on ebay about a year ago. It came with a new set of D'addario round wounds on. It sounded pretty good like that, but I wanted a more sixties sound, so I put some D'addario flat wounds on it. It sounded horrible. There are all these weird overtones. Any suggestions? Do you think Roto Sound Flat Wounds would be worth a try?

  • hi Dave hope ur do'n well, that's cool look'n powerful single mini humbucking short scale electric bass guitar that can do the job, cheers!

  • Looks perfect for me… but I'm going to buy a epiphone T-bird! 🙂

  • For those of you considering to buy this bass; I went to Sam Ash today to buy another ernie ball music man 5. Not surprisingly, they didn't have any. As I was fiddling with the fender jazz & P basses and the thunderbirds (all over $1,100). My brother pointed to this little Gretsch. Nothing very striking about it visually but I plugged it in and to make a long story short, I now own a Gretsch electromatic bass. The price was right at $120. It was beat to shit and missing knobs but I'm glad I bought it. It really is great for that '60s classic rock tone. This is a good bass.

  • Bass Gretsch Junior G2220 (black) or 2224 (sunbrust) are probabily the best short scale. Price, quality, design, weight, and sound… all in one! 

  • I'm thinking about getting one. Seems to be real cool for that 60's type sound. Will more then likely string it with flatwounds

  • Hey Dave ive been playing the bass for a little over a year. I'm playing a 5 string Ibanez which isn't mine and I'm not a huge fan of the low b. I play at my church and for now all of my sound cones out of the sub. Looking to buy a new bass and thinking this could possibly be the way to go. I'm still relatively a beginner and wondering what you think. On deciding between this and a fender p bass. Thoughts on way to go?

  • i hope u havent trashed that little bass they are always fun to try out different strings and tunings i even use my old 6 string strings to tune it A,D,G,C, also had a go at flat wounds just have fun with it. and as dave says its handy to have about the studio for guitarists to noodle about on

  • i love short scale basses as i suffer from CFS and as much as i love my 34 n 35 inch basses the short scale is so much lighter and easier to play and transport

  • Thanks for the demo and review, Dave. I have one that I got my kid years ago and I'm cleaning studio and considering trashing it or giving it away. You made me realize I've got something worthwhile.

  • i use a p-bass know i find it to be the most well rounded bass for recording, i had this guitar for about 4 months and then sold it, it was a great bass but it didnt really work with the kind of music i record. Peace

  • I heard an interview by Paul McCartney who said that he loved the way his Hofner (short scale) recorded, but that it was not for all tracks, he also used a Ric, but said he hated using the Ric for live performances because it was always "falling apart"….He said he beat the crap out of the Hofner (he had several) and they still played well.

  • My daughter has this bass and it is perfect for her….she plays guitar also….she said she got it for 299 dollars, I think…..new…..well worth the money.

  • This is actually an Electromatic series instrument, not Synchromatic. The latter term refers to a tailpiece of theirs.

  • Hey Dave, I know Godin (which are awesome) is made in Canada. Are there ant other Canadian guitars you would recommend?


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