Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Guitar Gear Reviews Are A SCAM!!!

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I discuss a couple videos that claimed guitar gear reviews are a scam.

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#Guitar #Gear #Reviews #SCAM

Originally posted by UCAL78TyT12_MdsHCXpL0ApQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ClLkYi_w90

38 thoughts on “Guitar Gear Reviews Are A SCAM!!!

  • Most reviews are simply entertainment.

    Most reviewers lack the skill to review a guitar.

    I have watched countless guys review a strat type guitar and not even tell the viewer if the bridge pickup is hooked to the middle tone control or if it isn't. ( Some manufacturers leave the bridge with no tone, some hook it to the middle pickup tone)

    Most dont even hook the cable end to a cheap 7$ multimeter to give us an idea of the pickups k ohm rating which gives us a hint about the pickup output etc.

    Gosh! No one ever sticks a pick between the string and first fret to give us a nut height measurement. Most picks literally have their thickness printed on em so a guy can use them like a feeler guage.

    Most vids are simply fun but not particularly helpful.

    Often, stuff costs what it is worth.

  • Uma outra frase muito usada nos títulos é: "Você está fazendo isto errado…"

  • Review channels walk on a razors edge when it comes to trustworthiness. They don't want to ruin an ongoing relationship with a company that provides them with gear to review, but the moment they appear biased, they are no longer worth watching.

    The only channel I know that circumvents this is 'The Guitaristas', and I'm pretty sure he's slowly bankrupting himself.

  • YouTube musical gear reviews are definitely a biased scam. There are no honest reviews describing pros and cons. Everything is great and perfect, whether it's a $100 guitar or a $3000 guitar. There is no way I would purchase a product based on a YouTube review. ????

  • Most those clown guitar channels are SALEMEN, Duh they are not Musicians I put those Guitar channels on the same level of dudes that promote & advertise carpet cleaners & Vacuums… I am a musician why don't guitar companies send me free guitars?
    I think everyone is a salesmen on you tube.. Guitar shills with no talent for music just my opinion

  • Not all are scams, and I wouldn't really use the word 'scam' in this context; but as another commenter pointed out, not all of the reviewers are being completely honest and unbiased. The other thing to consider is that one person's great experience will not automatically translate to everyone; their experience possibly can and will differ from another's. Reviews are meant to be a sort of jump-off point and a reference for someone who's just starting out as a possible basis for a first guitar.

    Since early 2023, I've been in a non-paid, non-binding mutual agreement with Vangoa Guitars and instruments; I've done several gear reviews for them and posted the videos on my YouTube channel as well as Instagram and Facebook pages.

    I bought one of their acoustic/electric guitars for $129 on Amazon, and apart from a few very minor QC issues which are the kinds of things you would realistically expect to find with virtually any budget instrument, overall the guitar was built and set up well, was very playable and sounded good right out of the box.

    I did an in-depth, unbiased and honest review of it without Vangoa's input, and when they saw it they reached out to me especially when I expressed an interest in their 12 string acoustic /electric. They sent me a new 12 string and asked if I would review that, which I did, and it was under the condition that I was allowed to keep it in exchange for the review. Vangoa were very professional, accommodating as well as responsive; their customer service is top notch. The 12 string they sent me arrived in 3 days and is an amazing playing, sounding and looking instrument; if I had actually purchased it, it would've been $239 and you get all kinds of guitar for that price point; you're really not going to find a decent 12 string acoustic for under $500. I've played it numerous times in my guitar videos on my YouTube channel.

  • Truthfully I'm 50/50 with you on this one, and I totally get your point. I've had my youtube channel since 2012, and had a channel before then for a couple of years as well (both basically shut down now, long story), but that saying, I have been a part of the guitar community since day 1. The part about selling the gear afterwards has been true for many years. There have been videos documented by many "big time" youtubers where they literally say they sold the item, or where they have said "it's on my ebay store" etc. after doing the review. I can also site situations where several of them will, and have said, that they favored the item in their video because either they had to by contract, or didn't want to say anything negative and ruin the relationship with the company etc..Later on down the line, they would say the guitar/item was junk and they sold it. Unfortunately I would say it's 50/50 when it comes to honesty on youtube, and it's unfortunate. I say this because I have bought many of the items I have seen over the years that were reviewed, and maybe only half of them sounded/worked as per the review. I literally had a conversation with another reviewer several months back, where I literally asked him, are you doing any post processing and mixing etc, after recording the item in question. He stated that he wasn't (when he clearly was), and when I mentioned it to him, he claimed that the headphones that I was using with the item is what was causing my poor sound quality that I was getting. NO, it's more like the item is garbage, and you are in a studio with $50k worth of gear, making a $100. item sound amazing when it literally doesn't. I can proudly say that I never got paid for a review, got free gear, and I never lied about anything I spoke about on youtube. I was offered gear several times, and turned it down because it was for items I wasn't interested in reviewing, or because it was for a scripted commercial selling junk. I paid for everything that I unboxed/reviewed or modded and repaired on my channel, and over 3/4 of a million views later, I'm happy to say that I did it the right way. Thank you for the video Jayce, as always I enjoyed it, and keep doing your thing honestly, a lot of us thank you for it.

  • I read the comments, and saw a lot about how reviewers might not be 100% honest with themselves. As far as durability and life of products goes, this is much more apparent in the modeler community. This past couple weeks saw a plethora of software/firmware updates for just about all major modelers. Neural DSP, Line 6, Headrush, Even Ampero II products. The difference I notice, and how I've decided to parse through reviews, is that I don't want to see anymore retailer reviews. Of course they are all going to be positive, they want you to BUY the product. But once that initial launch review is done, they never follow up at all. The product might be completely different from launch. It's only the users of these devices that will create content regarding the changes that were made. BUT, only the creators that KEPT the devices will be able to do it.

  • You're doing a fantastic job! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

  • I believe the scam is sound vs durability. Everyone is going to have a different sound when they get the product so the only constant is durability which is almost never mentioned. Will a pedal knob break if I step on it instead of the switch? Does the guitar stay in tune or all the video cuts because one has to keep tuning the guitar? Will that amp survive to and from the gig or does it have to be treated like fine china?

  • Maybe companies don't tell reviewers what to say but, if you give a negative review, is that company going to employ you to review their gear again? Most likely not. So there are incentives to give more positive reviews than perhaps the product merits. It's quite obvious in many videos that I've watched where the reviewer isn't particularly comfortable in praising a particular product, you can see it in their face and body language (some are more accomplished at hiding this than others) but won't go so far as to be negative towards it, because this will impact their future relationship and earning potential from the company.

  • You Tube and the content providers are funded by advertisement so it's no better then television and it gets worse every day. When money is involved and content providers make there living on sponsors paying them, well there gonna lie or starve. The only thing it's good for now is to let me see what's out there.

  • It's pretty obvious who the schills are. They love every import value guitar and say they are all amazing. Any criticisms are far and few between.

  • Yeah, I’ve never thought any reviewers are running scams. However, there have been times when it is obvious that the reviewer (and this isn’t unique to guitar channels) is not necessarily putting lipstick on a pig, but you can tell they may not be giving an honest and unbiased opinion of sponsored gear

  • i hear ya bro!
    all the guitar gear i review was bought by me….
    i think some(not all) reviewers praise items for the companies as not to upset them so they continue to recieve free gear….
    those(mostly) that buy theyre own gear tell it like it is whether its great or its trash…

  • Is "THE SCAM" actually all these extra 'content' videos now created by said "Youtubers" entering 'Damage Control' to try and convince 'The Viewers' that they are not just "Used Car Salesmen" telling lies to earn a buck doing paid reviews. Definitely (John Cordy) not The only one who has made these 'claims' and videos. Easy to see ALL the more 'popular' Youtubers in recent months have made one or more videos (earning money) stating the exact same thing basically. That 'Youtubers' are businesses , although 'they' charge to review that 'their' "opinions are 'their own' …. All the Best. Cheers

  • I watch your channel and most others for entertainment and information. If I buy something that you or others review and am happy or unhappy with it is beside the point. I might have got a good one or a bad one. The only thing that will make me unsubscribed is a rant about anYouTubers particular political views when I tuned in for guitar and gear information. I like the business aspect of you and others trying to succeed in your business. Thanks.

  • I’ve only ever been sent one thing and a review was not expected. It was because I made a comment on another video that the owner of the company liked. He said he would like to send me one for free. I used the heck out of the thing. I did make videos about it and the owner thanked me. It was the Katana fret leveling system. I did mention it was given to me. That was a long time ago. lol

  • I believe that TEMU gives Scripts they want roughly followed….. There was a YouTube video that explains why he would not do the Review of the West Creek Guitar ????. It was TEMU – NOT THE WEST CREEK GUITAR COMPANY
    SO he waited a year & TRASHED TEMU But said how much he liked the West Creek Telecaster guitar.. I believe most reviewers are honest.. However most new Guitar Players Believe it's the Gear ???? No #1. important thing in sounding good ? THE PLAYER! #2. THE PLAYER # 3 . THE PLAYER .. #4 IS THE SPEAKERS OR Speakers or the Speaker Sims. Next the Amp (ie) Signal Chain Pedals etc … Then the Strings YEP STRINGS. You mentioned Glenn he did a great video on Tone He had a great player playing several guitars ranging from $200 The To $20,000 for. The guitars Blind Test same player same signal chain.. THE $200 BEAT ALL THE EXPENSIVE GUITARS YEP.. Eddie Van Halen used a Body for his guitar that was REJECTED & PUT ON TRASH ????️ PILE SAME WITH THE NECK. Seymour Duncan Made him a pick-up that was. Wound just a little hotter than a GIBSON P-90 Similar to what he did when he was at Gibsons Custom Shop he wound a hotter set of P-90 pick-ups for JEFF BECK'S Telecaster..He loved that guitar… Cheers ????????????????????????????

  • I could've been ordering crappy gear, instead I got scammed into watching this video ???? joking amigo. I only trust gear reviewers that have a beard ???? joking again. One thing I really don't like is click bait thumbnails. Anyhoo have a good wkend ✌️

  • Thanks for the video! There are not many reviewers (that I watch) that I'm skeptical about. Usually, any differences between a review and my experience with a product is a result of player ability. ???? Thanks for your information and transparency on this topic! Cheers! ????????

  • I traded a guitar in for Store credit and when the man played it to check it out. I told him if I could make it sound that good l would keep it. I can only go by how I make it sound when it's in my hands. I like your videos keep going

  • I don't think paid promotions are necessarily a scam as long as you know what they are. That being said there are those whose specifically state their opinions are their own

  • So you use a click bait title that it is a scam ???? Well, that's kinda brilliant way to get people to click on it and I fell for it ???? But that's a whole other issue is the misleading titles of videos on YouTube. I do enjoy your channel and I'll continue watching. Love your guitar reviews!!

  • I didn't think they are a scam. But I do believe that some are definitely not being completely truthful. In all the review videos I make, I always purchase the item myself. If a company wants me to review their product, I always tell them that I have to be free to say what I want. Also, I've never gotten paid for any of the reviews I've done. Awesome video, sorry for the long comment.


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