Guitar Help, Tips And Myth Busting By Scott Grove
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Originally posted by UCFuEvs_baSE2v4QWtQL2dsw at
Haven't seen your channel in years someone told me you passed away I hope that's not true I remember hearing something about you were very sick. I haven't seen a new video a long long time please let me know if you're still around
Second or 3rd time listening to this one, You are amazing Scot. I hope you are doing well, Rock on bro
34:57 ????????????
I’m guitarded, sausage nipples.
I like your comments about wood on a electric guitar. Your 100 percent correct. The wood don't make any difference on a electric guitar. I been in arguments on this topic
Nice job cheese nipples
Legendary video from a real legend. Learned so much from the hour long lecture. Lot of controversial takes all around but one can test all the arguments for themselves.
What a killer video Scott, I love going back and watching some of your old videos I’ve missed, Your knowledge is overwhelming ,I’ve learned so much from your channel and thank you Scott for all your great videos! There’s only 1 Dr Groovy!!!!
I just got a 2022 telecaster American made professional American series ,brass saddles, did I make a good choice
How would you rate 90watt Beringer keyboard amps??? For versatility and playing pros and cons.
Scott is 100% right on on the Lacquer (Nitro) issue! has happen to me on ones both factory, and that I have refinished.. some plastics / Rubber hangers etc EAT INTO the Nitro!! And pretty much everything else in this Video as well.
25:25 I lolled so hard.
Thank you for your invaluable video's. I note your comment about not playing an acoustic guitar through an electric amp. I have just traded my acoustic guitar for a telecaster but only have a Fishman Artist to play through until I can afford an electric amp. Is it ok to play my Tele through the acoustic amp.
Thanks for the tips I learnt something cool today so did my drummer
All truth, nothing but the truth
What are your thoughts on ROLLS MX42?
I was watching this and I always enjoy your videos, but, when I picked up my uke, I couldn't play it. I was wanting to finger pick a couple songs, but it's impossible. I believe I have nerve damage in my fingers and hands. Both of them, from playing games and typing on my phone. This is very upsetting and I wondered if you've heard this from others.
I have been playing my keyboard and it's not an issue with that. I wonder if using a stylus will make a difference?!
Dang. I'm really upset about this.
You're one of a kind, Scott. Gifted, for sure, and sometimes serious turns to silliness. I love that!!
1 good thing about nitro…the smell ????????
thank for your video! iam learning so much and avoid costly mistake…
btw a trick i found out that work for me to be able to use my referece monitor to watch my tv ect
(i can play games or watch netflix from my tv without having to get a very costly or very crappy 5.1 separate system)
is the i use a ground loop isolator made for 1/8 headphone jack than go to a
1/8 Inch(3.5mm) TRS Stereo to Dual 1/4 inch(6.35mm) TS Mono Y-Splitter
which is plug into my small 5-Input 2-Bus Mixer (Behringer) line 2/3 or 4/5 and my reference monitor to my main out (left and right as they are place)
than i can adjust the output of the tv to just as i normally use (middle level) and either up or lower the volume on the mixer
it sound very good… no buzz or distortion… the signal is very clean and i dont need a separate setup
(because i use my computer on my TV (4k hdr) either when i use a DAW and plugins ect or just use my computor (then my reference monitor are connect to my focusrite audio (with Phe400 hum/noise eliminator in between)
but when i use the builtin app of the TV for netflix or a console like a Playstation 4 with HDMI audio i plug the reference monitor the way i said above (or can use the headphone output if i need my montor off for the place to need to be quiet)
i cant stand the speaker quality of the tv… as TV go thinner sound quality goes down too… even on the super high end TV since at those price point your almost expect to be able to buy a complete surround setup (that can cost as much if not more than the TV itself…)
This is classic Dr Groovy. I love these videos! (Still viewing in 2020)
Awesome video and thanks for sharing your tips ???? ???? ????????
I REALLY miss these kinds of videos from you. Even though it brought out some of THE DUMBEST people I have ever seen in my life, it was FUN TIMES!
@groovymusiclessons I am trying to decide which Acoustic guitar amplifier to buy, any suggestions?
What a Great Video, THX
Hey Dr. Groovy. Man you are like a mentor for me you got me thinking about stuff i never even thought about. Thanks so much for all your genius knowledge man. You taught me so much. I realize ive been a dumb ass and doing allot of things wrong. As always i never got bad advice. Thank you my friend and hope things are going well for ya.
Wow!! Im so impressed… i learned alot… i want to thank you for your time.. its worth its weight in gold! Im going to watch every vid you make… im learning from a master!! I watched alot of other vids from others and your right … guitartards!!
Nitro lacquer is not the only non drying paint, Acrylic Lacquer does EXACTLY the same thing…. if you lay a guitar painted with either type on a wrong surface I.E. Textured, for very long the paint WILL IMPRINT WITH THE PATTERN !!!!
I know first hand, It has happened to me.
You're a wealth of information with a really sharp sense of humor topped off with an abundance of attitude!!! I sincerely thank You for sharing Your knowldedge, experience, and instruction
Who's watching in 2019? Scott Grove mythbusting videos: stone cold classics then AND now.
Hi Scott, I wanted to ask you a question regarding what I think might be my problem with my amps is possibly dirty power. Let me explain. For several years my amps all sounded just fine plugging them in the wall AC socket, then at some point, I started getting what I would describe as a high end treble fizzy sound coming out of all of my amps. First I thought it was tubes or perhaps electrolytic capacitors maybe. Nothing seemed to work in regards to this awful sound out of each amp. So I bought a Furman power conditioner and a Voodoo lab power brick, neither of these things eliminated the problem. So I disconnected just about everything in my house to see if the fridge or computer and such could be causing this harmonic distortion in the amps. Nothing to date has worked. But like I said, a few years ago, I never had this problem. I've tried the amps in every room in my house and still get these bad sounds. Do you have any advice on this. Probably most people do not get any problems like this. I've racked my brain trying to think of a solution for this problem. Appreciate your advice.
I wonder if you would check out my little video channel. It's just about me and my dog and my journey into guitar from a 30 year drummer. I'd picked up guitar off and on along the road and was actually my first instrument. Haha. But I never really knew more than chords or such. Well metal jazz prog drumming all those years and writing with keyboards I had just seen my son and then my daughter grad and move out. I was missing the guitar from my son's room. I bought a strat and a year in or so is my channel. I've met really nice people. I'm atmospheric Blues I think whatever I am I'm loving the journey. Thanks man. Would mean alot. My latest was an idea for a song instrumental of course. Looping and solo over a progression and making ship wood boards bending sounds along with some mellow atmospheric playing.
Great tips ????
Scott also should teach a course to snowflakes on how to grow up. I'd pay to see that.
On Keyboard, I use a Mono-Stereo Adapter, I Enjoyed this Video!
Ha! I don’t play much acoustic but fuck I hated the sound when I splayed through an amp. I didn’t know I was doing it wrong. Yep sounded like shit so always went with mic.
Sound guys used to intimidate the shit out of me. Eventually I saw they were just in the same pit as I was in filled with nut balls, assholes , good people, , etc, and a little respect , and just old fashioned talking goes a long way.
Jack Black
Scott, appreciate you sharing all your musical wisdom, God BLESS you sir
I love you to pieces , great guitar guy , but I cannot get jack black out of my head when I see your videos
So great having you back Scott,,, you dont need to explain or prove yourself here anymore,,, us true fans are still here ! Because we love you Bro!!!! TY Brother !!!! ????
Shit hot, solid advice from Scott. I live the guy; 100% valuable info, zero% BS.
marshall amps sound like farts to me