Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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Guitar Lesson 8 – G Major Scale & NEW Song! [10 DAY Guitar Course]


✅ Andy’s Online Beginners Course ▶

How to tune your guitar ►

Hi guys, welcome to Day 8 of this 10 day acoustic guitar series where we’ll be checking out the G major scale and a riff to a classic song that uses this scale!

The song we’ll be learning is ‘The Joker’ by the Steve Miller Band – a fantastic song to get your mates singing along to! We’ll be learning the riff and the song in full, plus easier ‘strum and sing’ options.

Day 8 notes & free TAB: ►►


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#Guitar #Lesson #Major #Scale #Song #DAY #Guitar

Originally posted by UC9cvVvlvr-qBssphm1EdYGQ at

50 thoughts on “Guitar Lesson 8 – G Major Scale & NEW Song! [10 DAY Guitar Course]

  • Finding this lesson too difficult?

    Check out my NEW beginner acoustic 10 day program for Winter 2022/23 here

    I've learned a lot since making this original 10 day series and have put everything I've learned into making this new series even better, especially for those who struggle with this one and want more support and help jamming along up to speed.

    I truly hope it helps the absolute beginners out there achieve their goals, or helps rekindle a love for guitar for anyone revisiting learning in 2023!

  • It would be really helpful if you slowed way down, and took more time putting the song together instead of all at once. Thanks!

  • I (pick)ed up on some of your alternative picking videos, and started using them for this tutorial. It is still frustrating as hell but going better than I thought it would if that makes any sense. I'm getting pretty close to getting the riff with alternate picking. Thanks a lot, Andy!

  • You're an amazing teacher!! Thank you for these videos so glad I found these to start my guitar journey. I really feel like I have a good grasp on the basics and different playing styles from watching your videos I've improved a lot over this course excited to keep learning!????

  • Great stuff here. Thnx! much. I've been just practicing this for 15 – 30 minutes a day and its been super beneficial to my strengths as a guitarist, just to go back and follow directions.

  • 10:15 caused me to struggle for 2 days because i didn't understand how you said "G" while actually playing Cadd9 and you confused again when you played the chorus but put the wrong chord order.
    For everyone the chord order is G major-Cadd9-Dsus4-Cadd9 then repeat.

  • Hi! Thanks for the lessons, I have a question about the finger notation, because in the chords notation, index finger is number 1, middle finger is number 2, the ring finger is number 3, and pinky is number 4 right? but on the tab notation you start note G, using middle finger wrote as number 3, then note B, should be finger index as number 1, but on the tab is wrote as number 2, and so on, so I'm confused, please can you let me know if i´m getting it right?

  • Thanks alot for this Andy, I've really been taking it slow and although I do have a long way to go I'm learning scales now and I'm really enjoying getting better.
    So genuinely thankyou for these lessons, they've really helped me find myself in a way.

  • Is this correct that 7th sound in this scale is fourth thread, not third? Because now it is G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, G

  • Ok, I am a 31 years old, man. I never touch any guitar. I started this course two weeks ago after I bought a very cheap acoustic guitar. I practiced one hour everyday. It took me totally 15 hours of guitar practicing to come this far. Now, this video is actually feels easy and I did all the motions in just one try. This could be the first video that feels easy to me. Thanks Andy, I really love to practice using your videos.

  • if ur stuck all it translates to is GABCDEFG, look up a guitar noteboard and over time you’ll be able to see all the scales.

  • Hi I have really been enjoying your course. It has been really helpful. I did have trouble today figuring out the notes just trying to see where your fingers were. I think it would be useful if you stick the notes up for us to see just like you did at the beginning with the G scale

  • Thank you SO much for all your courses! They for sure made me fall in love with learning to play the guitar. Love how you put some little advices or little facts now and there between two chords. They help a lot to learn more this beautiful world surrounding the guitar and music in general. Thank you so much for your passion and cheerful attitude.
    And gotta add, your shirt suits you so well!
    Have a great day, bye!

  • Really like the lesson but if you can have a photo of the string help i got the first rift but the second i got lost

  • why not just keep the tab on the screen so we aren't trying to guess and memorize as we try to follow along?

  • Hi Andy. Just want to say thanks for taking your time up putting these vids together. I’m a 59 year old retiree and way back when I was 17 I was grade 7 at piano when I also started playing a little guitar. I decided to pick it back up and your courses have some amazing tips and hints……the C, G, D versions in this lesson (and previous one) are a far easier (for my fat fingers!!) and better sounding way than the basic chords that I learned 40 years ago. Having an understanding of music does help but since I started your tutorials last week, I already feel like I’m progressing. Cheers again. Keep up the good work ????


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