Guitar Lesson: How To Setup Your Delay Pedal – Van Halen
This guitar lesson will get you setup with your delay pedal to get a nice Van Halen type of delay.
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#Guitar #Lesson #Setup #Delay #Pedal #Van #Halen
Originally posted by UCekt9QDkuWLG6hPnV_iWXtQ at
But is that the same delay setting he uses on the whole record?
Still sounds very tinny. Definitely not the EVH brown sound.
I tried 308 ms, and that is very good and with phase- this sounds close enough for EVH rock and roll. thank you!
For simplicity: set feedback to one bounce. Set level to 20%. Time is set around 300ms. (I'm using a Boss dd6 and it sounds ok. Add reverb and flanger.
Great delay setting… but it's driving me nuts how he's playing an A MAJOR chord instead of an A MINOR chord after the arpeggios…. 🙂
Hey man do you still have this Kramer Pacer?
Nice Pacer! I had one in the same color but with a Rosewood fingerboard. Still have my black Pacer Imperial with maple board I bought new in 1984. Awesome guitars!
lol, you get to the repeats' , then don't say how many you use, and
the 'mix' , you don't tell us the % , could be cause your unit doesn't tell
you is why, but the values 'matter' imv….
Try useing the 1970's MXR Anolog Delay Pedal, and show me the settings as i am useing all MXR Pedals from the 70's and early 80's to get the Van Halen sound..
The way you hold the pick though… LOL
The chord is Am.
Great lesson, buy audio can be improved mate.
I wasnt expecting how insanely awesome that delay was gonna sound. Im generally not a huge Van Halen kinda guy, but you ripped out on that riff! Sounded freaking fantastic!
Sure Diego. Jimmy Page had a few different delay sounds. Any song in particular you are looking to recreate?Â
still needs a phasor