Friday, February 21, 2025

40 thoughts on “Guitar Lessons – Soloing – Scales Modes – Jerry Garcia Style Guitar Lesson Fender Strat

  • man this is an old video but i just wanted you to know man you’ve taught me guitar for basically 7 years, keep it up man. your my hero

  • That's a GREAT sounding strat. What are the specs? Specifically pickups and body wood? Very curious, thanks!

  • I forgot the name of the tune – not sure if iz EYES OF THE WORLD. Anyway, iz the BEST and from ROOSEVELT STADIUM-1972. Wow that sucks. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna say the tune iz , EYES OF THE WORLD, and, as voted, iz THE BEST EYES OF THE WORLD, 98% hands down. This has been posted a long time, now – so a lot of folk hve been turned on to this.

  • For people just learning – you MUST learn the major scale in the key positions (CAGED system is a great way to visualize the fretboard). Then you'll have the base to learn anything. Learn some theory, as applied to guitar. I recommend Desi Serna's books. Practice a lot to get your fingers moving fluidly. It doesn't happen overnight.

  • Dude – that strat sounds gorgeous – what is it? Vintage, CS, Mexi (please don't tell me it's a Mexi, lol). Also, love your playing. I'm sure you would sound good on a broomstick strung with a rubber band.

  • beginners who would like to get familiar with GD style jamming should make best friends with most minor pentatonics, some dorian scales, mixo scales, and be ready to learn barre chords and minor chords! Practice those switches and good luck! Thanks Marty! I still need to work on incorporating some improv licks here and there for some spice 🙂

  • 8:46 come on man that hurt i'm just trying to learn, jk great lesson i really took in alot. thank you for being the root of much of my progress Marty !!

  • am i crazy for thinking it'd be easier, for a right handed guitar player, to play along with these videos if they were flipped(mirrored) in editing so that the right handed guitar player could see it as though they were looking in a mirror?

  • also thanks for all the help and free videos marty, but i still have one more question and im very confused about it. if you do use parallel keys than how come if you are in the key of e major you used b dorian? i thought that if we went to e majors parallel key (eminor) than the b note in e minor would be phrygian, since the b is the 5th note in the e minor scale, making it phrygian. please someone help it would mean alot + others might be having the same confusion so help them to.

  • this has nothing to do with borrowing chords from a parallel key does it? i thought to borrow chords from keys the keys had to be parallel, like cminor borrowing from cmajor. can you just borrow chords from anywhere, starting in a dorian then borrowing from c sharp major?

  • Damn man trying ro make the switch from rythem to lead. Figured out the e m pent scale this is alittle over my head where is a good base to start so I can make my assault on lead guitar


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