Thursday, March 13, 2025

38 thoughts on “Guitar Modes Connection – Bob Molton

  • did you teach at elmores or florez in Peoria in the 90s man you havnt aged bro you taught my bro Corey Cullen and man he jamed..any advice for getting the tone you have

  • Yes these video's are awesome.These lessons are bringing my confidence level to top.I'm going to get this,your teaching technigues are the best.You explain every detail to the max.Thanks!

  • great guitarist, and this is the best way I found to practice scales…..

    (but try to play with a band with that sound and you'd disappear faster than a fighter jet!!! turn up those mids!!!) loool

  • @illucid1982 Some people think relaxed playing means flimsy picking.Its as far from the truth as possible.They also think they already playing relaxed cause they are used to the tension so much that it feels…natural to them.The truth is that only the weight of your fingers is sufficient to produce good tone…no trying to..death grip the fretboard.Relaxed picking mainly from the wrist without achoring your pinky is generally a winning formula for anyone who wants to play fast and relaxed.

  • great it kinda lol i wsh i could do this in any key on the spot though.. guess ill keep practicing ..but really thanks..plan on watching more once i get this..i wanna shred daddy!!! lol

  • I figured this out myself but you affirmed that I wasnt full of crap. thanx. Keep posting

  • @nmon1 did u get an answer on that cuz music snobs alway try to make me feel like shyt for not knowing what mode to tell my players to play in but when he/she figures it out they play allover the guitar or whatever intrument anyhow and still called it respective soloing in whateevr particular mode, yet its being played over the whole guitar i dont get it

  • I'm still working on it myself but I'm pretty sure that yes he is. All modes are is using the same notes but starting from a different position. For example if you're in the key of C and you want to play G mixolydian (because G is the 5th, and the 5th mode). you would play the G major scale starting from the G but flatting the 7th of that scale, thus keeping all of the notes of the C major scale. My friend told me that it is basically just a way to familiarize yourself with the fretboard.

  • WOW! Thanks man! o/

    Seriously, you helped me a lot!

    I learned the modes a while ago, but all of them as single patterns.
    And with this video, things just …… *ding* It all made sense to me.

    I leveled up, on guitar skill lol

    Thank you, thank you =)

  • these lessons with Robert help unlock the whole neck.!!!!!!

    brilliant:} has really helped my playing

  • hey bob……..thnx for that…….i knew those patterns and used them but never seen it put like that before…… opens my ideas to some cool new scalar runs and good practise ideas. Keep rockin!

  • that's damn rockin' at the beginning there! So is the backdrop, I mean his physical encyclopedia of rack gear.

  • does any1 hav the tabs for this whole series? cuz its a little annoying to remember straight away

  • Bob, I just found this and wanted to tell ya MODES are what I need…Been playing for years and I'm pretty fast but never had any training…Thanks for this…been looking for a soothing way to transition fast licks and I can mix this up with accents and picking have GREAT runs…thanks Bob …YOU RAWK !


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