Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Guitar Practice Tips – Are you Wasting Your Guitar Practice Time?

Guitar Practice – How To Practice Guitar
Guitar practice: do you do it the right way or are you wasting your guitar practice time? Maybe your guitar practice could be fine tuned to really get you where you want to be as a guitarist?
This video will give you 3 powerful tips to help you get the most out of your practice time.


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Plus…the CAGED SYSTEM FOR GUITAR – step-by-step method for mastering the fretboard -with scales, sample licks, backing tracks, practice routines and more. Learn more here:




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Guitar Practice Tips – How To Practice Guitar

How should you practice guitar? Here’s a breakdown of what I share in this video:

0:20 How should you practice guitar? I’m asked this a lot, so in this short video I’ll give you 3 powerful practice tips to help you focus and fine tune your practice routine. I’ll also share a powerful bonus practice tip which holds up a lot of guitar players.

0:37 Like any serious guitar player I’ve done hours and hours of practice. But I’ve also wasted a lot of my practice time practicing badly or practicing the wrong things. It’s not just about how much you practice your guitar: it’s also about how smart you practice!

1:20 Guitar Practice Tip 1- What’s Your Goal?
Imagine you’re the guitar player of your dreams. What are the core elements of your guitar style? What would you play, how would you play, what would you sound like? Getting a clear answer to this question is important because it give you vital clues about what to work on in your practice time and routine.

1:57 Guitar Practice Tip 2 – Prioritize
Now you have a clearer idea of what to practice, make these things the prioity in your guitar practice routine. It’s ok to introduce other things into your routine to keep things interesting but don’t get too dragged off course by them! It’s easy to get distracted and hop from one thing to the next, making your guitar practice time less focused and less productive.

2:53 Guitar Practice Tip 3 – Practice Using What You Practice

Don’t just practice doing, practice using! I’ve found this is essential if you are going to remember and be able to use the new things you practice in your playing style effectively. Use backing tracks, drum loops, band practice, open mic nights – anything you can think of to practice using what you are learning in a musical situation.

3:47 Guitar practice tip summary.

4:02 Bonus Practice Tip – Avoid Overload!
Everywhere you look there are gitar players telling you to ‘learn this’, ‘learn that’, ‘learn the other.’ The result? Information overload and lack of focus! Just because someone tells you that you need to be able to do something, it might not fit with your goals and could just be a distraction from what you really need to work on.

Also avoid trying to practice too much in your guitar practice routine. This is an easy mistake to make. Remember to prioritize the most important things which will get YOU where YOU want to be as a guitarist.

I hope these Guitar Practice Tips help you to practice smarter.
Remember to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more lessons, tips, licks, solos and more!

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#Guitar #Practice #Tips #Wasting #Guitar #Practice #Time

Originally posted by UCgEEEz7ZNL8572YERffNfuw at

23 thoughts on “Guitar Practice Tips – Are you Wasting Your Guitar Practice Time?

  • I hope someone can help me out.

    I've just begun to learn how to play the guitar using James' book. In Chapter 3, major scales, he suggests the sequence "TONE – TONE- SEMITONE – TONE – TONE – TONE – SEMITONE" but it doesn't seem to work with all of the notes, what am I doing wrong? Thx.

  • i thinthis was preety useless, everybody can figure out this. i thought you ra going to talk about some technique-centric tips.

  • …Good info….under- rated info….The thing that bogs me down the most is the opening sequence of songs…It may have taken the artist years to come up with it, and it's far more complex than the song itself…Of course you can skip it….but in your heart you know it is part of the song and should be played too…..For example….Listen to the opening of "I'm No Stranger to the Rain" by Keith Whitley…'s hard to get that down pat……but if you can it would bring the house down…

  • thanks for that! really usefull. Now I can get through my practice section without getting bored or even without that feel of waste of time. Cheers!

  • I'm a Beginner got amp and electric guitar want to start out only on SLOW BLUES,don't know what to learn first notes chords,Scales etc. Help

  • Great video. I wish someone told me this twenty years ago when I started. I figured this stuff out after a lot of trial and error. Thanks for the video lots of good information!

  • Thanx James, simple tips that do help when practising,                      Cheers Bill

  • After watching this I thought I should have thought of this myself.  So true about drifting I tend to concentrate on which ever CD is in my car at the time. I really wanted to learn Aerosmith this week as I was listening to their Live CD! Last week it was all about Maiden.In my job I should know about clear goals.Do you have right hand technique ideas. My right hand can drift away from the strings when things get tough. This leads to 'plinking and plinking on the wrong strings

  • My bset tips, not that I know anything, are: make a list of things you want to work on, it is too easy to forget something you want to do.  Don't just learn with your head, learn with your hands. Don't do anything for more than 5 or 10 minutes, after that yo may be doing a scale or a riff, but not paying attention.  Go slowly at first.  if you make a mistake the most likely next thing is to make again, you can learn mistakes, so go slow enough to hardly make any.  Write down how long you practice.  If you feel like you are not getting anywhere, how much time have you put in?  95% of the things you do one time you will forget (often a good thing!), so don't expect to be be great after doing it correctly one time. If you practice you will get better.  There is a lot to learn, but you can start having fun with what you are learning, you don't need to know it all to have fun.  If it sound good, it is good. When you get done, write down what you want to work on next.  That will help you get started.  Don't worry if you change your mind, at least you had a plan, and that helps.  Have fun learning because you will always be doing it, nobody knows it all, or even very much of it.


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