Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Guitar shielding hack: How to KILL THE HUM for FREE!!!

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*Prices mentioned in this video are subject to change without notice. Please check the links below for current pricing.

Here is the stuff I used in this video:

P90 Jazzmaster Kit (use coupon code GUNSNGTRS to save $10):

spray adhesive:

here is a smaller can (cheaper):

Full disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate, and the links in this description are affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase, it doesn’t cost you any more money, but I will earn a commission.

Heavy duty aluminum foil: I was going to put an amazon link here, but honestly it’s so much cheaper to buy it at your grocery store, so get off your lazy butt and get some if you don’t already have it for your kitchen.

This is a cool hack that I have done on every guitar I’ve built since the beginning. Just use a light amount of spray adhesive and glue in a bunch of foil in your pickup cavity and the back of your pickguard. then make sure it’s touching a ground connection somehow. It’s pretty hard to screw up. Have fun!
Full disclosure: Links in this description may be affiliate links

#Guitar #shielding #hack #KILL #HUM #FREE

Originally posted by UCnfXz2OeVJHYyebACjj4ZGA at

50 thoughts on “Guitar shielding hack: How to KILL THE HUM for FREE!!!

  • Thank you so much guys for all the helpful info, I stand corrected! Electromagnetic frequencies and sound frequencies are not the same thing. My bad! I’m so glad that people smarter than me watch my videos, I love learning! At any rate, this hack really does work well, despite my ignorant understanding of the subject. Thanks again guys!

  • FAKE ! This guy doesn't know what his talking about… Magnetic fileds has nothing to do with sound waves !…

  • Awesome stuff man! I need to get a shirt! So for active pickups shielding doesn't matter ?

  • It doesn't matter that aluminium is not ferromagnetic. It is a conductor and will produce eddy currents and produce back EMF. A magnetic field in opposition to the applied magnetic field. The windings in the pickups are copper, which are also not ferro magnetic just like the aluminum, but yet they are still effected by the magnetic field from the magnets.

  • Since you're creating a Faraday cage the conductive spray is unneccecessary, the aluminium foil is enough.

  • This is extremely quick fix your body carries electrical current one thing I've learned to do for rehearsals and performances once you set up your tone and volume for your bass amp take your head and turn it at a 90° angle so it is not facing towards your body which will eliminate almost all of the hum coming from your amplification especially with high-powered amps

  • I shielded my Squier CV Strat. The difference was like Friday and Monday.
    I used copper tape with conductive adhesive. I did the main and input jack cavities. I soldered a jumper between the two.
    Id recommend it on any sc guitar.

  • i was setting here watching this video ,eating rolos mmmmm watched the video , looked down and saw the gold and silver foil and decided to put some over the cover of my springs and found out it gave my guitar a little more sustain! wow like i said on my guitar so thank you

  • RF radiation isn't the same as sound waves. The former is electromagnetic and the latter is waves of compression with the air.

  • Great job ???????????????? but can you mix that kitchen foil with actual copper tape?? Thx

  • I bought copper tape with conductive adhesive; does the conductive adhesive work on ELK brand copper shielding tape? I'm using it for the first time this week.

  • If you think WOOD can effect the tone… the YES, you would HAVE to think shielding would effect your tone. Just because aluminum is not magnetic does not mean, it does not effect magnetic fields as it actually DOES. You can also make an electro magnet out of aluminum coil… so.

  • Hey Bro, where did you get this Cool Pickguard? If you made it yourself, please tell us how and which wood you have used for it. Or if you just buy it, then where?

  • Is there a way I can shield a mustang bass guitar that doesn't have a pickguard? But it has an electronic tone cavity on the bottom right.

  • Don't worry about using aluminum tape or foil, just use common sense.
    You simply make sure there is bare metal to bare metal continuity by any means: taping a little piece of metal tape or wire across joints is so simple even I can do it.

    Also, some folks claim more that they know by insisting all ground wires should only connect at a single point. Trust my professional electronic background since 1973: that ain't gonna matter in a guitar. (Spread across commercial/industrial buildings: it still yet might could).

    Finally if you think you might connect to amps, etc. from before the 70's, look into this: guitar ground ac isolation circuit. Vintage can co-sign your obituary.

  • Actually, non-magnetic materials become magnetic under electromagnetic or oscillating magnetic fields. The vibrating strings produce oscillating magnetic fields and in turn, they can actually magnetize the non-magnetic foil. It can cancel some of the hummings but it can take some of the sustain and brightness of the sound. This gives me an idea. What if we take a normal single-coil pickup and rewind it with non-metallic sleeves covering the poles. I should build a single coil noise-canceling pickup this way.

  • This is my recipe for a good conductive paint:
    Use shellac (you can find it at craft stores)
    Mix the shellac with graphite powder until you get a mixture with the consistency of ketchup.
    Apply 2 to 3 coats inside the guitar's cavities.
    Remember to apply a piece of copper foil inside the cavity and solder the ground wire, this copper foil must be underneath the conductive paint.

  • A better alternative to foil is the aluminum metal tape used for air ducts. Better conductivity vs foil and no need for spray adhesive. It's good for a job needed quickly and can't wait for shipping. But for the cost of foil and spray adhesive just order some copper shielding tape from Amazon and does a better job.
    Still useful video.

  • If you’re going to the diy shop for the spray glue, you might as well see if they have aluminium ducting tape, the kind you use on pipe lagging, it’s cheap and already sticky!

  • This was the perfect solution to the bit of noise I got off my new Squier Affinity Jazzmaster. They had a tiny bit of foil under the pots from the factory, but fully lining the pickguard and cavities like you showed really quieted it down. Now it's almost indistinguishable from my humbucker-equipped guitar. Kudos for the detailed explanation too!

  • That’s such a thoroughly scientific explanation. I highly appreciate it.

    I’ll probably still go with paint since it’s only about $20 for a can of the stuff, but you explained how to make the whole thing complete, top to bottom.

    My guitar was originally a bottom of the line Squier Bullet Strat, but the only original part left is the body, and now that’s getting shielded, so no reason to change it.

  • Also your humility and willingness to learn and remain open minded are great qualities for a successful future.

  • Thank you for a very informative, straight forward video. I really appreciate that you bust some myths in your videos, this saves so much time because there are far too many people making videos that are, lets say less than qualified to be doing so. Therefore your facts about many of these false statements make life less stressful. My most sincere thank you


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