Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Guitar Shoulder Pain? 5min Workout For Guitarists

Do you feel pain in your shoulder or back because of playing guitar?
If you follow my 5min workout for guitarists you can keep playing in your favourite position.

The classic guitar position is way healthier than having the guitar on the right foot. If you practice more than 15h per week like me you will struggle with pain in the shoulder, neck or back. Why should you change the position if there exists a short workout?

My guitar shoulder pain workout just takes 5min. It is recommended by my physio therapoite. You can repeat the workout 2-3 times per day to strengthen the muscles. All you need is an elastic band and a door buckle.

Don´t overbend your muscles and follow my advice! Subscribe my channel and shred on!

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#austrianpickingpower #guitarworkout

#Guitar #Shoulder #Pain #5min #Workout #Guitarists

Originally posted by UCy0QM8hN2HMpQm9-dvmWRDA at

27 thoughts on “Guitar Shoulder Pain? 5min Workout For Guitarists

  • All you need is a rubber band, "Hey, I have one of those"… and a doorhandle. Uhm, sighs in one bedroom apartment with only the bathroom having a handled door facing a wall in way to short a distance. (I have one other that doesn't really close) . "… well, there goes my shoulder." I looked around my flat to find an adequate replacement, but none does exist.

  • Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for! Subscribed!

    Got diagnosed with mild shoulder tendonitis yesterday. Gonna try this and report back in a few weeks; as of now, playing for 15 minutes makes my strumming shoulder sore for hours.

  • Definitely going to try these, thanks. Went a little too hard on my whammy last night and my shoulder is killing me.

  • I've permanently (probably) have ruined my right shoulder posture because now I'm not able to fix it. Sometime's it's really painful. So please be careful people. Especially if you're very young. I started playing guitar at a very young age in a bad posture for HOURS.

  • Hey man, been doing this for a month now and can already play my dreadnought acoustic for longer periods painfree. I can also sleep with less pain. Thank you very much! Straight to the point video

  • I have shoulder instabilty and extremley tight chest muscles on right due to playing the guitar improperly and far too tensed up concentrating lol. I have a smaller acoustic but when I play my friends larger normal one it's worse. Its extremley painful. It makes my scapular Wing and back hurt whilst playing. My physio rubbished claims it could be due to guitar playing . Thanks for the video.

  • I don’t have the shoulder pain from bad posture I get it from playing B.Y.O.B by System of a Down ????

  • Waren’s bei dir auch schmerzen hinter dem rechten Schulterblatt hinauf bis in den Nacken und an schlimmen Tagen auch mit Kopfschmerzen? Genau das hab ich nämlich zurzeit und bin gerade auf ursachensuche. Halbe Stunde bis Stunde spiel ich jeden Tag, genau in dieser Position. Habe die schwere Vermutung dass hier die Quelle allen Übels liegt. Werde die Übungen mal durchmachen die nächsten Tage. Grüße aus Schwechat!

  • Danke Sehr gute! 🙂 I just did this for two minutes, the pain subsided! I'll work on this..Thanks for the share of advice Prima!

  • I recommend also Push Up exercise. It hepls your shoulder get strong.????

  • I get serious pain in my left shoulder blade, standing at long periods as well. It sucks

  • Thanks! Ironically I suffer from back pain but not because of bad guitar posture as I sit in classical position – very comfortable best access to the guitar neck.
    You're growing! 83 Subs now! Well done!


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