Thursday, March 6, 2025

Harley Benton Guitars – 7 things to know before you buy one

After buying 3 different Harley Benton guitars and spending a ton of time in Harley Benton Groups, I put together a list of 7 things you should know before you buy one so that you know what to expect. If you find the video helpful please don’t forget to sub the channel and as always, Thanks for Watching!

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#Harley #Benton #Guitars #buy

Originally posted by UCyjnY4POEX71lemgDl54cyQ at

39 thoughts on “Harley Benton Guitars – 7 things to know before you buy one

  • I bought their SC-450 (Les Paul copy)
    3 years ago. Delivered to my door in Canada – $315. I couldn't be happier with it. Not a mark on it anywhere. I took it in for a setup, although it played good right out of the box, and the guy said he didn't have to do much other than polish the frets, adjust the intonation and lowered the action slightly (at my request). It was pretty good as is. My instructor tried it and was so impressed he bought one so he wouldn't have to take his Les Paul to gigs. Last week I bought another one – the TE-52 (tele). This was $211CAD, plus $104 shipping. They had a hard case for it for $98 so I added that to the cart – no additional shipping costs. There were duties and taxes but for just over $500 I have an excellent guitar and hard case that looks amazing, plays great out of the box. The B and G string intonation is slightly flat but the rest were spot on. Again, no blemishes. I tried a Squier Classic Vibe Tele and it was nice, but it's $800 with tax here in Canada and I know I got just as good of an instrument for a lot less. Very happy with Harley Benton and Thomann, and I recommend them to anyone. Even with the shipping costs, I feel I paid about half of what they should cost.

  • To save you countless hours: Switch to Frine fret polish. I used to tape off the neck and stainless steel my frets but once I bought the fret frine system with the metal covers….there is no going back I used to think one tube would not last long and I was wrong – I have set up so many guitars in the past 4 years on the same small tube and am not even half way through.

  • Dig that Rivera in the background! I have a Rivera Clubster Royale Recording Top. What a monster! I run it with NOS Blackplate RCA tubes in all input positions. Also, check out Avatar speakers – especially the AV75s!

  • Every guitar has its origin printed on the back of the headstock, not so difficult once you know it (I wouldn't care anyway)

  • You can usually just click on the picture of the backside on the headstock There is the country of origin printed

  • 4:25, nah nah nah, what 2 are u talking about? it's not 2 but 3, wait 4, 5, 6, better check it out anyways but its not as little as two. I tried 4 it's same shipping so you could make the already cheap even cheaper

  • I got the harley benton progressive series i has a real german flyd rose when i got it it took a while to get it but it is the best guitar i have and you will pay more for the flyd rose than i gave for the guitar, and when i unboxed it the b string was out a little bit set up is perfect and i love it!????????????????

  • Just got a JA60 and am swapping the pots and shielding the recess and dropping a tremolo bridge and calling it a day. Best guitar I've ever owned honestly. I've never had an American Fender budget and this is way better than the squires I have.

  • Welp… As a young and broke musician, im thoroughly convinced. One question though, ive been playing for a long time but never learned about intonation. What is intonation?

  • I've got a Harley Benton MultiScale-8 QBB. Apart from a loose wire from the volume pot, it's a really nice instrument. Out of the box it was well set up with no snags on the fingerboard and no noticable blemishes. Considering the price, I would recommend Harley Benton to anyone who's after a decent plank to start playing or even as an upgrade since they're better than many of the lower priced ranges bigger named brands tend to come up with (including higher priced models too)…

    The volume pot is getting repaired at the moment, and the customer service from Thomann is very good!!!

    By the way, postage to The Orkney Islands, in the North East of Scotland cost £0.00!!!

  • Costs the same to ship 3 as it does one or two. Not trying to get anyone in trouble with that advice????

  • Nah mate! they are complete shit run by the CCP's war-chest across Asian slave labour sweat shops….shame on you boy!!!

  • Great video! Do you get charged any other fees besides shipping if it is shipped to the USA

  • You got lucky, I really see HB as a mostly-assembled kit. My Les Paul Jr. wasn't buffed (the one on the website was . . . ) and the geometry is wrong, strings are a mile from the pickup. Not an easy fix on a set-neck. However, the guitar itself is good. I put a million hours into it, installed a pickup worth most of the cost of the instrument, and it gets just as much play-time as my Strat and RG550. So not for beginners, not for perfectionists, but for someone with good setup skills they're a steal.

  • I have Harley benton st 20 hh active and its nice and now im planning to get ex 84 diy kit to do some paint work and stuff

  • Im from EU, thomann doesnt charge shipping i think if you buy somwthing above 50 or 100 euro i cant remember.

    So you can buy 1 guitar over €100 i think and its free of shipping, at leadt for me, bought harley benton victory bk and got 0 shipping + guitar is super awesome it sells out instantly every damn time

  • Im amazed at the quality of HB, turn your back and I challenge anyone to tell the difference between BH and Fender tele's. Wonderful for beginners or those of us on a budget.

  • For me it sounds sponsored. Had a lot of them in my hands, I owned 2 myself and enjoy all of it but every fretwork was bad as hell, like they just installed the frets and left it like that, even in their "pro" series.

  • This is where the sales marketing gets you.
    It actually costs the price of 2 guitars to ship 1.

    Its Advanced Sales tactic 101

    Now you're euphoric for buying a cheap good guitar but YOU THINK you got 1 shipped for free but you didn't and now you're likely to buy another 2 in the future, so they successfully hooked you.

    See, they worked this out, how do you get return customers with a decent budget guitar?
    Simple, you jack the shipping up on one guitar giving them the "no brainer" option to ship 2. And even 3 guitars is only a few dollars more.


  • If you are a perfectionist as i am then Harley Bentons will drive you mad.
    You only need to look at how many B grades are available to realise that
    the returns rate must be high.
    I tried 3 samples of their CST24 and they all had dings and scuffs to the finish.
    The safest way to buy them is as used, this way an honest seller will show you
    the imperfections before you decide to buy it.
    This is how i bought my Fusion and HM strats, both had been fully setup and
    were as close to perfect as you will find.

  • Couple of things:
    HB is the "house brand" of Thomann, which is the world´s biggest online store for music gear. They´re literally the "Amazon of music equipment". They´re so cheap, because Thomann goes directly to the factories in Far East, have the instruments build and then import & ship them themselves.
    There´s no dealer involved, like with import brands of big name companies like Squier, Epiphone etc. Because they´re so big as a company, they can negotiate better prices from the factories and also get the hardware ( bridges/ pickups etc) much cheaper. That´s why you see a 1000 Floyd or EMG pickups on a 450 Euro Guitar.
    If you´re located in the EU & the UK, their shipping rates are super cheap. Sadly not so much in N. America, but that goes also the other way. Their return policies are usual very generous, usually they will refund or replace faulty instruments without any fuss.
    Sadly, because they sell so much and have this return policy, they skip on the QC and it´s not unusual to get a lemon.
    But QC has improved over the years, dramatically, specially the more expensive models are pretty well build.
    Speaking of, the more expensive series are usually made in Indonesia from what I know.


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