Monday, March 17, 2025

11 thoughts on “Hartke HD500 (bass amp review)

  • I wonder what it would sound like if ya swapped the speakers to an eminence?.( Legend or beta) Maybe more vintage and warmer sound.

  • Did you check out whether the 500W was r.m.s. or 'peak'. U.S.A. codes say that it should be made clear to the buyer. What's the difference? A 500W peak amp could actually be only as low as 100W of r.m.s. power. By comparisons Fender always quote r.m.s. power.

  • Nice demo! I use a GK MB 210, so same size, weight and power, and I totally agree with you that this is probably the most versatile class of combos! I love my GK, great sound, very versatile and effective EQ. I also always liked Hartke, but I prefer the controls of the GK. And back when I bought it (1st generation), it was also very affordable, like 600 bucks or so. Now they are much more expensive, if available at all here in Europe. So if my amp would break, I'd check out the HD500 for sure!

  • I'm choosing between this Hartke HD 500 or head Hartke HA (2500 or 3500) and a cab 2×10 hydrive. The Head has DI for pre and pos while HD 500 only pre.

  • Great video .i went out and bought the amp and wow… Loud punchy and so versatile… From funk rock and reggae …love my HD 500 …..

  • It’s a really great combo, used it for a couple gigs before I converted to GK. I’ll always have a soft spot for Hartke though <3

  • how does the twin tens compare tp the 15. which has the bigger sound. also how many inputs does it have


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