Hartke XL Cabinets, HyDrive HD Cabinets, & HD508 – NAMM 2019
#hartke #bassamplifier #djbandsupply #namm2019
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Ryan, from Hartke, tells Dan all about their new and upcoming amps, amplifiers, and cabinets. From the XL Cabinets to the HyDrive HD Cabinets, Hartke has everything needed for bass players.
#Hartke #Cabinets #HyDrive #Cabinets #HD508 #NAMM
Originally posted by UC2ODwXsfxTE6B1iWMom9ieA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_kru4ZCipc
I have my own hartke bass cab with 500 watts and the middle cab with 300 i love it and im never ever gonna get rid of it i think hartke is better than GK thats my opinion
Can you combine 2 combos amps together, the 4×8 and the15 combo ?
Hey friend, a question, the 1000 watt hartke amplifier, is it capable of handling the HD410 and HD115 combo ??? someone tell me please. and how does it connect?
I played mostly keyboards, guitar, and brass instruments. I'm new to base at an advanced age subduing a lot of reading online about Bass gear. This all started two months ago and I was going to join a Megadeth cover bands I want a copy Dave Ellefson's setup of Hartke gear.
One commenter and that another after hours of reading online said that it's hard to dial in cabinets with different speaker size configurations: specifically a 4-10 mixing with a 1-15 from the same head. The hurricanes salesperson in this video just seem to put the 4-10 on top of the 1-15 with 1000 watt head.
So who's crappin' who?
So when is Hartke gonna make a 2×12 hydrive HD cabinet? Would be a monster light weight addition to the line up.
Type o, that's HARTKE.
I've been an Ampeg user for years. Gonna invest in an Harke 1000w amp and 4×10 cab. Sounds so good combined with all my Ibanez Bass guitars. Good job guys!
I have a tx600. Is it safe to run into the 210 hartke cabinet?
I want to try out that 508!