Friday, March 14, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Heavy Metal Guitar EQ Basics

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#EQ #HighGain #Guitar

#Heavy #Metal #Guitar #Basics

Originally posted by UCiIlnWeLi40ZFS60pfr5U-g at

16 thoughts on “Heavy Metal Guitar EQ Basics

  • I could have of course done more here now that I revisit this video, like I could have spent more time really dialing in that 4k notch, but I think the point comes across and I've helped with what to listen for. Thanks to everyone that's enjoyed and gotten something out of this video.

  • I have a question here. How do you define the resonant frequencies? I mean, when you scoop hard any frequency between 1k to 8k and sweep that range, any frequency can sound "resonant" or "harsh". How do I know to kill the right or unnecessary ones?

  • what I don't get is, how you know what frequencies annoy you. When boosting up small areas and swiping across the spectrum it all sounds annoying 😀 . Know what I mean? When you hear the sound of the guitar, what is it, what annoys you? I could not say that

  • I just got a rane pe17 parametric equalizer last night. I have it running through ReEq so I can visually see what's going on & be sure it's working properly. Going to take me a while to truly figure it all out.

  • I really think its a waste of time searching for resonate frequencies. If you didn't high light them knowone would've noticed it.

  • Dude, this channel is by far my favorite metal guitar channel on youtube.

    I completely agree with that other comment here, saying that you do a better job at explaining things, than on bigger channels… Like, I had to just give up on "Riffs, Beards And Gear". I feel like that channel is aimed towards people who already know this stuff anyway (rather than technology-challenged simpletons like me), so what's the point, haha. If that guy had made this video, I would probably have been so lost

  • Wow. Man that took some time and dedication. I’ll have to listen again for a better opinion.

  • Great vid. Nicely put together and damn near impossible not to understand. Amen to the “ there is no one size fits all”

  • Another thing you explained even better than many "big channels" and just in time for me. ???? Also a free EQ I can recommend is TDR Nova, I love it to bits and it also allows you to compress an EQ band which is also excellent for taming weird noises without unnaturally cutting up the tone.

  • Great video for those who need it.
    The only thing i tend to do differently is leave the High End resonance notches in on the EQ but use soothe to tame them, just sounds a bit more natural. Have you tried soothe? Along with pro q its the best money ive ever spent on mixing plugins. Aside from that your eq is pretty much the same as my settings on most things ????


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