Tuesday, March 4, 2025

46 thoughts on “High Vs Normal Tension Classical Guitar Strings

  • video really cool, music not my taste but good technique, would like to see this string test with music I can handle more.

  • Гитара звучит так, как будто кто то бьет сланцем по канализационной трубе.

  • Anyone tried before AUGUSTINE
    Paragon Red Med Tension Fluorocarbon Trebles / Siver-Plated Basses Classical string Set…please comment? Thank you.

  • I heard your accent and immediately started looking for the South African references XD Greetings from Cape Town!

  • Почти нет никакой разницы в звуке.Только в цене струн ?????Маркетинг и обман продавцов и производителей.Неслышу большой разницы.Но у вас ещё и гитара не настоящая классическая сделаная в китае,а с электроникой,с эквалайзером и подключением к усилителю.Вы включили эффекты и обработку звука,это я услышал.А разницу между звуком струн,нет не услышал.Кругом обман!????????

  • Thanks a lot for the comparison, i like a more balanced and "bassy" sound, im a beginer at playing guitar but i knew something was off when i bought my guitar i just didnt know what.

    The new guitar i bought had the sound i like and better than the previous one which had suffered quite a bit i just used it for the first steps since it was free and i didnt know if i was actually going to play the guitar, yet even with sharper sharper and overall more bassy feeling it had that sound that i cant really describe but i can definitly hear in the high tension, which i dont really like.

    Lucky for me i found ur video, my strings broke yesterday ????.

  • I am trying to replace my Yamaha classical strings and don't know much about them. I am mainly a electric/acoustic guitarist, Do you like the high or the low tension?

  • I use the high tension strings on my shorter scale guitars and on the long scale guitars I prefer the normal strings however remember you need to do a truss rod adjustment if you change the strings generally

  • I hear classical guitars on recordings , but my guitar the strings seem rather loose or floppy at E tuning . I'm thinking I need hard tension strings for a more snappy feel . I play electric mostly but I love the sound of Spanish guitar . I have a New Ortega Family RCE131sn , very pretty , solid built guitar , I replaced the nut with Graphtech synthetic bone sanded to an exact shape of the factory plastic nut . Do you think Hard tension strings would be worth a try ? if so is there a hardness level and what brand ? Thanks .

  • Boring as hell watching a guitar player show off rather than explain about the title and string tension. Skip it.

  • Did you have to adjust any kind of parameters on the guitar itself to set up for the high tension strings? Ive been considering getting some to eliminate "flip floppyness". Hopefully it doesn't make playing too stiff.

  • Thank you for a great video. I have normal tension strings. I would like to lower the action a little more but you can only go so far with lower tension strings before risk of vibration against the frets. If high tension strings are not an option, then it looks like getting the best quality normal tension would be the next best solution.

  • Why did the guitar keep going out of tune when you wound it? What did you do to prevent this after?

  • Thx for this info really like your cats ????Have semi classical guitar question what is really nice effect-module before the amp ????

  • I have a Cordoba Orchestra CE. This is a crossover guitar with a 1 7/8" nut and 16" radius fret board. Should you be able to play either Hard tension or normal tension strings on your guitar? Maybe a silly question..but I can not use normal tension strings on this guitar or is will buzz and give me harmonics I do not want. It was probably set up with Hard tension strings with low action. The action is good but I still have some "dead" strings sounds. Hard to find a good set up person. I just want to know if I should be able to switch back and forth between different tension strings and expect a clear tone.

  • Thanks for making this video. I recently purchased a Cordoba C7 classical guitar that came with high tension strings. I have not played guitar in a very long time and I found it painful to play on these strings. I will be shortly making my way to the guitar center to get them replaced with normal tension strings. Thanks again for your informative video.

  • using a pick on nylon strings?.kinda like adding ice to a fine single malt scotch.

  • Hi I am using normal tension. The neck and string height adjustments of my guitar have been made. But sometimes I get very little sizzling sound. Will this problem disappear if I use high tension? Because of the tension, I think the handle can be pushed back a little more and the problem can be solved. A normal tension wire oscillates more than the hard tension wire, and I think this can make sizzle a bit. What do you think? Should i use high tension for this problem?

  • There is nothing like giving the sound difference between the string tensions with a similar tune. Thanks for that clarity.


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