How I Get My Alice In Chains Tone (Line 6 Helix)
In this video, I go through my personal settings on my Line 6 Helix and show how I get my tone for Alice In Chains/Jerry Cantrell covers.
#JerryCantrell #AliceInChains #Line6Helix #HelixTone #GuitarTone #GrungeGuitar #CantrellTone #HelixModeling #GuitarEffects #DigitalAmp #AmpModeling #GuitarSound #GuitarRig #RockTone #GrungeTone #GuitarTech #HelixPresets #GuitarSetup #ToneMatching #GrungeRiffs #GuitarPedal #HelixEffects #JerryCantrellTone #90sRock #GuitarTutorials #SoundLikeCantrell #HelixGuitar #ToneTutorial #RockGuitar #MusicProduction
#Alice #Chains #Tone #Line #Helix
Originally posted by UCeYi5BCfr7FvhRfLFp7_z8w at
Well done with your explanation and you got some nice tones going on.
Fantastic tones. Great explanation of the eq settings pertaining to what you play through. Just subbed! Great stuff here!
Nice tones, I liked it.