Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

How I Record My Guitar Tones (Currently)

In this video i wanted to show you how i go about recording my guitar tones for the videos and music i make.

Its a constantly evolving thing but i feel like this is one of the more efficient methods i’ve found so far, whilst giving me flexibilty in the tones right until the last point!

I hope you guys find it useful!

00:00 – Intro Chat
02:08 – Twin Sister into Suhr w/ GGD Cabs
03:05 – Using NDSP Cabs
04:01 – Adding Reverb
06:06 – M0100 into Torpedo
06:40 – Adding Pedals
07:05 – SLO into Boss Tube amp expander
09:20 – JVM into UA Ox
11:17 – Using the Quad Cortex
15:13 – Summary

Video edited by John Hollingworth
#rabeaafro #recordingguitar #tones
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Feel free to read this ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Hey guys, I’m Rabea. Thank you so much for checking out my channel. If you wanna follow me and check out my music, my collaborations with brands or my other social channels, check out the links below!

——————-//  MY MUSIC  \————————–

Grinding Gears 3 – https://songwhip.com/rabeamassaad/grinding-gears-vol-3
Grinding Gears 2 – https://songwhip.com/rabeamassaad/grinding-gears-vol-2
Grinding Gears 1 – https://songwhip.com/rabeamassaad/grindinggears

Toska – https://www.toska.tv
Frog Leap – https://www.frogleapstudios.com
Dorje – https://www.dorje.tv

——————-//  COLLABORATIONS  \————————–

Sleepless Apparel – https://sleeplessapparel.co.uk/
Chapman Guitars ML3 Bea – https://chapmanguitars.co.uk/
Bare Knuckle Pickups Silo – https://www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk/pickup/humbucker/silo
Victory Kraken – https://www.victoryamps.com/kraken-series
Riff Writing Course – https://www.musicisum.net/writing-progressive-rock-riffs

——————-//  FOLLOW ME  \————————–

???? YouTube – http://bit.ly/29M2DC6
???? Instagram – http://bit.ly/2bhVpc7
???? Facebook – http://bit.ly/2bImlyW
???? Twitter – http://bit.ly/2bRfxOUn

#Record #Guitar #Tones

Originally posted by UCuVDigtKhrCVwNDc76KnPUA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYSOnrx4XPQ

20 thoughts on “How I Record My Guitar Tones (Currently)

  • Rebea, bought your plug-in thank you. Very nice! I am curious, what studio speakers are you running and in your DAW what else are you running in your chain besides the plug-in itself? Thank you

  • Does using the QC sound better than just going straight in and using the NDSP plugins?

  • Whoa Rabea man… thank you for this look into your workflow. So much great info. Now just incorporate a midi switch controller like the MORNINGSTAR MC8 with your MacBook, and interface and this is a amp/plugin live rig setup. XSonic has an interface/midi switch control combined in the XTone Pro which could be added to a pedalboard setup.

  • Hey man, super interesting video. I'm recording in a similar way, but with the zillions of great cab options I get a bit lost.

    The reason being is that when you set up your amp, you eq it to the speak/cab you have there. How do you go about setting your amp eq when you're gonna use a virtual cab and the mic positions/selections having such a big influence on tone?

  • Will chapman ever release a run of your old signatures? They were really sick and I'm still craving an ml3 with the old paduak neck 🙁

  • Great video – Wondering what Audio Interface you are using at present? What is the chain?
    Keep up with these vids! So useful.

  • Sorry if this is a stupid question Rabea but can I use utilize stereo effects delay/chorus pedals if using a load box and only one amp? Or would I need two amps?

  • Hi Rabea, can you advise cheapest solution to hook my JCM2000 to a load box then cabinet simulator. Is the archetype nolly just a plugin? I love the idea of picking the cabinets and mic and being able to position them.

  • I have a hard time not mic’ing cabs since I have such good mics and cabs, but recently ran my Tremoverb directly into my interface and used a cab IR I got from another guitarist in space designer (stock in Logic) and got a hell of an amazing tone. Also thinking about combining IR and a real mic (and time-aligning of course) in the near future.
    Also, good fucking lord the Totemist record is killer.


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