Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

How it REALLY Sounds: Fender Blues Jr. IV

Hey there! I am happy to share my thoughts on the Fender Blues Jr. IV. It’s a fantastic guitar amplifier with much positive feedback from guitar enthusiasts. The Blues Jr. IV is known for its warm and vintage sound, making it an ideal choice for blues, rock, and jazz music.

The compact size of this amp also makes it easy to carry around, making it perfect for gigging musicians. I can highly recommend the Fender Blues Jr. IV for small to medium gigs or jamming at home with clean tones. I would not recommend this for big rooms or for really loud drummers.

This might be the greatest 15-watt Fender Blues Junior IV of all time. Thanks for watching my review of the Fender Blues Junior IV Tube amplifier.

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How it REALLY Sounds: Fender Blues Jr. IV
A Blues Player Tries a Fender Blues Junior IV

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Video Chapters
00:00 – About, Intro Clean Blues, and Disclaimer (not sponsored)
00:30 – Clean Hendrix Style
01:01 – Off-Clean Rhythm Tones
01:33 – Fat Switch OFF and ON (Blues Lead)
02:14 – 60’s Rock N Roll Tone
02:50 – Amplifier Dynamics with Guitar Volume Control
03:49 – Fender Blues Jr – Who’s it For?

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#Sounds #Fender #Blues

Originally posted by UC-oSaKCCEffJph0F7m6_xfA at

23 thoughts on “How it REALLY Sounds: Fender Blues Jr. IV

  • Is there an Effects loop? Or can i just go straighr through the main input? I know most people say put certaib fx in the return/send, but does really make a difference?

  • I really like this amp. I think fender did a great job with it. With that said, they could improve by adding an fx loop.

  • Absolutely love mine. The clean tones are just perfect for my needs. I haven't tried single coils yet because humbuckers are my go to. I like to back off the guitar volumes a bit. The cleans get more bitey as the master goes up, or softer with more volume. I've been using some nice Gibsons and cheaper guitars too. All good. I've been using an EHX Crayon for a blues or rock drive. Very nice. I did try an American strat in the shop but it didn't feel like a good match. Goes pretty damn loud but works well at practice levels. I agree it's a bit much if you live in a block of flats/apartments so look elsewhere. Repeat: love mine – addictive.

  • Mine is only a few old and I noticed a static noise coming from even when nothing is plugged in to it

  • I had one for almost 20 years, recently sold it and got a Marshall SV20 and never looked back. The Blues Junior always sounded boxy to me, like a toy.

  • I sold my tweed blues Junior last year, and I’m always looking for one on reverb. I think they are great amps. I bought a tone king gremlin, and ended up selling it because I preferred the blues Junior.

  • I recently bought this same amp and it's awesome! Several great tones to be had.
    The brightness of the treble and reverb does mellow out once the speaker is broken in.
    You can play in an apartment/condo. I achieved a great tone with the master volume on 12, gain/volume on 3 and my strat volume on 3. Watching an action movie on the TV is way louder.

  • My Amplifier is blues junior III. I've tried the Clean Tone Jimi Hendrix Style. I heard the sound of Little Wing.

  • Hello, great work and playing, always see your reviews. I just bought second hand one of these, and it has a soft hum , just when it turn on, volumen down, like the single endeds amps, bugera or fender champ 600 , it's that normal? it is soft, but my Harley Benton 15 w it's practically unnoticeable..

  • I live on a 4 acre property in 2500 square foot ranch house with only 2 or 3 neighbors within sight of my house… still never turned up any tube amp over 3 lol where the hell do you live Shane that you can crank a master volume past noon? ????


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