Wednesday, March 12, 2025

How Lynyrd Skynyrd Got KILLER Guitar Tones – This Sounds So Good!

How do you get that Lynyrd Skynyrd sound? This video shows you how to sound and play like Gary Rossington and Allen Collins – two founding members of Lynyrd Skynyrd. They are known for having a fat guitar tone – and many people have a hard time achieving it. After you know these things, it’s actually quite simple.

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Originally posted by UCiXpGPMHQQbygNXRcBvtCWA at

45 thoughts on “How Lynyrd Skynyrd Got KILLER Guitar Tones – This Sounds So Good!

  • Tom, thanks for another fantastic Video. Love it when you play the older ones. I had the privlige of meeting and talking to Gary once. I told him that even though I am a Bass player, I bought my first Les Paul because of him and his playing. He laughed and Gary was a very down to earth type of guy. I whipped out my "first and last" album and he signed it just like he learned to write in school…no fancy rock star autogragh BS. Gary was so cool.

  • Nice nod to Allen with the red pants and white sneakers. They truly were the 1st band I discovered that led me down the rock and roll path. RIP BOYS. Lord I can't make any changes……

  • Dude you play and teach guitar too? I watch all your golf lesson videos too. You're the man!

  • Great playing! The Boss does the Marshall thing well. The Peavey Classic 30 is Skynrd in box. When my Classic died I replaced it with a katana – like so many people have done. Yeah – do. Some more vids.

  • Awesome stuff as always. I plugged into the original Kantana once in a backline, very nice amp actually, played whole set with it. Would love to hear your take on Barnes and Carlisi of .38. Could never quite hear a Mace or Plexi tone, kinda something in between.

  • What kind of clean boost are you using, specifically? Is it an external one or one of the ones in the amp? If from the amp, which one?

  • Love your videos. I believe you have spoke about it before and I know Ed King said Skynyrd wasn’t playing with their guitar controls on 10. Volume was like 6 or 7 and they didn’t use many pedals other that a Phase and a Wah on Needle and The Spoon. It’s not about distortion. Actually you mention all of these. Disregard. I should have finished watching. Good points. I played for years with Volume and Tone on 10 and way too much distortion. It helps backing off the knobs for sure. I have a couple of Katanas myself. I can get good tone from the little battery operated Katana. I have a 50 watt too. Love those amps. Still think it’s mostly in the hands and technique which i’m still working on. Thanks Tom!

  • Love your videos. I believe you have spoke about it before and I know Ed King said Skynyrd wasn’t playing with their guitar controls on 10. Volume was like 6 or 7 and they didn’t use many pedals other that a Phase and a Wah on Needle and The Spoon. It’s not about distortion. Actually you mention all of these. Disregard. I should have finished watching. Good points. I played for years with Volume and Tone on 10 and way too much distortion. It helps backing off the knobs for sure. I have a couple of Katanas myself. I can get good tone from the little battery operated Katana. I have a 50 watt too. Love those amps. Still think it’s mostly in the hands and technique which i’m still working on. Thanks Tom!

  • I'm sure you're a good player but You need some acoustic panels and a few carpets on the floor. Sounds you're inside a steel drum.

  • Great job bro. You need to do Ed king and Strve Gains as a play off of Alan and Gary

  • Man o man. Tom doesnt matter that youtube is full of skynyrd tone and tutorials. You my man are truly the master. Thank you for preserving such amazing music and helping the simple man like me to understand it and enjoy playing it while also having their killer tone.


    Alan was awesome but Gary is the guy I try to play like !
    He was such a fan of Kossoff you can here it in his playing

    As a 55 year old kid I appreciate what you are doing to help my playing and my relief from stress get better!!

  • Wish y'all could hear my nephew play Skynyrd! He's 40 now his daddy had him playing Skynyrd by age 9 or so. He's got em down almost perfect. He plays all over and folks love his playing.

  • That was fun. I've been working on That Smell parts. Like Gene Odom wrote in his book for me, 'thanks for keeping my ole fishing buddies music alive'

  • Tom we have the same guitar strap. You’re one of the most underrated guitar players on YouTube. You’ve been great in teaching me about skynyrds tone rather than just making a cover of a song and calling it a guitar lesson.

  • I know this will sound unappreciative or even worse – and full disclosure, I've been an Allen Collins' guy for almost 50 years now – …
    Allen Collins' licks iconic of course, and led to MANY young guys picking up a guitar. Okay, here's the sacrilegious part … I think a bunch of them's own talent has surpassed his own – not necessarily pre-crash more so post its injuries & the drugs after.

    He was always my favorite LS guitarist & always will be still … I've seen plenty of YTs young men paying homage to AC's guitar parts and sounding better than he does. Fire away boys I might even flame my own self for this comment. 😉

  • Sounds great, I call those teeth cutting tones. It's all about phrasing, note choice and timing. Just wish I could get with some folks that play like this.

  • Love it! Most definitely would love to see more, like the old channel. Gary used to set the bridge pickup about halfway for his rhythm and the neck pickup all the way up for the leads and used the toggle switch to go between.

  • Thanks Tom. Skynyrd is my favorite band, and I have played it since the 70's!! I recently acquired an '81 Peavey Deuce combo amp loaded with Scorpions. I'm still trying to finish getting the Skynyrd tone. Are you saying Allen and Gary actually turned the tone and other settings to 10? Thanks for the reply!! Karl

  • love it! playing a vintage guitar and vintage music in your modern home, dressed a little 70's too. I do it too every night, it keeps me sain! Best channel to learn skynard.


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