Saturday, March 1, 2025

How Many Guitars is Too Many? | GUITAR COLLECTION 2025

Guitar Super System SALE (ends Jan 15th):
List of guitars I am selling:

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0:00 – 50 guitars, 1 song
5:23 – Some of these guitars are FOR SALE
6:37 – My PRS guitars
10:03 – My vintage guitars
11:15 – My Fender guitars + others
14:28 – My boutique guitars
17:19 – My Gibson guitars
19:29 – My specialty guitars
20:52 – My acoustic guitars


Originally posted by UCshiNtfJ7Dj3nlh41a6M-kg at

48 thoughts on “How Many Guitars is Too Many? | GUITAR COLLECTION 2025

  • If you could have any of these guitars, which would it be? I'll give one away in my next video.

  • Plz give me one sir ????I have no money to buy guitar I am just 17 years old girl sir .I am from india

  • You have too many. The most anyone should have is 10 max. The junky ones should be first to go. It took me forever to do this bc they aren’t worth anything i gave mine away on offerup. I wish someone gave me a free one when I started. Too many is a brain block. Okd timers told me only 3 but im being generous

  • Congratulations! You are have the great hobby- collecting guitars for decorating your house.
    Joe Pass have been One guitar. ????

  • Is it bad to just buy guitars to mess about on. I bought my first les paul and within a week I'm wanting 3 more already ????.

  • Not asking for myself, but what kind of documentation of provenance (that Music Is Win owned it!) are you offering on the PRS Modern Eagle?

  • Have you considered donating a few to local schools or youth organizations? I donated an Epi LP, a few Gorilla amps, pedals and some miscellaneous gear over the years and it felt REALLY good. Pretend that there’s a fire and you can only get two guitars out in time, your #1 and a backup. Now do that with your amps and pedals too. Imagine how happy you’d make some kids out there that can’t afford gear. Plus you’d be helping the local music scene grow! Just a thought.

  • I used to have a small collection of guitars. A les Paul, a hand carved Fernandez back when they were a good company. And a few others. But I had an evil vindictive baby momma who stomped my guitar necks, and poured soda all over my amps and pedals.
    Then I went almost 10 years without playing cause I was putting all my time and money into a woodworking shop. About a year ago I got back into guitar, and somehow I was alot better. ???? 10 years of air guitar practice maybe.
    I only have a cheap Ibanez ax120 and a small line 6. So trying to make songs like sweet child of mine sound good on it is hard to do. But I'm stoked to start a new collection. Great video.

  • 72 lake placid, sc245, relic teli, SG,LPS,LP Special, es335, everthing else go's, you'll feel great.

  • Bruh your name is music is win and all you have is guitars? Bruh you need bongos, xylophones, gongs and all type of instruments ive never heard of! Live up to your name sake bruh

  • Hey Tylor, could you please explain your rotation system to get every guitar of your collection the attention it needs 🙂 Best regards from Germany

  • Dude have you ever played a PRS s2 Mira? One of the best guitars I’ve ever played

  • Your Cool! ,,, Put for sale signs..on all…see what people offer!… like a back up vehical you own… dont sell… Some one will have a story…cry and …sell it… to me…

  • So you gonna sell 2 of them! Oh 3 yeah! GOOD WAY TO CULL THE HERD DOWN!
    And # 11 as you wont part with the green one! Thats color green is just my favorite!
    Get rid of ALL BLOW I MEAN BLUE GUITARS! Go red!

  • Well if you feel generous enough you can give me a guitar ???? if you have to meany I can’t afford one I’m 65 years old lost mine in the black mountain flood .

  • Ho Hum…I have 42 guitars and I can't even play one song on them. A large number of them have never even been plugged in.

  • You might defend needing a Strat, a Tele and Les Paul, add in a Acoustic and 4 is about all you can truly justify unless dealing Guitars for a living. If it sits in its case unplayed or hangs on the wall as an Ornament perhaps You didnt real need it that badly as it does nothing to make you a better guitarist or player if you never pick it up except to brag you own a piece of Stuff you dont need or Use


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