Friday, March 14, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

How NOT to Demo a Pedal Board – They TRICKED US!

#42gssix @JakeLeighGuitar

I think Sweetwater tried to Defeat us with this pedalboard FROM HELL ????
But thanks to Sweetwater still due for sending it out ????????

Sweetwater Affiliate Links Pending…

Check out Jakes Channel Here:

You can see the board getting put together on Henning’s Channel here:


Walrus Audio Canvas Tuner
EHX, Lizard King
JHS, Hard Drive
Death By Audio EarthQuaker Devices Time Shadows
Source Audio ARTIFAKT

Please do consider subscribing… ya might like it here ????????????

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Why not use my affiliate link and help to support the channel (it doesn’t cost you any extra ????????)

00:00 Intros & Apologies
01:50 The Sweetwater Board
02:45 Walrus Audio – Canvas Tuner
04:14 EHX – Lizard King
07:50 JHS – Hard Drive
12:35 Experiment 1
16:07 Source Audio – ARTIFAKT
21:05 Earthquaker Devices / Death By Audio – Time Shadows
22:54 Free Style! ????????
25:32 Our Favourites
28:25 Long Awkward ending with outtakes

Credit to Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio for the awesome synthwave tracks ????????

#Demo #Pedal #Board #TRICKED

Originally posted by UCG7_vsGUZH4FLpgEySEiEzw at

20 thoughts on “How NOT to Demo a Pedal Board – They TRICKED US!

  • Very fun & informative guys.! I told you that I would be subscribed and I’m very excited about the future of this channel. ???????? I shave my pedalboard set up with my tuner 1st & the noise gate last; unless you are doing the 4 cable method. TY for the fun video guys and until next time…. Stay safe, Stay metal, and don’t forget to Riff.?! Also… get naked, get your shred on, and keep it bluesy. ????????????????????????????????????

  • ???????????????????????? This was soooo much fun to watch. Awesome video ????????????

  • Hi Steve, great post Mate. It felt a bit like buying one of those cheap multi effect gizmos that we saw a lot in the 90s, things like the Zoom 505 or the one I have a Digitech (forget the number) You do get some usable sounds but they always have patches that make you wonder why they put it there in the first place. I don't think there's a lot on that board that would tempt me to part with my cash. I loved the Valiant guitar BTW….go on treat yourself!

  • Greetings from Madagascar, what a strange selection of pedals, what a tuner though that won the day for me……

  • I thought someone was eating a packet of crisps when you was demoing the Artifakt ???? I would love to get my hands on a Meowdulator pedal ????????????

  • It’s fun doing things out of your element on camera for all to see! ???????????? The sheer delight on your face when you switched the shadow button was hilarious, lol. It was like you discovered a whole new world!

    James Taylor Fan Club RULEZZZZZ!!! ????????????????????????

  • Ha! Two lads well outside of their comfort zone. It would be like asking me to review slimming products ????

  • Enjoyed that fellas!! Esp when it went into oscillation!
    I spose if you fiddled about, you'd find usable tones .. in a yr or two.
    Too much going on for me!

    Cheers Steve and Jake.

  • Very Cool, Thankyou Steve and Jake. After leaving in it's box for a couple of years, I recently plugged in my Marshal 'Regenerator' Pedal (has 6 modulation effects and a 'Regen' (?) knob. No matter which setting I chose, the pedal was also giving me this crazy WILD 'Effect' that was SUPER COOL ….. like some sort of spacey trailing delay echo, that was SO Musical. Played for hours totally lost in this sound……. Stopped playing turned all off and returned an hour later…. The Awesome crazy sound was GONE …. Unable to repreoduce anything like it ……. No Recordings(lol) ….nothing. Bummer. Gutted. All the Best. Cheers

  • Great video Steve. I love the amp. That octave fuzz pedal was awesome. You need one. Fuzz is one of the critical guitar food groups! Do you own a P90 guitar? It's another important food group.

  • I'm getting Sonic Youth/My Bloody Valentine with a little bit of 'what the hell is going on' vibes man!


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