Wednesday, March 26, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

How Pros Get Great Guitar Tone

In this clip, Tim Pierce takes us behind the scenes of his studio to explain how he achieves great guitar tone.

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#Pros #Great #Guitar #Tone

Originally posted by UCcp-HjtmTMeIJ-0RrSHSGLA at

33 thoughts on “How Pros Get Great Guitar Tone

  • Ok, so to get great sound I need a high-end PRS LP style guitar into a 67’ Marshall that was given to me by PRS himself who traded it back and forth with Eric Johnson then take it through a cab with selection of different top-tier speakers each with its own dedicated mic into 1176-style BAE pre and into protools! Almost sounds too easy!

  • Do a video on how to perfectly setup your seat for comfort on your Bugatti next!

  • Man I guarantee I get far superior sounds from my Roland Blues Cube Artist with NO pedals than all of Tim’s gizmos. Don’t get me wrong Tim is a great guitarist, but this is like the kings clothes, who’s fooling who ??

  • At 63, a mixture of genetics and playing in loud bands for nearly fifty years means my hearing ain't great and the tinnitus can sometimes be overwhelming. Fortunately, I can still hear enough to enjoy the great tones these top guys get, but I struggle to hear the differences when they make minor variations as Tim did when comparing the SM57 and the Sony C800. Having said that, nothing's going to stop me from watching and listening to Tim and Rick… ❤

  • I watched 2.5 mins and realised this is for rich people which i am not, and most people. Unfortunate

  • Tim is a professional guitarist. All of this are tools of his trade. Just like a top mechanic they've got the right tool for everything they may encounter within their imagination…it's not supposed to be for everyone…

  • Thank God at least Tim is keeping the faith with these real amps, so many pointless arguments on YouTube with kids and their modelers swearing they sold all their vintage amps to get an AxeFx or a Quad Cortex, not believing it for a second, most likely never played through the good stuff and certainly didn’t own anything of note too sell off for transistor radio tech

  • Lol 2 min in, all you need is a 1967 Marshall PA head that belong to PRS and Eric Johnson, a Marshall 4×12 with a mixture of rare cones, individually micced with rare and priceless mics. All sent through a million dollar interface starship control room and into Protools. Man I can’t even afford protools lol

  • Plot twist. It's in his hands the whole time. Doesn't matter what the gear is. His hands, intention behind the playing, touch… he could play through almost anything and sound really consistent. The gear is about 10% of the equation

  • Compliments the quality of the amp and it's raw tone, then goes on to present a full rack of equipment being used to actually get the tone we hear. So I guess need a few more bucks than just the amp.

  • All the turning of knobs, speakers, mic’s and tons of gadgets and yet I don’t notice any difference ????

  • Hate to be difficult but. I was hoping to learn how to get tone on something most folks have access to.

  • "How to get a great guitar tone…. first you plug into your 1967 PA head from Paul Reed Smith himself…"

    Suuuure fellas

  • the secret to tims sound, 100k dollars in amps, pedals, effects, 1073 mic pres, compressors , noise gates, expensive ribbon and condensor mics, limiters, eqs, and ability…thats all lol

  • Great video. I played through a PODGO and now a Fractal FM3. I enjoy watching videos like this and then seeing how close i can get to the tones i like.

  • Amazing!! Having said that, Tim could play through an old school transistor radio and sound great.

  • Ebo is a really nice guy, great bass player and of course great amp builder!! Amps only available on his web site. –gtr


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