Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

How the Eric Clapton Signature Strat Saved & Changed Fender Guitars

How the Eric Clapton Signature Fender Stratocaster saved and changed Fender guitars.

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#ericclapton #stratocaster #guitar

#Eric #Clapton #Signature #Strat #Saved #Changed #Fender #Guitars

Originally posted by UCe2E6jakftoYbUudKCk5AOw at

21 thoughts on “How the Eric Clapton Signature Strat Saved & Changed Fender Guitars

  • I think you would have to go into the sales stats to prove what you are saying but you have a right to your opinion. Buddy Holly, The Ventures, The Shadows, Gene Vincent to name a few,
    Had pretty solidified the desire for a Strat. There are scores of companies that thought enough of the Strat to build their companies around copying the Strat. Clapton deserves his
    credit for the market but initially it was the (established) guitar HE chose. The Strat was good enough to save itself. Ask the 50 (or more) companies who copied it.

  • Nope. Incorrect. Yngwie Malmsteen saved Fender. That was one of the early signature strats, was a huge best seller right off the bat (may also have been the top selling signature strat for over a decade and a half) and basically started the signature strat trend. It's because of Yngwie strats selling so well that we have a Clapton strat, Jeff Beck strat, Robert Cray, Buddy Guy, Clapton signature models etc.

  • Eric Clapton is the reason we have combo amps. Clapton could not fit his Marshall Amp into the trunk of his car. So he asked Jim Marshall to see if he could make some sort of a combo version of his amp. History was made.

  • Jimi Hendrix saved Marshall amplification and Fender Stratocaster's from extinction . I own an amazing Eric Clapton Signature Stratocaster .

  • Relics started with Keith Richards asking Fender to beat up new guitars for him.

  • not so certain on the relic'ing on these guitars. His were never aged from the factory until pretty recently with the Journeyman Relic models. The finish on the necks of his early strats were essentially super glue, which aged very fast. So it was honest wear, not artificial from the factory.

  • Claptons signature guitar is the worlds highest output guitar easily and since its a Stacked Humbucker guitar its easily the most powerful Humbucker guitar in the world. The Clapton signature Stratocaster has an active circuit run by a battery. The active curcuit makes His Stacked Humbuckers which have an output of 9,8 Kohm 2-3 times more powerful. So The Stacked Humbuckers are between 20-30 Kohm in output in TheClapton signature Stratocaster as the Clapton signature is Always active, it Does not function without a battery. The active curcuit does other Things to ad power to the guitar as well. Beside that he has an always active boost that goes from 12 to 25 DB mid boost. 12 DB mid boost has a lot more output than a Humbucker. As output doubles with every 3 DB mid boost The Clapton Signature has between 18 to 20 times higher output st 25 DB mid boost than at 12 DB mid boost. They restes the output in The Clapton signature Stratocaster just because so many amps had broken When The Clapton signature Stratocaster was used. They found out that The Clapton signature Stratocaster at its most powerful level 25 DB mid boost had 60 times higher output than a Gibson Les Paul. At The Clapton signature Stratocasters absolute weakest level 12 DB mid boost it had 11 times higher output than a Gibson Les Paul. Clapton writes that he Started recording with a Stratocaster in 1974, the other earlier albums like his solo album, Derek and the Dominos Layla and other love songs and the Rainbow concert had all been recorded by Clapton with a Gibson Les Paul ( see page 179 ) . By 1982 Clapton was completely fed up with the Stratocaster and signed with a company making Humbucker guitars. Clapton has Always said he prefers the Gibson sound, but These were high gain Humbucker guitars not low gain Humbucker guitars like a Gibson Les Paul. By 1985 Clapton was offered the most money ever to sign for Fender, He was also promised The absolut most High output guitar in the world. This was the guitar Clapton would start to use in early 1986 and became The Clapton signature Stratocaster in 1988. A real Stratocaster is a Single coil guitar with low output. The Clapton signature Stratocaster is easily the most High output guitar in the world and it has Humbuckers and a midboost that goes from 12 DB mid boost ( insane hot only that all the way up to 25 DB mid boost which is much much more output than anyone in the world needs. So a Stratocaster it Ain’t Then Fender Can call it What They want. Fender should instead do commercial for the man that in musicians circles went by the name ” The biggest fan of The Stratocaster of all musicians ” George Harrison. George Harrison tried to buy a Fender Stratocaster in 1956 but was told that Stratocasters did not exist in England because of a US embargo. The Embargo was liften in 1964 and George immidiately got his belowed Fender Stratocaster he had been painting for hours every day in school instead of listening to the teacher. He got it just after Beatles for sale was released in 1964. From Then on untill he died George Harrison almost exclusively recorded electric guitar parts with a Fender Stratocaster. At his Death They accounted he owned 350 Fender Stratocasters he had bought himself as he was Too big of a Star to have sponsorship. He was However very happy to be interviewed for 7 days for The official Fender Stratocaster book. A book he as a Beatle got the lion part of.

  • Well, Eric and Yngwie Malmsteen! As the custom shop was formed as a result of work with Jeff Beck first technically. And the introduction of Lace sensor pickups and radically different electronics was far more important than re producing out of production models and calling them signature models anyway. I always think of the Strat Plus with the Lace sensors and Roller Nut as the Jeff beck model without the endorsement. According to Fender the first signature was supposed to be James Burton but was BOTH Eric and Yngwie at the same time. Amazing that a guy as obscure to the world outside guitarists like Yngwie is actually in this conversation. Because of a reissued Stratocaster model that was actually much disparaged in its time. As with all things Fender, Tremolo is Vibrato on an Amp and Vibrato is Tremolo on the guitar.

  • Two problems. Technically, the first signature Fender was Yngwie Malmsteen's, not Eric Clapton. Also, the Les Paul is not a signature guitar, it was an endorsed guitar. It existed a full year before Les Paul ever held one in his hands. He had nothing in the original design.

  • What I'm more surprised by is the fact that Fender allowed Clapton to just take charge on his signature instrument. Most companies nowadays just slap a name on their guitars and call it a day ????

  • I often view the American Standard Stratocaster the guitar that saved Fender. It went a long to rebuild trust between Fender and guitar players.
    I own a 2001 Candy Green Clapton Strat. I still play it, but don't use it much.


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