Sunday, March 9, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

How The MXR Duke Of Tone and Timmy Pedals Are A Big Deal For Boutique Pedals

This weeks Monday Monolog is all about the releases of the MXR Duke Of Tone and Timmy pedals. What do these mean for the boutique market? Can they shine a light on the future of pedals?
JHS Fresh Clips:

#jhs #thejhsshow #mxr #timmypedal #princeoftone #dukeoftone #kingoftone #analogman #dunlop

#MXR #Duke #Tone #Timmy #Pedals #Big #Deal #Boutique #Pedals

Originally posted by UCjfbkA4jJkJY5g0wbjuoZWA at

25 thoughts on “How The MXR Duke Of Tone and Timmy Pedals Are A Big Deal For Boutique Pedals

  • Just a reminder that any comments asking you to message us on telegram are spam, not us!

  • Yesss, looking forward to a JHS-MXR collaboration! Maybe your joint take on a Klon or a RAT or a Blues Driver would be cool! (Though you did Blues Driver take with BOSS already, Tube Screamer is still on the table though as it doesn’t seem to make sense to make a Morning Glory with MXR).

    Thanks Josh for bringing the topic up positively and sharing this amazing history with us!


  • man I wish mxr would colaborate with noble direct box!!!!???? cause I’d love to try one but i’m not paying $1300-$2500!!! and waiting a year or more

  • A small correction for the article that's on your website "Are Mass Produced Pedals Good?". The King of Tone pedal is stated by the article to be based on the Klon Centaur, but that is incorrect. The King of Tone is based on the Bluesbreaker circuit

  • There will always be "boutique" gear, lovingly tweaked by hardcore tone geeks, and only the best of the best will be "in line" for mass production, because not all of them will be EPIC. Either way, we are in THE GOLDEN AGE OF GUITAR GEAR. Never before have we had such easy access to such a bevy of mass produced, low end to high end, as well as boutique gear of all kind, thru the internet, boasting classic analog, cutting edge digital, and hybrid gear. Good times to be a player.

  • I'm no expert but I think electronic components will sound exactly the same soldered by a human or a machine.

  • This is a great idea that they had. MXR is normally good quality at a price thats affordable and is often found along side Analogman and Wampler and other boutique brands.

    These licensing deals put these pedals in reach of people who either couldn't afford or wouldn't pay what the originals cost.

  • I love my Duke of Tone. I place it on the input of a Boss GX-100. For my Suhr Antique S, I set the Duke to boost with tone at 12 o'clock, volume and drive at about 2 o'clock. For crunchy OD settings on the GX-100 it adds another gain stage that sounds tube ampish.

  • Late to the game here. This video is a year old? Takes nothing away from its awesomeness ????????????????
    Thank you. ????

  • The difference between having a mass produced pedal and a boutique feeling pedal is more for me in the way it makes me feel inspired, therefore I play better. Does it sound different ? No , but just having a unique piece of gear just gives me more confidence and mojo when I play. Something about looking at an mxr pedal or large company pedal on my board just makes my playing feel more mundane

  • Josh, I’m sure I’m one of thousands that could watch and listen to your presentations for hours.
    Your passion and insightfulness in this topic is nothing but impressive.
    Please write a hardcover “coffee table” book in the vein of Synth Gems or Vintage FX but only about pedals of course, full of pictures of your collection, interviews, anecdotes and your own products of course.
    Time to put materiality to your digital encyclopedic contributions.

  • I've just seen this video. I want to thank Josh for this. I live in Northern Cyprus; a very small island nation. Our local store is very small but an MXR dealer. We never get the "boutique" things. I wanted to try a transistor based pedal like a Boss Blues Driver and the guy suggested the MXR il torino (the baby blue, italian collab pedal). It blew my mind how good it was. I bought it immediately, I use it every day. I bought an MXR timmy a couple of months later. I'm thinking of buying a Duke of Tone. My favorite combo is Timmy into JHS AT, or il torino as a boost with a Boss compressor to give sustain for clean blues solos. Please buy stuff that contributes the creators if you can afford it.

  • It's better that a company like MXR/Dunlop brings out a version of a boutique pedal, than these aliexpress copies. It is positive they do this, otherwise the chineese copy cats will destroy the market. Simple pedals priced over 250 euros is too expensive for many people. If you can get that version for 149 new from MXR, or 80€ used, thats great news. And makes buying a bad chineese copy unnecessary. We all win, and keeps the pedal industry turning.

  • All good pedal sounds great, I have both. But just for say: i bought the Mxr Timmy for 150 euros and he doesn’t work properly, seems there was a common problem with the input jack , and this forced me to give it back.

  • I never had access to a Timmy. Now? It’s the first pedal on my board, always on, with a little gain and a little bass cut. It’s a must have I didn’t know about my entire life that now starts my signal chain every single day

  • i just got a duke of tone and it far exceeded my expectations. Ill say controversially that clone pedals do not offer the full expereince of the genuine article.
    I have a cry baby wah I bought from a homeless guy on the streets of toronto (probably stolen) but MXR/DUnlop havce gained a lifetime customer and I love their pedals, picks and everything they produce!
    Thanks for elaborating on the subject!


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