Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

How The Pros Play Blues (it’s more simple than you think)

Get 50% OFF Corey’s Course “Blues Guitar By Yourself” Here:

Blues guitar is something most of us have played at one time as guitarists, but what separates the pro’s from the amateurs? In this video, my friend @coreycongilio and I discuss some of the concepts that pro players use to get the most out of blues guitar.


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#Pros #Play #Blues #simple

Originally posted by UCCJ56k8nBeqWLoxNa6DToAQ at

37 thoughts on “How The Pros Play Blues (it’s more simple than you think)

  • This is an amazing video. I’m picking up a guitar for the first time ever and blues is the feel I was attracted to immediately.

  • B.B. King is famous for playing primarily in one or two keys and using only about 15 notes, never playing chords. Okay, it might be like 20 notes. Yet, with those 15 notes he rips it up more than many can.

  • Great video! Truth! Now here's a couple more truth bombs I've learned over the years (not in music but they apply)

    SIMPLE does not mean EASY. Almost everyone confuses the two and they're not at all the same thing.

    A MASTER is someone who makes a complex or difficult skill seem easy. The only way there is practice – quality practice time. "Not the hours you put in, it's what you put in the hours"

    A MASTER knows the basics cold. Inside and out. Backwards and forwards. MASTER the BASICS, like how much 'tone' comes from the way your fingers touch the guitar and not lots of expensive gear.

    Better to MASTER a few things and know how to apply them well than learn lots of things but then not remember them or know how/when/where to apply them.

    Hope this helps someone. I've learned these things over decades and wish I knew them at the beginning.

  • From an old millennial trying to learn the guitar, thank you for this and all your videos.

  • Great vid. Totally hits where I’m currently at in my guitar journey. Mindless nodding in my middle name right now. Les’s is more hits home????

  • What’s the technique called at 6:51 when he runs down the scale, it’s not cascading is it? I really wanna learn this style of running down the scale

  • I know I am late to this conversation but I have to say, that Casino has the most beautiful sunburst I have ever seen on a Casino. Really nice touch micing it too so we sear electric, strings, etc. great for teaching like this.

  • Great video. I appreciate the lesson approach, You ask the right questions guitarists are looking for the answers to. Ty

  • Love you guys ❤ ultimately play the guitar as much as you want and push yourself to do more every day!

  • Music is a jungle and the guitar is your machete….wow. That’s an analogy I would have never imagined. Very cool new perspective.

  • Albert King once said, "How do you play the blues? Just play the blues!" It also helps to be an old black man.

  • More simple is incorrect unless you’re more simple in your understanding of your own language.

  • I did that for years- I thought getting another piece of GEAR would make me sound BETTER!.. THAT was the BIGGEST MISTAKE I EVER MADE, GUYS!.. ALL you NEED is a decent guitar, a decent amp, a good distortion pedal to get the TYPES of sound you want (I like Sparkle Drive), MAYBE a Wah, AFTER you've MASTERED Major, Minor, Pentatonic Blues, Mixolydian and Diminished scales AND Arpeggios. And you HAVE to KNOW plenty of CHORDS, at LEAST for the type of music you want to PLAY!… ONCE you have THOSE things DOWN, in your Head, and in your HANDS, and you can USE them, to make REAL music, then I say, go out and buy Anything you can afford!.. BUT if you DON'T learn those Basic, Fundamental things FIRST, How to MAKE the MUSIC that you want to PLAY, then ALL THE GEAR in the WORLD, WON'T DO you ANY GOOD!

  • Rhett….. You've acquired a lot of subscribers and helped a lot of intermediate guitarists with your You-Tube channel. I just don't understand why you feel it's necessary to show thousands of dollars worth of gear behind you all the time much like Tim Pierce does.
    I'd much rather listen to Tom Bukovic or Guthrie Trapp who don't seem to feel it necessary
    to 2nd mortgage their home to find that elusive tone.

  • Great video. Thanks heaps. Appreciated by an old rocker who played back in the day but packed up the rig and put it away for 30+ years. Now dusting it off and trying to 'get back on the horse'. This video helped immensely. Cheers

  • Tempo, and PAUSES, matter a lot…. and not a fast tempo. So many guitarists (sadly) think playing fast or complex is "the thing" or "key to sounding good"…. and while it can be impressive, slower, paced, voiced, and with pauses tends to be FAR more enjoyable to listen to. it applies to blues as well as so many other types of music. If you have the basics, and can play it smoothly, slowly, and with feeling…. there it is.

    I was watching a "low watt amp" video from Rhett earlier today, and his demo grabbed me…. why? Because I COULD HAVE BEEN PLAYING IT. Rhett is VASTLY better than I am, but he was playing exactly how I play… and it sounded great.

    I think so many of us are far harder on ourselves than we need to be. And getting wrapped up in complexity, speed, and "flashy" can be a real hindrance…. since in all honesty, the vast majority of what we like listening to is NOT that at all. And this video here also demonstrated that.


  • What is that guitar Corey is playing? Looks like Epiphone, but I haven't been able to match it with anything on their website.

  • Sure, there's SOME salient information here. This channel really is just a whole lot of snobbish gear, while snobby dudes overemphasize basics, because it's all they can play


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