Saturday, February 22, 2025
BassBass Lessons

How to Choose Your First Bass Guitar || Beginner Bass

Buying your first bass guitar can be fun, but it can also be a daunting experience. There are so many options to choose from. Sounds Like Ben answers your questions about buying a bass for beginners. This video covers, how much to spend on your first bass, choosing between a 4 string or 5 string bass, choosing between a short scale bass or a long scale bass, as well as tips on how to make sure the bass will not need potentially expensive repairs or setup work.

**Gear Used to make this video
Sony A6000 Camera
Focusrite Clarett 8Pre USB

Propellerhead Reason 10
Adobe Premiere

#Choose #Bass #Guitar #Beginner #Bass

Originally posted by UCNNrjy76dxsAXkNk-XmzTog at

29 thoughts on “How to Choose Your First Bass Guitar || Beginner Bass

  • #277_WrongAlreadyAt0min48sec_CheckHarleyBenton_OnlyThruEuropeDealer_ShippingSucksBut_LessThan300USD_ReadWatchReviewsTruth????????????????????????✝️

  • Good advice mainly.disagree completely on 5 vs 4 string.beginners start with 4 string.make it easy on yourself.and u can buy a decent new bass for 200 to 300.i would also start on a long scale

  • First off go as cheap as you can and do a little research on styles and pickups. Then what genre of music do you wanna play? I mean Jazz, country, honky tonk or juke joint, rock or metal? Then do have the dedication to play music? Playing guitar hurts for a little bit. It really hurts both arms, wrists and finger tips. If you wanna take lessons then when the lesson is over you still go over and over and over and over again what you learned in that hour or two even while watching tv. That is the best practice running theough scales you are splitting your attention. You wanna watch TV but running through through scales fast all along the neck perfectly. Then the theory gomes in. Then root notes and fifths which sound naturally good together. Speed comes with perfection slowly.

    Every family member that wanted to play guitar never got past GCD. No time or it was to painful and their little fingers hurt or wernt getting the results they wanted to play a song within a month.

    So buy the cheapest you can and learn on. Then work yourself up. My cousin asked me what instument was easiest to play. Mu answer was none snd they all are equally hard or easy to learn how to play according to how much he wanted to play them. Even asked me about banjo and yes i can play one. My style is like Grandpa Jones with the claw and totally different style than just finger picking. But i like the sound on a 5 string banjo. I tried playing a six string Epi in Arkansas, my home state, and it sounded like shit.

    As for bass and guitar, stay totally basic and once you learn that then start adding strings be it seven or five and six on bass. Then moving from six strings to four is a bitch too. But it does give you a leg up sort of. Never ever do the short stroke because its easier. Go with the standarn neck length. And on six you have a space ????to pick without ever thinking much aboutthe tone. Bass is different. You add a distortion pedal then you play closer to the neck. Without a distortion pedal you play closer to the bridge and then pick or finger.

    So much goes into the sound you want to reproduce or produce on your own.

  • I have been playing Guitar for three years and Bass has become a True passion of mine..
    I went in to a guitar center and played on several Basses ..I know for sure I do like the five string especially since I enjoy Bell Witch, Deftones, Korn and Canibal Corpse ..Green Death etc. Candlemass. So, heavier Music fis what I am more interested in.

    Q: Active humbucker pickups will help me play the Music I want?
    Q: I played on a Yamaha with the eq knobs THOUGH THE FRETS FELT LOWER AND HAVING REALLY BLURRY VISION I RELY ON MY SENSE OF FEEL. THE YAMAHA TBRX HAD THE ACTIVE switch but then I grabbed a Esp ltd bass and loved how it felt in my hands and found myself to really get in a groove.

    Can you recommend a few active basses for me to consider that will suit my taste in Music I want to play.. Please?!

    Sorry this comment is rather lengthy. Lastly I have been thinking of the Orange Crush 50 bass, any advice on which bass and amp I should look at?

    Thanks and I enjoy having discovered how much I appreciate Bass and want it to be my primary looking forward to the Journey ahead of me. I usually place dotted stickers on the back of the neck to allow me to feel which fret I am at just as the fret markers do on the fret board to help faster transition and all.

    Dark Blessings to All. ☯️

  • I found a bass with amp and everything for 300 USD… 4 string Chicago Trans Red Burst 24 frets and a 35W amp! I come from guitar, drums and piano, self learned on all of them, but now that my piano mid tangent is faulty i decided to buy a bass! I wanted to stick to 4 strings, since 5 or more is more complex than a 4 stringer, and a 4 stringer is what i feel i need.

  • I got a Yamaha Trbx304 Its a little pricier but I wanted a good bass as this is going to be one of my main hobbies , It was highly recommended here on youtube , the guy at the store suggested it. And I am pleased with it

  • Used instruments on e bay can get you better bases at a lower price so long as you can return it and know what to look out for and do your own set ups.if you are not too egotistical about brands then it can be good value.Yamaha are always a good beginner brand as well

  • I hope I didn’t miss it, but what bass are you playing in the video? I love the color combo. Thank you for the great, helpful content!

  • been playing the drums for years now and wanted to know what my band is actually talking about when they waffle about notes and stuff, and decided bass is the way for me to go. im 14 so my budget isnt really set in stone but i think im looking at about £300 – £500 hopefully. ive got my eyes set on a squire classic vibes 70s jazz bass, as i get the idea that its a pretty similar bass as the fender geddy lee plays more now and i love rush because of drums and neil peart and stuff. im a bit worried though that it is too much to spend on an instrument ive never played before. any thoughts?

  • The best music ever created was lay down with the fourth string P bass or jazz bass. A four string bass is all you will ever need.

  • Hey! Thanks for the guide. I found a bass that i really like and is kind of cheap. What do you think about Ibanez GSR-180?

  • Two months into playing bass. I haven't bought one yet, but am borrowing a friend's bass. It's a Fender Jazz bass. It's a beauty, and easier to play now that I have callouses. I played cello, alto sax, and bari sax in the 70s, so I'm no stranger to musical nomenclature. The hard part is not having written music to play. Also, listening to Steely Dan's bass lines is overwhelming. Just how in TF do I make sense of that? I'm thinking the dude is some kind of musical sorcerer.

  • Just watched again. I got a V7 and it’s a really really good base, but I found a used Fender jazz ultra for half the price. It fits exactly what you said at the end; love the look, feel, sound. The Fender does. I’m allowing emotions to take over. Thanks for the post and recommendations. ????

  • Real good information, some of the information that l liked just to name a few was checking to see if there was any buzzing sounds from each string(that l didn't know) also taking a friend, or guitar or bass player but l went with the advice of my guitar teacher on some things to look for ➕ he told me to ask for a guy that works there and also l brought my electric guitar from there a number of years ago and l have not had any problems with my electric guitar(it's a Schecter) and l also got a Schecter bass Diamond Series, also yeah l could have done some more research on my bass guitar but I'm happy with it based on the advice of my teacher, but again l like your information you put out

  • Hello! I’m 5’2, I play acoustic Guitar with a scale of 24’’ and i’m considering purchasing the Mini Squire P Bass with a scale of 28’’ as my first Bass. Is this a good idea? I’m having second thoughts if its a good idea to get the shorter scale or go all out with the regular and a chance to struggle with higher frets. I also accidentally taught myself with my dominant hand (right) on the frets (and its a struggle to switch back) would it be a good idea to look into a left handed bass? Or just play a bit switched about like I do on the acoustic? The kind of music I enjoy falls into the Nirvana, The cranberries, The Pixies, Arctic Monkeys kinda deal. Great video!!

  • i don’t know anything about bass guitars and i really want one, but it’s so confusing, hopefully i’ll just end up learning more about them quickly!

  • I'm about to get my first bass and am super excited for it. Your video helped a lot, I really like your way of explaining and your approach. Subbed. 🙂

  • Mini basses are a great way to go . They are guitar size but pack the same sound/tone SS the bigger basses and are inexpensive. Fender, Ibanez, Gretsch and Jackson all make mini basses. Mini basses are 28.5". The Fendrr Swuire mini is a great platform to start with. Shorter thinner neck also make them easier to play .

  • Would a new $199 ($200) Ibanez Mikro GSRM20 Short Scale Bass a good value are there better $200 Short Scale Basses out there? Or should I buy a used $200 Short Scale Bass if $200 Basses aren't high enough quality? Thanks for any and all thoughts, advice, opinions, or answers.


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