Tuesday, March 18, 2025

31 thoughts on “How To Get a Good Guitar Tone

  • HX Stomp here….I sure do like that full size screen.
    I notice your EFX Pedal chain.
    How important is the order or sequence for EFX?
    Thanks a ton for this video

  • Clint, super cool name, I love Clint Eastwood since I started watching his movies in the 70's. But on to guitar sound, I've been playing for 40 years (that doesn't mean I'm good) nevertheless did you ever feel that a certain guitar sound connects directly to your fingers? It's hard to explain but it's as if your fingers "hear" the sound as much as your ears but this happens a lot to me. A good guitar sound is also important when you're serving the song, I always use Ringo Starr's example in Come Together, that drum intro serves the song perfectly. Imagine Ringo playing a 4/4 at 120 bpm it would sound horrible. Guitar sounds vary and they vary within the same player. Take a look at Clapton in the 1986 Concert Clapton & Friends with Phil Collins on the drums, Nathan East on Bass and Greg Philliganes on keys and you'll see Clapton's guitar sound change in many diff ways. Take care.

  • Very interesting. I have a Squire Strat Affinity, a TS9 and a Roland Cube 40xl, and an Epiphone Les Paul Special 2, I'm learning and your video has got me thinking about a great tone. Thanks for sharing.

  • Great video Clint thanks a lot! Found this very useful! If you have time, I would love to know how you learned guitar and who you learned from! Would love to play in a similar style to you! Thanks again from New Zealand brother!

  • Thanks Clint! That has helped me a lot since I purchased this Line6 HX Stomp! It has been real confusing…because I'm not getting the sound I hear in my head! I've had to watch this video several times to understand! ???? You're awesome! ????

  • I'm purchasing a line 6 Helix Hx Stomp and Helix Native! Good use some help with my Gibson Les Paul Studio! ????????

  • Thank you for sharing your approach to a good time. This is one area that I struggle and you have given me a good basis to work from.

  • Just tried same amp model with my 57/62 pickups and it sounds too weak… What pickups do you use on this strat? It sounds very hot.

  • Are you using the usb from the helix directly in your computer or are you using an audio interface in between? I'm thinking about getting a helix for my beginner home studio as well. Thanks in advance!

  • Very usefull and instructive video. Great that I found this one since I just got my Helix and still studying how to use it and how to dial in a good tone.

  • Hey Clint. I appreciate what you do . Hope you get to come to the Washington DC area. Would very much like to meet you or hear you play live should that be the case.

  • very very brave topic dude πŸ˜€ but, as usual, you nailed it very well.

    im wonder if you give a shot Overloud TH-U dude, looking forward to your opinion.

    anyway, it would be great also if you want to help a beginner guitarist (like me). glad to hear your opinions, some minus or plus, etc.

    anyway, if you dont mind check out my another channel too, its called "pipop pucit".

    thanks dude m/

  • い぀も参考にγͺっています!


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