Wednesday, March 5, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

How To Get A Hundred Bass Tones From One Bass (FOR FREE!!)

In this lesson we’ll be looking at bass tone and how it is 95% a product of your hands, fingers and technique. We’ll look at all aspects of technique we can use in developing a bass tone and sound.
Bass players like Jaco Pastorius, James Jamerson, Rocco Prestia and Les Claypool all have an instantly recognisable sound. The bass and the amp might help in making the most of your tone, but the fingers are the source!

0:00 Intro
1:04 Tone and Touch
2:21 Bass Line and Initial Setting
3:04 Hand Position
5:38 Angle Of Attack
7:06 Strength Of Attack
10:07 Pickup Bias
12:30 Default Attack
13:33 Natural Compression

#bassguitar #bassist #talkingbass

#Bass #Tones #Bass #FREE

Originally posted by UCDfStxwji-22A_bvY280UIg at

19 thoughts on “How To Get A Hundred Bass Tones From One Bass (FOR FREE!!)

  • It would be a better lesson had he done it with a beginner bass. He's using a fancy bass that, probably already has a great sound.

  • A lot of very good information in this lesson. I will try out these different positions on the pickups. Thanks Mark for agood lesson.

  • I was in a horrible crash couple years ago. Plates in my wrists. Nearly amputated right arm. Nerves tendons and ligaments all struggling to move and I don't sound anything like I used to.

  • Another fantastic lesson Mark. Some really great advice that some may or may not know. Always good to get a refresher if needed.

  • I'm looking for the tone of either a WAL (for the bottom end) or an Alembic Spoiler out of my Fender Jazz bass. These sounds might be impossible to dial in on a Fender though…

  • I have been playing 40 years now and one has to really appreciate the excellence Mark brings to every video. I’ve taken many of his courses to expand my skill set and even correct bad habits. The only regret I have about Mark is that he doesn’t live next door to me. (He’d probably be grateful that he doesn’t)????

  • Thank you again Mark. At the 3:40 point your phrase "that boom" gave the impetus to work on fingering my Precision Bass toward the neck instead of over the pickup. Now how to make it happen ???? P..S. I''m a 'mature age' player in a concert band and the environmental acoustics can accentuate the 'boominess'

  • As always Mark, top tutorial and zooming into a specific technique and breaking it it down with excellent instuctions which are clear and precise. Just Brilliant Thank You.

  • Thanks Mark! As I practice in my room, I have tried the different pickup mixes. But like you said, it's WAY different when playing out! Great tips…Thank You!

  • Great advice. As a kid in the 70s I had to try to copy tones with only one Japanese copy jazz bass (an Eros) and it's good to know you can do so much with fingers/pick/position


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