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How to Get Calluses on Fingers for Guitar | Guitar Tricks

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Getting calluses on fingers for guitar playing is important and one of the main complaints for every beginner guitar player. Gary is going to give you some tips on how to toughen up your fingertips for guitar.

There are a couple of ways to deal with finger pain. One is to use lighter string gauges. Or you can also tune your entire guitar down a half step and put a guitar capo on the first fret. This shortens the scale length of the guitar and eases the string tension.

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#Calluses #Fingers #Guitar #Guitar #Tricks

Originally posted by UCwSn2qQtmQ1r1nV9-0IQ3Xw at

30 thoughts on “How to Get Calluses on Fingers for Guitar | Guitar Tricks

  • Great info. I have a new Ibanez Mikro because I have fairly small hands. The strings are much lighter than my other guitars and I keep wondering why I was out of tune. Must be pushing to hard. Thank you.

  • So, I have an old guitar. I get so much pain from it since I have to press extremely hard on it so that it even sounds remotely right.

    My grandfather made it, my grandfather was a carpenter and his existence was just one giant callus. Maybe that's why he could play it even with all the faults that this old guitar has.

  • Î like your video for plastic finger cause a cople year lost my horn i can,t not made horn again after 15 minute my finger is very hot before i had my horn is mot burning and i play 30 minute one hour i few sens me where buy the plastoc finger tank you

  • Thank you for these tips! I have an acoustic guitar with steel strings I’ve had for years but it doesn’t cause me pain surprisingly. I began playing for an hour consistently a week ago and my fingers tingle afterwards which I now see is my skin toughening.????????awesome, great video!

  • One of the best tutorials on guitar playing I've seen. Started fooling around with a guitar in college 50 years ago, but more or less gave it up. Pulled out the old Yamaha FG-180 every couple of years, but it hurt too much. Now you've got me inspired to take it up again. Great teacher!

  • As a player returning to 6-string after years not playing – and my fingers are SORE – I found this very informative.

    I also want to compliment you on your production quality; I can't remember ever seeing another YT video produced this well. I don't know how you managed it, but the absolutely dark background with no detail anywhere in it gave total focus to you, a feat not easy to accomplish. Well done!

  • That might work for you but I does not work for everybody, it’s great when your young and you think that you know everything, I can flatpick and set a guitar up better than you, and at my age it is impossible to harden up my fingers, it didn’t use to be,but
    my fingers would harden up with playing, but now that is not true.

  • I learn by touching, my skin has to feel what I'm touching which then sends that info to my brain,so I can't even work with doctors gloves even though they are real thin,my skin has to feel it, but I can see how those booty finger caps could work, not sure if I would try them though.

  • My guitar calluses always peeling, what should i do? I always practicing fingerstyle than chord songs and im just a begginer

  • So my hack for the days you're not able to play (work, life, plans, can get in the way)
    Is to keep the scraps from your strings after you change them, bend them into a ring shape & maybe glow off the sharp ends, and then while you're driving you have something you can fidget with/press your calloused into & it'll keep them strong
    Because if I'm not about to play, I'm likely driving to work. I just keep those in my side door & that's that
    My callouses have never been better

  • Some good stuff here, Gary! Question, my fingernails grow fast and they actually are even with my fingertips which means they tend to get cracked and split. I trim them as short as possible but still an issue. I've seen people whose nails are well back from their fingertips. Any advice? PS just subbed;)

  • I remember having finger pain in my middle finger cuz of playing with a yoyo, it took me about 3 months of daily playing to develop calluses there, can’t wait to get them on the fingertips too

  • Yeah!! FINALLY! Determined to finally build Callouses, I gave myself 1 Month but came in at 3 weeks! Starting out, I blistered, I cried, I sent Pics to friends (for sympathy) lol, I scabbed, etc. Thru the Day/Eve, whenever I passed by my Guitar I'd pick it up & press out some Chords. (1-2 min). Next time, 5 min.etc. Made my Practice Sessions more Frequent but LESS Time each.  Gloves to do Dishes! Try to keep Hands dry during this Process. No Hand Cream for a few weeks.
    I also bought this weird "Gadget" Fretboard I took in my Purse. ($11 Amz) Its JUST Steel Strings on a Slide Out piece of Wood w/some Frets. You don't play it, just there to BUILD or KEEP Callouses. (I actually panicked going away w/out Guitar for a weekend worrying I had put in so much time & pain, didn't want skip even One Day! For the first 2 Weeks, I wished I could just take my Fretboard only to carry around & couldn't believe it when I found my Wish on Amazon. ! ? That was Freaky. )
    I pulled Fake Fretboard out in Dr Waiting Rms, Bank Line, my A.M. Coffee at Cafe,. I was almost obsessed trying to build Callouses. Thought I never would but I got there (still working on the Pinkie). Will admit my Fingertips are Numb & feel strange but I'll take it as I can now play longer. NOW, its all about building Finger STRENGTH! Lol. Always something … 
    I just went WAY over Budget, indulged & bought a gorgeous Larrivee (LV10) – both a Reward & Incentive to keep going!
    Hell. Building Callouses is NO Joke. So I feel I EARNED that Guitar 😉

  • Pain is progress, you know the right kind of pain and the wrong kind of pain. Then you start to enjoy it, knowing you've nailed your practice and just at that point…no more pain ????

  • easy for YOU to say!~ omg, it's so hard to get those calouses to still press as light as you look to be pressing to get that noise.

  • Solid video. Question: I'm finding calluses sometimes prevent me from properly bending notes – and generally playing lead – because the string slips a bit. Is there a happy medium that would allow me to keep my callused fingertips while also maintaining grip? Thanks.

  • Soaking my finger tips in surgical spirit as I watch this. I'm surprised it isn't mentioned – it's the only way I ever got past the pain and got decent enough callouses fast.

    Play, get to the pain stage, then dip your fingers in surgical spirit and give it a few hours. Rinse and repeat

  • So you want to go close to the bone with your fingers as that’s the hardest part your shedding down too haha

  • No one said It hurts like f. I don't think I'm shedding skin, I'm shedding tears. Who ever said learn guitar it's easy, I hope you lead a miserable life.

  • Thanks for the tips, I tuned my acoustic guitar down a half step and now my fat little fingers can play the A chord. ????


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