Wednesday, March 26, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

How to get good Telecaster Tone (Best Amps + Pedals)




Good Telecaster tone – that’s always a tough task for guitar players. In my experience, guitarists need to start with the basic fundamentals of good Telecaster tone – solid guitar/amp combinations as well as considerations regarding guitar pedals that fit the frequencies of the typical Telecaster tone.


0:00 Good Telecaster Tone Example 1
1:03 Best Amps for Telecasters
2:59 Good Telecaster Sound Example 2
3:58 Best Pedals for Telecasters
7:33 Good Telecaster Tone Example 3
8:24 Your turn to get the best telecaster tone!

#good #Telecaster #Tone #Amps #Pedals

Originally posted by UCdDBhUmXxDUXnfR3oIaBHOg at

50 thoughts on “How to get good Telecaster Tone (Best Amps + Pedals)

  • Yo bro! I got a Squier CV Tele and I want to change the pickups. What do you recommend?

  • Yes, but wasn't your journey to this conclusion a very important part of the experience?
    Every guitar player should try everything available to them to find the sound that's works for them.

  • I always preferred a Stratocaster through a Fender Silver Face, but am thinking about switching things up with my Telecaster. What would be your suggestion for a rhythm player to get the best palm-muting/ crisp 'chunking' sound? Thanks!

  • Naw, I want that clean, clean CLEAN Buck Owens sound, just got a FPS II; burning my hands. I have thirty plus gtrs to play that sort of stuff. Likes to you, brother.

  • Yeay are you from germany?

    Second question: which Kemper Profile do you prefer i got marshall jubilee profiles too ist it good?

  • THis is the kind of guy I want to be friends with. We literally have the same desk and guitar set up, and I love how he has fun with it. What a dude. God bless

  • If the Vox AC30 isn't mentioned, i'm unsubbing, Tele > AC30 = God-like tone! … Yep, that's it, unsubbed.

  • Ive been using tele all my life, i absolutly agree with evrything u said and it was a very clear explanation!

  • Joey loved this video. I need your help…I have a fender tele guitar with morning glory and a Jet lion overdrive pedal…what amp would you get / recommend? I also have a tonex one pedal. Any advice would be appreciated. Definitely subscribed to the channel. Love your tone!

  • Nothing wrong with a Tele into a Marshall JTM 45. Just turn knobs til it's good.

  • Interesting video. Thanks for sharing this with us. I have a question though. What is the mid spectrum (2kHz, 5kHz?)?

  • Me gusta mucho como tocas. controla tus gestos .. eso me decian cuando tenia 7 años en el conservatorio.. solo una sugerencia . tenes un talento unico . saludos

  • Your Tele model is a high mid sparkled relic one. For example Player series telecasters (2018 and present models) have more attuned high frequencies and less sparkle and shrill. So it depends on your guitar's EQ. Still applies in overall after all. But knowing your EQ right is key. An EQ pedal will show you what you like or not in your tone curve people.

  • It would be great to have all these names listed in the description box. You say the words too fast and show the equipment too quickly for an amateur such as myself to be able to know what to search online.

  • Joey.. love your playing style but, and I know it's a matter of dialing in the tone to personal taste, but I have a 68' super reverb drip edge silverface. It's the AB763 circuit that's identical to the blackface. I think that it sounds great with my American Pro II Telecaster. I use a tube screamer also. The rest of the video is spot on, though. Subscribed.

  • You're an excellent communicator and teacher so I thank you very much. Bravo. But do you have to show your playing examples as if you're playing for crowds at a live concert? Relax. Just play as if you're in the livingroom of your home.
    Thanks bro. ????????????????????

  • Interesting that you pair a Tele with a Marshall Silver Jubilee. One of my favorite local players always used a Tele with a Silver Jubilee for years, and he always had amazing tone, too. Guess he knew the secret sauce as well lol.

  • I had TS9 into a 65 twin reverb for a decade and never managed to get a decent tone out of my tele. I switched to a 59 bassman which I am using with a JHS morning glory and my tele sounds legenday

  • Great video! I’ve always thought that the Crunch channel on my DSL sounds dead and boring without any pedal. I could Max out the gain and it still sounds empty somehow. But as soon as I kick in the EHX Soul Food it all comes to live.

  • What Tele model and pickups are you using? My Baja 60s sounds a little dull in comparison. Love 51 Nocaster and broadcaster pups… I’ve got a Bassbreaker 30R, I’m finding it difficult to get the sort of sound you get. My OD pedals are JRAD Archer, TS808 Tubescreamer, Fulltone Mosfet 2, Beetronics Royal Jelly Fuzz, and a Fender The Bends Compressor set up like a smooth light overdrive. Usually have the Bends and Archer permanently on with one or two of the others stacked into them (or the fuzz). Nice tones, just not quite ‘the’ tone. Would a Rat be a good choice?


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