Wednesday, March 12, 2025

38 thoughts on “How to get great tones from your tube amp | Orange OR15 + PPC112 cabinet

  • How can you say that the OR-15 sounds thin with very little gain, when you’re playing through a speaker that’s designed for amps of 30W+ ??? It’s going to be thin at low volume, or without a fair bit of gain, because the Vintage 30 doesn’t start to clear it’s throat below around 18W…. A 15W amp hasn’t even got enough output to properly break in a new one, because that takes at least 30W…. If you swap the Vintage 30 for a Greenback or other speaker rated at 20W-30W that responds well to a 15W amp, you get a much bigger sound without much gain, and even some good old fashioned speaker compression with the volume cranked up, and you’ll get a respectable tone on the 7W setting… That’s why manufacturers produce a range of 12” speakers, not just one model that’s rated at 60W which would be more profitable for them… As for playing through your 2X12, you’re trying to drive a 120W cab with 15W!!!… You’d need Alnico Blues in it in order to get a sound which is truly representative of the amp’s character…!

  • I had this head, and it sucked ass. I changed the tone stack to the Jim Root specs and it smoothed the treble and that was it. Ran it through multiple 4×12's, put my analog board with 10 band EQ and it still sounded anemic. I sold it, lost money, and bought a Marshall SLX 50 watt head. Now I'm happy.

  • I strongly recommend the 212 cab from orange (open back or closed) or hughes & kettner tm212 with this head, really shines with the extra speaker and on the 15w setting can blow the walls off your bedroom haha

  • Great demo my man! I would disagree with one point that you can’t really play a large or medium room with it. It doesn’t have enough watts (power) to cut through the mix and hit the crowd in the back row. It also isn’t enough if you play in a band with 2 or 3 guitarist. As far as a practice amp or bedroom amp it’s the best amp on the market period.

  • Excellent demo and review. Best of many on youtube for this amp. I'm picking up my OR15 + PPC112 tomorrow!

  • I can’t believe you’re able to play that loud in your apartment. Those are not low volumes lol. That amp is loud as hell, don’t let the wattage deceive you.

  • I got my first tube amp a few months ago and I didn't think it was a big deal at first or even notice it tbh but my amp is dead quiet when turned on in the standby mode but as soon as I switch it to on it instantly produces a constant hum, even with all the volume and gain off. Is it just normal for some amps to have a low hum noise to them at all times or is this something I should be worried about?

  • Orange says it was designed for '70s crunch and not necessarily for Craprock (heavy noise/metal shit). Look in the music dictionary under pure rock tone.

  • Hi JJ, super review ! Do you still have this amp ? Sounds amazing..
    Can you manage to make a 15W review ? Demoing the power section ? 🙂

  • Perfect man! Some people define an amp like crappy sound, but they know nothing about tone, eq, volumes. You know very well and we can see the wonderful result. Great hand of course Is required!

  • I had a OR15 Let my buddy use it for a while he completely fell in love with it. I went to Guitar Center and they had a used rockerverb 50 MK2. I sold my OR15 to my buddy for pretty cheap and bought the Rockerverb, It sounded great but had issues, I then upgraded to a Rockerverb 50 MK3 and I did not care for the gain. There was plenty of gain but did not have that rich sound the OR had. I returned it and bought a OR15 again. So I lost out on a few hundred bucks. But my buddy really enjoys it and I got a replacement. I will never get rid on this amp again and I own quite a few $1000+ amps.
    I run it through V30s and its amazing

  • 'How to get a good tone from an Orange OR15', simple, just turn it on. Sorted. A 2X12 cab is way better than a 1X12. You can't go wrong with an OR15.

  • I tried one of these yesterday and I was impressed with it, now i want to sell my Blackstar HT Stage 60 2×12 to get one ????

  • Thank you Sir. Got lots of useful information and great way to dial in! I got one yesterday and will try tomorrow!

  • I just got one of these used, but it was in mint condition, and I love it. I just ordered some JJ's for it, so I hope that takes it to the next level.


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