Saturday, March 15, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

How to Get GREAT Vox AC15c1 Tones!

#voxac15 #voxamps #vox #guitar
Check out the Vox AC15c1 on Sweetwater! (Affiliate)
Welcome to this in depth demo, review and tone tips video of the modern classic Vox AC15c1! What do you think? Using a Fender Stratocaster, Gibson Les Paul, Rickenbacker 620, Wampler Pantheon, Keeley Compressor Plus and One Control Little Copper Chorus. Also featuring some tips from @TheToneLounge and @LivingroomGearDemos ~

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Disclaimer: I do basic audio editing on my videos to account for the microphones, preamp and room. This editing, mostly light EQ and compression, is intended to give you the most accurate representation of how the featured gear actually sounds. NO editing is done to misrepresent how the featured gear sounds in any way.

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#GREAT #Vox #AC15c1 #Tones

Originally posted by UCEQ_Z17PBn1zm9oEXORwg1g at

21 thoughts on “How to Get GREAT Vox AC15c1 Tones!

  • I don't understand why VOX doesn't make amps that sound like the amps from the 60s. THAT is the sound people want. Just give the people what they want. I have an AC30 CC2 and while I like the sound, it does NOT sound like an vintage AC30. The woody tone of the old amps is simply unmatched. I can't imagine that it would be THAT hard to acomplish. Is it a sole money driven decision or what is going on? Same for Fenders and Marshalls. I just don't get it.

  • I can sculpt some awesome tones using both inputs. I use an a/b box to use individually or play both channels.

  • I have a limited edition, Black & Tan tolex with the Creamback speaker…favorite amp I've ever had. I run it stereo with a Fender Super Champ X2. And I also run both channels of the AC15. I set the Top Boost to where I like it, and then blend in the Normal. It really thickens things up nicely for me.

  • I'm learning so much about amps in this channel…I guess VOX amps are not for me. When you turn the Pantheon pedal on it sounds like me tweaking a digital modeller – very harsh upper frequencies, although it probably sits phenomenally well in a mix

  • From my experience this amp sounds amazing after turning Master Volume to at least 1/3 or even better to 1/2. This adds a lot to a tone from a power amp section, on lowet volumes it's too transparent for some overdrive sounds. I think a lot of people complaining about "thin tone" don't understand how classic tube amps work – you get signature sound on "medium to high" volume levels. If you play mostly cleans this is not as audiable.

    This is definely not a bedroom volume design You have to remember that analog amps are dialed toward specific usage and this amp is meant for a live performance or playing with drums. It's not like with digital amps that sounds same at all volume levels. If someone want overdriven tones on bedroom volume levels I woud recommend checking out Vox AC10 or Vox Mini Superbeetle. You can get similar power amp colouring and compression on lower volume levels.

  • I got an AC15 the other day. Plugged it in, played with adjusting the controls for about fifteen minutes and realized this is what a tele is supposed to sound like. And just like that, I became a Vox guy.

  • I’ve got two AC15s. The best “tone hack” from firsthand experience, is using one ABY to send my signal simultaneously into the Normal and Top Boost channels.
    My signal path…
    Telecaster >
    Nobles ORD-1 >
    Cornerstone Gladio >
    BOSS GE-7 EQ >
    Orange Amp Detonator ABY with phase control >
    BOSS Dimensions DC 2W in Stereo >
    BOSS RE-202 in stereo >
    Left amp ABY to both Normal & Top Boost.
    Right amp ABY to both Normal & Top Boost.

    You can approach the Normsl Volume as a type of clean blend to your dirt as it retains the head room.
    You can approach the Top Boost Volume in the same fashion you would for an overdrive pedal to open it up, or close it to clipping and breakup. The Amp is the last gain stage. This really opened up the amps considerably. Sounds magnificent. (Actually using similar settings as in this video, but my Master might be lower for home/bedroom volume. Both the Normal and Top Boost are about 2 o’clock.)
    Very happy with how I am hearing things and the overall response from the effects.

  • Good video. I'm really thinking about getting the ac15. I have an ac10 but it seems to be crapping out. I love the 10 but really wished it had a real spring reverb. Plus with the ac15 i can get the wonderful alnico blue speaker.

  • Needed much more close ups of the controls and less if the face is the amp.

    Might just be me but I heard very little difference with the compressor on.

  • Great vid kiddo! I use this amp in the pit with a Sheraton ii pro and when applicable Ric 660-12. You are right on with the tone cut run about the 3:00 position. Great amp with plenty of volume on a stand in my ear to compete with the horns playing "fff" and of course the drummer. Running chorus, compressor, and "blues driver" pedals. I like the reverb and tremolo on this amp even though I run both on my pedal board. That way I can run other styles of reverb with the punch of a pedal and not have to dial in from song to song on the amp. (It's tough enough switching back and forth with different guitars let alone thinking about which setting I want on the amp). I purchased this amp after buying the Ric. I mean the two are a match made in heaven.

  • I've just purchased a used Vox AC15. It's in great shape. Thanks for the video. This has been very helpful and entertaining ????⭐

  • Love the AC15 but it's so touchy to dial in. I have some fenders and they just kinda sound great on almost any setting.

  • Just picked one up and still messing with the dials. The A/B switch for two channel switching works great.

  • For the booster I use a Wampler Pinnacle Deluxe, as does Gilmour, and I toss in an EH Holy Stain, can really get it dialed in, 2 great pedals.

  • I disagree quite a bit, the 3 dimensions comes when it does break up, these amps are made to be broken up, where a Marshall is a mid designed amp , the Vox has more on the bottom, also what both Fender and Marshall fall at is using negative feedback, this is where people think a Vox is shrill, it is not , you are just used to being held back, the Vox is a horse with no saddle, get ready for a wild ride, this amp will not coddle you. Remember negative feedback, this is where they set apart.

  • If you want warmth run two AC15C1'S in stereo through your rack no amp modelling. Mic your amps to the desk you'll be amazed!


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