How to get Mike Dirnt’s bass tone in 30 seconds! #bass #bassguitar #greenday
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#Mike #Dirnts #bass #tone #seconds #bass #bassguitar #greenday
Originally posted by UCPVjQ58A0BujzVMEmFCJ3hA at
Day 2 of asking for Tyler Joseph's bass tone
Your gain is s little too low, and their could be a little more bass
Day 1 asking for Mikey Way's bass tone during Three Cheers album
Playing with a pick : an under estimated technique
Day one of asking for the different Behsplayers of DieÄrzte
Kim deals behs tone
Can you please play lock step and gone by rancid
This really doesn’t help much. I feel like the amount of people using an interface has to be much lower than people using preamps or combo amps…right? Though I could be wrong. The amount of people I know using an interface is next to none for guitar or bass.
mike drint like putin
the real question is: WHY should a BEHS player wants to have his tone?
maybe a slight push on low mid and reduction on bass from where you're at – always killer videos Danny
The guy with rivers cuomo from
weezer red album as their profile picture
Day -4 of asking for Jon Myung's bass tone!
Dave Monks Bass tone please
Nice job, spot on Danny! You can also perfectly match the American Idiot tone using the Fender Bassman 500 head. And a Sans Amp adds a little studio magic to crisp it up. You can see the results on my channel.
Matt Freeman is the best bass player ever

Mike has a similar tone to Geezer Butler. Thats cool because Geezer uses Ashdown amps and not Ampeg.
Can you do mark hoppus from blink similar p bass souns but way better
Roll off the 50 hz to 80 hz range a bit to give it a bit more brightness and you may have it.