Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Best Guitar Solos & Performances

How to Improvise Solos on Guitar THE HARD WAY

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Best backing tracks on the internet (FOR ONLY $1):


0:00 Changing your mindset towards soloing
1:27 Your new objective
2:06 Which scales should you learn?
2:34 Major scale modes in the key of G
3:36 How to memorize scale shapes
5:23 Implementing constraints in your practicing
6:03 Don’t be a little bitch and put the work in

You’re all a bunch of bitches

#Improvise #Solos #Guitar #HARD

Originally posted by UCLaXWd4nnhaaLSPJeolEUzw at

32 thoughts on “How to Improvise Solos on Guitar THE HARD WAY

  • ive never found a music lesson i agree with so hard, but i have one thing to add that me and some beginners seem to struggling with

    "being intimidated by tasks that require effort" i know what you mean, i mean, you know what you mean, youve probably felt it too.

    when not being intimidated by effort, there is one other obstacle some beginners struggle with

    massive fatigue and brain fog mere minutes into forced practice, but no other time doesnt feel forced

    this has been getting better for me, but not because of consistency, i get less brain fog/fatigue/litteral eyes rolling back when im practicing theory that i dont need to think hard to practice

    for example, playing c major scale, ez.
    playing c major scale while trying to think "ok how can i slide this scale climb up to the d dorian and continue through the modes up the neck" i have to think up so many shapes, notes, intervals, im slammed with brain fog just trying to bring it all together

    its so bad i rely on teaching others to teach myself, its the only way to stay stimulated enough to play the complicated stuff

    when i figure it out, no more brain fog, but the next step up leads me to massive fatigue

    I want to spend more time alone without stimulation to be able to focus for more time on memorization/execution, but i dont know how to fix the issue, hopefully others have some tips to share

    tldr; when i need to think hard while playing, i mentally crash pretty quickly, but if im playing something i can handle well, im as alert as ever

    I dont want to be "playing what im used to" but i also get so fatigued…..hhh help

  • does playing the scale up and down a 1000 times work? or i NEED to solo on them before and then i can build the intuition to solo

  • Just look up the tabs and play it note for note , it takes a long time but it’s the only way I can learn. No clue what scales are and don’t care

  • The irony of this video is it helped me improve my soloing waaayy faster than any "5 minute solo hack" video.

  • Does it change mode if you keep the same shape but go up a step? I’m confused

  • Good vid, savage delivery. After 36 years, I play a solo improvisation gig twice a week. For the first time in my life I feel confident just going for it. I know all the chords, all the modes, many substituions, extensions, and even a couple tricks. It’s all one thing to me now and I rarely think about it any more, I just use my ears and my fingers go where I hear next. If I play a wrong note, I know which note it is instantly and turn it into a new theme, it just took me most of my life to develop my musicality enough to feel comfortable doing so in public.

  • Honestly your channel feels like the most honest when it comes to actual long term advice, I’m about 6 months into my journey. I’m always trying to “gameify” or introduce fun challenges into my practice time and it’s helped me become more consistent and practicing for longer then I really expect myself too. Thank you for putting out this content, it’s helped more than you know!

  • As an intermediate guitarist, this video was genuinely helpful! My guitar teacher also adviced me to start by memorizing scales, and I also wanna improvise on punk music. Just got down pitch harmonics a few days ago and i started to implement it into solos to make it much more satisfying to hear and play. Again, thanks for the tip, teach!

  • Whole life = 47? Note to self: remember to eat when 46 so I'm not a skeleton at 47 and live to be 48. Side note to self: STOP SMOKING CIGARETTES, BEING A FUCKING DUMB ASS, and learn more guitar chords/scales. ????????????

  • PLEASE play the modes differently because if you just play them up and down 1000 times that won't be as good. Most solos are NOT going up and down the scale they can be played in intervals and other ways to so don't just play them up and down the whole time

  • When you say, "know other scales as well as the minor pentatonic," are talking about all the shapes/modes of the minor pentatonic or are you just talking about the first shape, because what you played at 1:30 was the 1st shape of the minor pentatonic.


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