How to Make Your Acoustic Guitar Sound Huge on Stage!
If you’re an acoustic guitarist playing live shows then you’ll know how tricky it can be to make sure you’re getting a fantastic and consistent sound when playing live shows. Each sound engineer and venue will have a different front of house mix and one way you can ensure you always get that awesome sound live is to build up a small but mighty pedal board!
These are Megs quick fix pedals for getting that great sound!
Shop the pedals mentioned in this video here:
Fender Marine Layer Reverb –
Strymon Blue Sky Reverb –
Strymon Timeline Delay –
Big Top FX Delay –
Big Top FX Reverb –
#acouticguitar #livesound #guitarpedals
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#Acoustic #Guitar #Sound #Huge #Stage
Originally posted by UCb5PQHC0CsA48rlI6gefr5A at
I see a video that stars Meg, I watch that video!
Her voice is so soft. So cute.
Let’s just keep acoustic the best acoustic we can get without all the electronic pedal BS.
Just buy a TC-Helicon Acoustic Play or Boss AD-10, one box that has it all
I’ve been messing around with an EarthQuaker Devices Avalanche Run pedal. It’s a reverb and delay pedal but, it is so much more. They’re not horribly expensive but, they’re worth every penny. I’ve also played around with using my Carbon Copy delay pedal further down stream and, I’ve gotten some very unique results.
Not really a fan of digital effects but works ig
Great choices! I'd suggest TC Electronic Mimiq Doubler Pedal ????????????????????
I ❤ U Meg
Boss AD 10 is the secret
I play an acoustic guitar and I want to give sustainer to my music, like a piano does, suggest me What I need to do?
Loopers ????????
Can you use DI box with pedals? To go into a P A
I use the Wampler mini ego with mine. A lot of comps ruin acoustic tone but this one just works. Also the Behringer ADI21 has a really usable eq and di out. Has a nice solid metal base so it doesn't feel plasticy.
Acoustic guitars are one of the most temperamental instruments around. And here we are in 2023 talking about how we can use them effectively. Unreal.
I like when I heard them being played, I’ll use this as a reference
The best acoustic sound is a DeArmond 260 sound hole pickup (it's a magnetic wire wound with built in piezo pickup. No knobs, just it's built on cord) through a Fender tube amp with spring reverb and tremolo. A silver face Fender Princeton is excellent with a DeArmond 260 pickup.
I’d go for the Big Muff myself
I think chorus got old. A rotary or phaser effect, used sparingly, is a simple sweetener that works. Flanger too, if you take some time to get the settings right. Reverbs come in different flavours: modulated (with chorus on just the effect), shimmer & Strymon's Cloudburst ensemble setting all give you a bigger sound.
I'm experimenting with the Fender Smolder Acoustic Overdrive, and so far Iike what I hear. ????????????????
you have a nice voice
Would be nice to hear the before and after.
A Boss Metalzone is perfect for acoustic sets.
Overdrive. Done. Next question
A univibe works great. A really fun pedal is a Leslie Modeler … stereo if possible. Strymon makes one called LEX.
Thanks Meg, I'm appreciative of your expertise on an acoustic- electric set up…
I’d put Major distortion
I love hearing you talk about the acoustic guitar you talk about it with such enthusiasm and love for the instrument it makes me want to want go out a d buy one. GREAT VIDEO.
Looper is killer for acoustics! What about multi effects pedals?
I've also used a chorus to great effect