Saturday, March 1, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

how to play Angie on guitar by the Rolling Stones – acoustic guitar lesson_tutorial

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An acoustic guitar lesson on how to play Angie by the Rolling Stones. Angie was the first single off of “Goats Head Soup” which was released in 1973.



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#play #Angie #guitar #Rolling #Stones #acoustic #guitar #lesson_tutorial

Originally posted by UCAwuvzhah0KUw5QNihSkEwQ at

43 thoughts on “how to play Angie on guitar by the Rolling Stones – acoustic guitar lesson_tutorial

  • I guess that's like the record but in the old promo video Kieth is clearly playing it differently. Any tips on how to play it like that? Dead end street trying to figure that out.

  • Played this sometime ago, got to get into it again with this awesome lesson, just love Andy's enthusiasm with all his lessons.

  • Beautifully done. Perfect.

    Is that a Taylor 214ce-K? I have the same guitar. Ain’t it gorgeous? I like it better than my 810.

    You make yours sound much better, however.

  • I stuck with this lesson but I have to admit that your style of teaching is so stop and go that I was very frustrated. I get that you’re trying to bring a beginner along. But replaying and stopping and stopping and stopping was tremendously frustrating for me

  • I love the little three chord "keefisms" thrown in early and often so he can be like "Yeah, I wrote this one. Not Jagger. Brown Sugar was a one-off, ya heard?"

    I was literally like "did Jagger write this? oh no that's definitely Richards."

  • Great lesson but I have a very minor suggestion how to make one particular note easier to play smoothly. At time 7:43 in the video, you hit the G note (the suspended 4th that's on the 5th fret of the D string) by leaving your fingers pressed on the G chord. Instead, lift all your fingers off the neck and hit the open G string. It's the same note but it gives you more time to shift the chord down to the F position. Give it a try. Like I said it's a minor thing but it's really easier. BTW, I think this is one of the great acoustic openings ever.

  • Thank you for this post! I’ve enjoyed this song since it came out in 1973. You really break the song down and it’s very easy to pick up. Now I’ve got it!

  • Very good instructor, breaking it up into parts, I’ve played that song the wrong way for years, lol! It feels really good now to nail the intro, thank you!

  • What an amazing tutorial.

    I want to say, for a beginner like myself, teachers that present chords and position by calling out the string names instead of the actual notes they produce, or even string number are so underrated (For example saying "finger on A string 6th fret" instead of "E on 6th fret" or "finger on 5th string 6th fret"). It makes a world of difference in picking up the pace and learning quicker. I've only found two channels that do this, yourself and Marty Music. Between the two of you one can master guitar so easily. Thanksssss!!!!!

    Edit: I'm just dabbling in guitar, but every time I see a breakdown of a song like this it blows my mind how the artists could've come up with something like this. (I know, lots of music theory knowledge + talent), but still, to someone none the wiser like myself, it's just mind boggling.

  • Thank you for this. You are right, I don't just want to play it, I want to play it like the recording I've been listening to for the last 51 years.

  • In depht tutorial. THANKS! Never thought I could tackle such a great guitar song. If only my ring finger would obey my thoughts when the pinky and middle finger are still pressing the fretboard!

  • Excellent analysis and breakdown of the construction and structure of the chords patterns and playing style! I totally enjoyed this teaching session!! EXCEPTIONAL!!! ????????????????????????????????????????

  • Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial. It helped me do a cover. I even found an isolated vocal track of Mick Jagger so I added it because I can't sing …lol

  • Lost my little sister Angie. She lost her battle to Ms. Asked me to play a song at her funeral, but I couldn't. My parents named her off this song


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