Learn how to play electric guitar through your computer. This video will teach you about what an audio interface is, how to use it, and how to download an awesome free collection of computer amplifier simulators!
Here is my gear!
Focusrite 2i2 Interface –
Worlds Best Guitar Cable –
Camera Stand –
Canon EOS R Camera –
Warm Audio Microphone –
Microphone Arm Mount –
#guitar #electricguitar #guitarist
00:00 Introduction
00:33 Step 1: Audio Interface
01:59 Step 2: Instrument Cable
02:56 Step 3: Amplitube Software
05:51 Setting up the Amplitube Application
08:39 My Favorite Amp
Originally posted by UCMvzRxWGHSAO18oysNclf_A at
I totally blew it at the end of the video and forgot to mention that you will need external monitor speakers, or at least need 1/4 inch out headphones. Here is what I am using!
Headphones –
Speakers –
Speaker Cables –
Subwoofer (this thing KILLS) –
Happy writing/playing/jamming/producing!!!
Very helpful tutorial! I am up and running…thanks! Now subbed.
How much does a amp/pedal cost on the program
Can you save your customized preamp Settings on the pogram?
Really helpful video..Thank you appreciate you.
If you want to switch effects while you are playing, how do you do that? By clicking with the mouse? Is there any pedal switch that could be useful for this kind of setup?
Thanks for the video!
i love how detailed this video is Thank you
skipped the entire part im having trouble with lol have the hardware and software but all i get is weird distortion no matter what i change
Great. Since months I wake up bathing in sweat asking myself.. how to record guitar with a computer?
Hey thank for your amazing video. I have a question. I have everything set as you did but have a major problem. I can not choose my output to be my laptops speakers. Is there a way to select that or i have to use headphones(I have scarlett solo interface)
I simple connect my Gibson Les Paul custom into Laney's GH100L and play in the garage while drinking few shots of whiskey and I've been doing it for a long long time and couldn't be happier to this date. All this today's tech I don't buy any of it. Too digital, fake, marketing nonsense and fact you spend more time fiddling around than actual playing the guitar.
can i emulate a guitar through keyboard?
Question my be hard to explain. I have a scarlet 2i2 for my guitar. Then Neral Dsp as Amp Sim. Using AISO . But my volume know on my guitar does not affect the volume at all. What am I doing wrong?
Can anybody help. It will not let me install amplitube5 it says the pathway does not exist. No matter what file or folder I select. Please help!!!
Can you connect a footswitch to switch between channels?
So you'd recommend a Focusrite? I was thinking of a Universal Audio Volt
My input doesnt show my interface I hear my guitar out of speakers but the amplitude is not making any sounds, delay, amp, etc, not working
My setting doesn't have an audio/midi tab. It only says automation as a tab.
I am having a problem with my latency and buffer size on FL studio 2024. I've been trying to get my plugins to work but no matter what I set the rate and buffer size to I get delay. When I use my guitar through any of my vst amps I'm getting latency. Even with the standalone vst amps I'm getting 3ms latency. My DI is a focusrite Scarlett solo gen 3. My CPU is a i9 14900kf. Shouldn't I be able to keep it at 48000khz and get 2 or 1ms latency or less?
I had it set before I had to reset my PC and now I forgot what I did to make everything work ????????
I'm also confused because I can't get the output to play through my headphones. Only will play through my speakers.
My setup is a mess right now.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Since I have an high end audio system connected to my PC I would like to use that so I don't need to switch cables from the speakers to my audio interface everytime I want to play guitar. Is that possible? It's not for recording I just want to play along with backg tracks so latency might be less of an issue.
Thank you, very helpful.
The lead channel is on but there is no distortion why? (It sounds exactly the same with a clean channel)
Can I use Focusrite scarlet solo (3rd gen) USB (B) ?
I actually have some similar headphones already, do they get plugged into the other slot in the focusrite?
This video has been so helpful,thank you so much ????
Can it be used for live perfomance? Is it loud enough?
After downloading it, i opened it and it said "amplitube 5 is not authorized. You have 9 days left unit it must be authorized" does that mean i have to pay to get it authorized ?? How do i fix this???
Kurtis do you have any recommendations for external speakers?
Gotta be honest man, this tutorial kinda fell flat for me at about the 7 minute mark when you closed the standalone version and opened the plug in version. You say "it's exactly the same", which yea, as far as the amp modeling aspects go, it is. But we're now operating as a plug-in into Ableton, which adds quite a lot of stuff that isn't covered or explained.
Also, you nailed the simplicity of the guitar > cable > audio interface > software installation, but what about the output? Where's the sound coming from? Can I play it through my PC speakers or do I need to connect powered monitor speakers directly to the audio interface? What if I want to listen to a backing track on my PC and play guitar through Amplitube simultaneously? Do I need 2 separate sets of speakers (one set from the PC, and another from the audio interface?). And how would the PC handle that as far as sending audio out to two audio cards (backing track to the PC audio card, and guitar output to the external audio interface)?
Does the sound come throught my pc or the audio interface? Might be a dumb question but im pretty new to guitar stuff, especially audio interfaces
Do I absolutely need a daw to play guitar with a software?
hello, I've a question : is there a software for learning guitar whit the solo scarlett ? Like tablature software or the ubisoft rockstar ?
Sorry for my english, I'm a french guy…
is it have echo when use guitar and audio interface with external speaker?
Thank you so much I can now try to get any famous guitarist sound ???????? I am gonna try to be Kurt cobain
Million thanks for this video.????
So where does output goes to from the Audio Interface? What speaker did you use?
When I select ASIO as the Input I don’t see my audio interface and can’t click on the list of outputs.. I’ve tried direct sound and the other options and can’t hear any audio please help.. I just wanna play my new guitar
Thanks so much for this tutorial! I'm new to instruments and can't seem to find an answer to this online – would the Scarlett 2i2 be able to handle both a gain thirsty mic like a SM7B and guitar/bass at the same time or would you need a cloud lifter or different interface altogether?
This does not show us/me on how to connect the AmpliTube to ableton live. I have it selected as a plugin, but AmpliTube inside of the Ableton environment does not recognize my guitar input.
Thnaks for bieng the only person that explaines this nicely on the internet