How to play guitar and sing at the same time? 3 tips for beginners. #guitarlesson #singinglessons
#play #guitar #sing #time #tips #beginners #guitarlesson #singinglessons
Originally posted by UCpPYJnWTyDzGJkK8-s15VEw at
Thank you so much dude, you saved tons of hours struggling with this problem. Deserves a new sub
My mans has a very beautiful voice
Thats 1 tip
I would recommend playing finger style guitar it’s much easier to sing and play finger style than sing and strum
I actually needed this
Oh but it’s actually like you are singing and playing the guitar at the same time
You sure that is gonna help with it?
Very helpful thanks
Jesus loves you
I’m so happy this skill came so naturally to me cause it sounds really hard to learn haha
Some songs need background music????
this was very helpful thanks