Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

How to Play Guitar Arpeggios for Beginners

Going over the basics of building guitar arpeggios. Thanks to @sweetwater and Fishman for sponsoring the video and sending over the Epiphone Matt Heafy Les Paul:

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#Play #Guitar #Arpeggios #Beginners

Originally posted by UCzZCiVjRPPDCpP5l7HIGRtA at

25 thoughts on “How to Play Guitar Arpeggios for Beginners

  • Daniel? I was under the impression you were pewdie pie 🙂 , you kinda look alike. Thx for the information very usefull

  • Man, I've just found you Sean, and wish i had a while ago. 60 year old and 2 years into guitar. You break stuff down really well, although I sometimes have to replay micro parts. Awesome and common sense, although slightly jealous of your hair. Andy B in the UK

  • This guy is the best in explaining the guitar than any other guitar players. Shows this guy knows his stuff where some talk more than they show. Great job.

  • Plenty of arpeggio videos out there but the majority are 200bpm shredding always the same pattern.

    It is so, so nice to see someone explain how melodic arpeggios are built out of chords and scales, and how while arpeggios are the "middle ground" between the two they are actually more advanced.

    So thanks for this, picked up the guitar again last October after a ten year hiatus and videos like this are invaluable.

  • It would be cool if you added the names of the notes and degrees on the screen to help reinforce learning them. Having them visually while hearing them would speed up learning the fretboard for people. Too many guitar teachers just talk tab no notes. I really enjoy your approach to lessons.

  • Thanks to you, I can play the intro to Toby Keith's "I wanna talk about me." Truly inspiring

  • Wish you would show the 2 scale patterns with the numbers. Your fingers get in the way to tell exactly which notes your playing. Just like how they show cords on the grid. For me anyway it would be very helpful.

  • Awesome intro lesson. This might be the breakout tool for those of us stuck in pentatonic prison. ????

  • ☝️Here We love guitars and pedals. Please comment on Our videos what your favorite guitar and pedals are.

  • please do More phrasing (or more vids on it).. i cannot figure it out.
    when do i use Bends, Pull offs, or Hmmer ons?
    the technique of up and then a few paces back, and then 'forward' to the root ..?
    i hope my Q makes sense

    Help Me Sean Daniel, youre my only Hope'

  • Did I hear you right? You just have to go “up & down” what are we doing here, strumming ????


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