Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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how to play “Norwegian Wood” on guitar by The Beatles acoustic guitar lesson tutorial

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An acoustic guitar lesson on how to play “Norwegian Wood” by The Beatles off of the “Rubber Soul” album released way back in 1965.


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#play #Norwegian #Wood #guitar #Beatles #acoustic #guitar #lesson #tutorial

Originally posted by UCAwuvzhah0KUw5QNihSkEwQ at

41 thoughts on “how to play “Norwegian Wood” on guitar by The Beatles acoustic guitar lesson tutorial

  • What kind of pick would we be using for this type of playing. My playing ends up much more aggressive, would a more flexible pick be a better fit?

  • Thank you so much for just "showing us the chords". For guys like myself and others here, that's all we need when we're tasked with learning a cover quickly and don't have time and energy to sit and pore over the source material. THANK YOU! I'm eyeing one of those shirts…….

  • I once had a girl
    Or should I say she once had me
    She showed me her room
    Isn't it good Norwegian wood?

    She asked me to stay
    And she told me to sit anywhere
    So I looked around
    And I noticed there wasn't a chair

    I sat on a rug biding my time
    Drinking her wine
    We talked until two and then she said
    "It's time for bed"

    She told me she worked
    In the morning and started to laugh
    I told her I didn't
    And crawled off to sleep in the bath

    And when I awoke I was alone
    This bird had flown
    So I lit a fire
    Isn't it good Norwegian wood?

  • I don't know where you got the quote that Lennon was angry. There's a version of the recording of this song where you hear the lead up to the intro and Lennon has to do it three times because he can't get it right. You can hear him say calmly, "I cannot do it. I cannot do it".

  • Andy, been playing this one for years so haven’t looked this up on your channel before. Gratifyingly by some miracle my version is near identical to yours. One trick I do differently is to turn the capo upside down and put it over 5 strings only, leaving the low E string free. This gives the effect of dropped D tuning but in the key of E. A great trick for quite a few songs. You can then choose to let the low E ring at appropriate times which adds an extra dimension when singing along. I know it’s not as per the recording and we are so grateful for you taking the trouble to get all the songs down perfectly. Just thought some of your viewers might like this. Have a great Christmas.

  • There are rumors that the original title was "I know she would" but to get around the British censor it was changed

  • Thanks for playing it straight for me I always wanted to play this but everybody puts their own interpretation drop D tuning all this fancy stuff that sounds like Lucy in the sky with diamonds thanks for showing me how to play it simple and clean like lemon did it you’re really great

  • I know this is an older video of yours but I just wanted to let you know how amazing you are at making these lessons ! Thanks for helping me out.

  • An excellent song to improve your playing using so many different techniques. As a beginning/intermediate, getting this song down was such a boost for me. Just an awesome sense of accomplishment. I couldn't have done it without you.

  • Hi, I was just wondering whenever I do downstrokes or any stroke the melody seems to be drowned out by the strumming, any ideas?

  • Thank you for this. Do you have the tabs for it?
    It sounds like when you add the strumming, the melody itself is also , in places ,played on 2 strings. Is this correct?

  • I have been playing guitar for 40 + years. These are the best guitar lessons I have ever seen from an absolute master of the art. The very fact he doesn't show his face and is always pointing out he only attempting to show you a representation of his take on a song proves he is natural educator and a genuinely nice person. My sons both in university also use your lessons to improve their playing. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your efforts to share your knowledge.

  • Today someone told me he thinks it sounds better on the last measure of verse (eg "she once had me) by strumming a C shape with A3, open G, A2, then back to D shape. After looking at this lesson again, I think it's much easier, and sounds perfect, by doing as shown here: keeping the D shape throughout, and plucking A3, open G, A2, and then D shape.

  • Magnífico maestro,extraordinario gracias por dar talento tan éxquisito de la música…Felicitaciones y que tengas esa energia gratis para entregarlos gracias amigo mis bendiciones para ti y los de tú equipo.Saludos desde Chile .Aún no entiendo tu idioma per entiendo la música.

  • This is the only lesson you ever need for this song. Other people who do online tutorials take notes from this guy.


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