Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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how to play “Tears in Heaven” on guitar by Eric Clapton | acoustic guitar lesson tutorial | part 1

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An acoustic guitar lesson on how to play “Tears in Heaven” by Eric Clapton from the 1991 “Rush.” soundtrack.

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#play #Tears #Heaven #guitar #Eric #Clapton #acoustic #guitar #lesson #tutorial #part

Originally posted by UCAwuvzhah0KUw5QNihSkEwQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzzkhqTsk2w

50 thoughts on “how to play “Tears in Heaven” on guitar by Eric Clapton | acoustic guitar lesson tutorial | part 1

  • When I was 14 or 15 I remember listening this on CD and Martin wanting to learn how to play Layla and I got the first part duh dun dun dun on one string and if any musician knows that sound then they understood what I just did lol but this individual man I is completely underrated and should absolutely be be yond a million views a million he's going to go so far on here and this is not for the fainted heart this is not for the people learning how to play you know the most simple GCD cords this is for the more advanced but yet even the advanced like me and some of the others I'm sure that are watching and listening or learning something still right now about this and he has hit this on the spot and I am an American and this guy is just amazing I can't give him any more praise than I am can I'm just blown the f away honestly just the precision on some of the smallest details that I've missed over the song I used to get by playing tears in heaven you know to impress some chicks and Layla and I knew never knew Layla was actually in like a d minor and that up stroke was in the second verse along with I'm you can play Layla and make it sound good with just the a and hitting it you know on the it's just simple we thought but like I said even to the advanced this is the most amazing incredible job I'm so effing impressed honestly it takes a lot for me even when the guy that can get on here and just shred and learn whatever I really never I love don't get me wrong I do love metal and Metallica and all I mean I love it all all the Metallica's albums every one of them that's what I grew up you know led Zeppelin Jimi Hendrix but I've never seen anyone be so just confident yet the arrogance he puts off is for not the fainted heart like I said lol so guys if you want to learn Eric Clapton songs and you just starting out don't try this guy out yet l seriously you're not ready f*** I'm not even ready seems like I had to put mine down for a little while but now I have been inspired to get back and grab my acoustic and currently looking for a Martin sigma which I absolutely cannot afford the one that he played in unplugged but yet like I said this guy is just not for the fainted heart and he knows what the f*** he's doing and it's just like I said it's mind-blowing I was looking for the version that I love so much off of unplugged it inspired me to learn how to play Layla and all I guys at first was the recorded version live with over just testing it out and I was like and that's not it and then I couldn't even find it where he was actually playing himself live so I had to come and I found this guy and he just hit it right on the head and if you play by ear if you listen to now this is something a lot of people might not notice but when he goes into his second lead part the main one he actually hits an open I want to say d string I could be wrong b string you can hear it in the unplugged CD llead for Eric Clapton unplugged just listen to it you can hear him it's an open string that should not be there but I caught it like years ago just listen for that open string that's sounds out of place I guess you can say but still Eric Clapton is the guy that told Jimi Hendrix that he did not like him because he showed him up and Jimmy probably had some type of arrogance to him especially coming and being left-handed and studying all the muddy Waters and all the other blues and you know different types Mississippi you know I could go on forever but Eric Clapton did not like Jimi Hendrix because he showed him up on stage and that's the young man that he talks about meeting and showed his ass up real good but only other one I can think of would be David G Eric Clapton srv. But you rock dude you really do I'm impressed and like I said it takes a lot to impress me on precision and on just playing it and once again I say if you are a beginner or a intermediate maybe you're still not ready for this lol no I'm serious….. Hell I wasn't lol now this is actually show me some things that I've been missing and just kind of been lazy about it you know it's all about this one it's all about discipline and if you can allow discipline in every part of your life you will be amazed in how many things that you find out that you were good at or enjoy that you never thought you would. I also love the way he as he's going alone playing the chords and recording this knowing that he could have went back and changed it and made it sound perfect he just let his humility show and shine and still was amazed by the chords that he already learned and perfected but still was impressed by and it's like he learned something different or new every time he plays it it seems like does that seem like that to y'all? You guys really got it you youngsters got it made these days we had to learn tablature through a four lines a few letters I'm sorry numbers picking this string plucking that hammer on pull off the slide some other crap that I don't even know but I learn how to play Black dog and overhills and far the way so read the tablature to over him far away and imagine listening to the song but not really you know if you didn't have a musical ear at that time some sort of you know you could hear something and play it or you can hear a note or a bead or something that just naturally was an instinct that you was blessed gifted with whatever you want to call it then you were screwed because now you guys y'all can progress 10,000 times faster than we did and there's a lot of guys back in bands that worked real hard and I I kind of feel like that they're getting cheated out of their hard work and discipline and suffering and sacrificing and the things that they had to go through to get to where they are and the ones that you admire now are admire then now you should really really learn some gratitude and really respect the guys from '90s and under as far as rock and roll '80s '90s I'm not going to say '70s That's as far as going to go except for some '60s developing through a pencil through a speaker is how some distortion was made you know just making their own stuff up not having some machine or type of stealing something beat from some other song it's their original originality has is dead original has died and I don't ever think it will ever come back unless we see somebody come out with something somewhere that changes the whole idea of every culture genre type of music rock rap country metal etc if that one guy does find it somewhere CCR is wanting the eagles you should really listen if you're a guitar player you should listen to those guys they didn't have a bunch of you know back in scratching records and crap but that's not a bad thing at all every aspect but I'm just giving you example of hard work is beating on something plucking something screaming your lungs out suffering injuries breaking arms legs losing family members wives kids relationships all these sacrifices that these bands that you may discover one day or I have already discovered learn to really appreciate it almost like the military back in Vietnam sending all those young men over there world war II you know three maybe you guys you young guys you might be the ones that get to experience it when the draft comes so if I were you I start doing some f**** push-ups and start really eating a lot of protein and learn a little discipline learn how to hold a gun use a gun use a weapon learn how to any tactic how to build a house out of sticks any of these things these things are going to be necessary when the s*** hits the fan or when the s*** goes down you better be ready yes I am quoting Cypress Hill you see so be appreciative of your YouTube and your Facebook and all this crap that's nothing but a cheat sheet for college or a test it's a cheat sheet and I don't really use a whole lot of it I do like this guy caught my eye and it was awesome but I don't consider him a cheat sheet I consider him a pioneer someone is just went off and decided to bring back something that has people have forgotten appreciated and was loved in the '90s and didn't know anything about Eric Clapton I didn't know anything about her clapping until honestly I heard Layla on the radio when I was about 7 but I didn't get to play guitar and start playing guitar till I was about 14 or 15 so against '80s does and grunge become alive Don't get me wrong there's a lot of bands that the '90s brought on even some of the one hit wonders except for Oasis they are some of the most arrogant and most and think they are the most awesome rock band in history and they think that they are above and better than ever any other musician in the world and I will rest my case with that and I used to like the song wonderwall but now I wish they would just wonder their self over a wall and not have a ladder to go down on the other side thank you very much might drop………

  • first of all thank u so much for nicely explained…n u are such a good teacher I like the way u play ever notes in details… God bless you ????❤️❤️

  • first of all thank u so much for nicely explained…n u are such a good teacher I like the way u play ever notes in details… God bless you ????❤️❤️

  • This is the simplest way to play this song. Ive cked other lesson sites and this is the best way to go.Thank You

  • U deserved millions of millions sub..lot of youtube teachers are suks..how they got millions sub..I don't know

  • He wrote the song or at least the beginning of it about his 4 year old son Conor who tragically fell out a 53rd story window in his NY apartment the year prior.

  • Pretty good tutorial ????As for the 'thumb over' vs ' three fingers' thing, I find the 'thumb over' to be easy and natural feeling, whereas the 'three fingers' method is very difficult.

  • Thanks for the wonderful lessons as always.

    i've been playing like 50 yrs now, and that thumb over to play bass notes on the 6th string has just never worked out for me…. i can do it on my classical guitar, but my acoustic requires so much effort to get a clear note, it just seems to be a waste of time to pursue it. and i have a Taylor like yours…

  • Excellent player, very well edited video , and clear and easy to understand lessons. Thank you so very much. Warm regards from India.

  • You’re an underrated teacher. I’ve learn lots from you and you seem like a guy who I’d wanna give a handshake to. Thank you on behalf of all us

  • Damn my short fat fingers as the lovely thumb over would make this so much easier to play. For anyone learning this song for the first time, I've been playing for 40 years and more, and this is still a challenging song to learn and play correctly. I noticed Andy and Clapton were using classical guitars with nylon strings on the Unplugged show which makes the thumb over even more impressive with the wider necks. This song is a humble reminder that the simplest melodies are often the hardest to master on the guitar. Excellent tutorial by the way – patient and calm and showing great understanding of the tricky elements of the song ????????????

  • Andy Fairweather Low was the Lead Singer of the 60s Band Amen Corner, Bend Me Shape Me, If Paradise is Half as Nice ( U.K. #1 in 1969 ) etc. Then a Band called Fair Weather in the 70s, they did a great Song called Natural Sinner.
    Great Musician.

  • Wow! This is great! Thank you! I learned this from an instructor a few years ago but I’ve gotten rusty. I remembered I learned “Here Comes the Sun” from you, so looked you up on this one. Fantastic!

  • Hey tell him to call Canada, 1-204_955_4961 regards to work, tried to is she contact info don't work ,..so if your his pal friend Canada studio would love to talk to him

  • this is great. I've viewed a number of how-to-play videos on "Tears in Heaven " and this is by far the best and most through!

  • I just about nailed solsbury hill now I just cant wait to learn all the rest of this mans fine work, its good to see someone really bring joy and feelings to others, thank you.

  • Mate, I want to say thank you because I play that song at the funeral of my grandfather today, I wanted to express the felling of that song to him and thanks to you I could


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