Monday, March 31, 2025

28 thoughts on “How to Practice Scales #shorts

  • Is that an mxr reverb harmonizer that gives it that floaty synthy D major sound in the background when you play the notes?

  • After all these years of playing I struggle with looking at the neck and knowing the notes. The low E,A and D I’m good at along with the high E. It’s that middle zone I seem to struggle with I can hear the notes and hear what is correct but don’t know the note by name always.
    I think it was from bad practice habits while I was first learning. Being self taught back before the internet made me rely on my ear and my need to play heavy hard made it difficult to just sit and think note recognition.

  • Is this exercise in the online courses? I’m having trouble following it and would love to see it slowed down or written out.

  • What method is this called? I’m trying to learn scales since I suck at lead playing. I really want to get better at lead since I sort of have rhythm down!

  • LIKE THAT ???? ???? ???? "Please, somebody HELP! Rick's tryin na kill me!" AGAIN?! ????????

  • I thought I had accidentally left a video on another tab playing and I was hearing two different videos at once. Why the overpowering strings (as in sounds like violin, viola or cello) in background?

  • I have no idea what Rick is doing, can someone please explain? Or provide one of his videos on the logic of why he can move around like that on the neck but still stay in a D major scale?

  • Man you make everything on guitar so boring. . . .you just feel like you only know the scales while playing

  • What other notes is he playing besides the D? A Tab would be nice. Most of the you tube videos don't show TAB, I can't tell exactly where his fingers are.

  • God loves you all❤
    We need to repent before it's to late❤❤
    We deserve hell but Jesus died for us so we can have eternal life ❤❤
    Give your problems to Jesus, He loves you❤❤
    Jesus is coming back soon❤❤

  • When pros play like this, is the board memorized due to how the patterns connect etc and that is what is going on, or is he literally playing the notes by note names? That's would be wayyyy too heavy on the brain. I can't fathom how this can be processed hence after 15 plus years, I can play Clapton To yngwie, with tabs fairly instantly, as I would call "sight reading" for lack of terms, but there is no way I could do this wo tabs ????. I just can't see how this is even remotely easy, but I'm happy just learning / having technical ability to play almost anything I would want to learn, so I'm "ok" with it. I realize I'm missing a whole world of aha-ha moments but just doesn't seem like the effort is worth it and I'm too lazy for it now. Point??? IF UR NEW, Learn notes!!!!!


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